MUNI ECON Plná verze článku / Full paper ROKITA-POSKART, D. (2021). What universities towns and cities gain from students' retention? Evidence from Opole. In (Klímová, V., Zítek, V., eds.) XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, pp. 26-32. ISBN 978-80-210-9896-1. DOI 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-9896-2021-3. What university towns and cities gain from students' retention? Evidence from Opole in Poland Diana Rokita-Poskart Faculty of Economics and Management Opole University of Technology Fot. PawetSzpala The motivation The beginning of 90. 9 The rapid increase in the number of students and the dynamic growth of educational institutions 9 The ist decade of the 21 st century Ó The numer of students in Poland - ca. 4.00 ths. The numer of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) -112 The gross enrolment ratio - ca. 13% Ó The numer of students in Poland - ca. 2 m. The numer of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) - The gross enrolment ratio - ca. 4.9% The consequences of the inflow of students for the development of university towns and cities Cultura (Russo, Van den Berg, Lavanga 2003; Students (educational migrants) O Demographic (Okolski 2011) Economic and demographic consequences of the student's inflow to towns and cities - conceptual framework Chanell via which the student's inflow impact towns and cities Local goods and services markets Local labour markets The long-term development of towns and cities Economic and demographic consequences of the student's inflow to towns and cities - conceptual framework Local goods and services markets Chanell via which the student's inflow impact towns and cities Local labour markets The long-term development of towns and cities The case study of Opole HIGH RATIO OF STUDENTS HIGH SHARE OF A/OA/- THE iNTERMETROPOLITAN PER INHABITANTS LOCAL STUDENTS LOCATION OFTHE CITY The main hypothesis of the presentation The inflow of students to the university towns and cities among who dominate women, and their prosper to remain after graduation, cause surpluses of young women in the university city (Endlung 2005, Lang, Henn, Sgibnev, Ehrlich 2015, Wiest 2016, Joriczy 2018, Xing, Sun 2019) The collecting data methods THE SURVEY AMONG STUDENTS • The random-quota sampling • The auditorium survey • The survey questionnaire • N=6^2 among 730 respondents THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OFTHE RESEARCH RESULTS AND PUBLIC DATA Place of residence of students' post-graduation plans 100,0% 80,0% 60,0% 46,9% 1 22,4% ^ 25/7% 1 , 11,2u/0 in Opole / in Opolskie Voivodeship but in other voivodeship in Poland abroad outside Opole I Place of residence of students' post-graduation plans by I gender 100,0% 80,0% I Place of residence of students' post-graduation plans by I age 100,0% 80,0% 60,0% 40,0% 20,0% 0,0% 52,8% 46,2% 45(3o/0 57,4% to live outside Opole, but in the to live in other voivodeship in Opolskie Vivodeship Poland ■ 19-20 ■ 21-22 »23-24 »25-26 ■ 27 and more The number of men and women aged 20-34 in the poviats of the Opolskie Voivodeship ■ men ■ female The discussion on the impact students' retention on univeristy towns and cities (an expample of Opole) ca. 1.35 ths. additional inhabitants in one academic year-by graduates retention by the city additional young women the accumulation of human capital by the city an important investment potential of the university city Factors affecting the location of FDI in Opole The proximity of universities and the availability of graduates (85.7%) Language skills among graduates (71.4%) Lower labour costs (57.1%) Workforce qualification (42.9%) The availibility of labour in general (28.6%) Other (28.6%) Thank you for your attention