MUNI E C O N Plná verze článku / Full paper SHEMETEV, A., FEURICH, M., MITWALLYOVÁ, M. (2021). Regional disparities in Covid and mobility in the Czech Republic (with patterns for employment). In (Klímová, V., Zítek, V., eds.) XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, pp. 204-213. ISBN 978-80-210-9896-1. DOI 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-9896-2021-25. Regional Disparities in COVID and Mobility (with Patterns for Employment) CR Regional Colloqium 2021/08/31 (updated: 2021-08-31) 1/19 Research Question (Left) VS Conditions (Right) Purpose: 1. Decrease in Mobility1; 2. Corresponds with; 3. the decrease in pandemics; 4. if this pattern; 5. correlates with a high decrease; 6. in salaries and employment; [1] By Types of Economic Activities 1. public stay-at-home orders; 2. willing decrease of movements; 3. fear of pandemic; 4. parks, grocery stores, workplaces1; 5. pharmacies, transportation stations1; 6. retail, recreation, and home1; Topics: 1) Introduction 2) Results + Discussion 3) Discussion Topic 1: Introduction Change in the Number of Employees, 2020 to 2019, % (14 regions observed) Source: Own Processing in R 5/19 Income per capita, 2019 - 2020 (in CZK} ' 14 regions observed) 51 0 Salary_Diff 15 16 Longitude 17 Income per capita, 2019 - 2020 (in CZK Source: Own Processing in R 6/19 Although the number of employees decreased in 2020, the average salary increased (on average) in the regions of the Czech Republic. The governmental measures supported an increase in salary in 2020. 7/19 Total Number of Employees in the Czech Republic (2011 -2020, In Thousands) 40 50 m ! 3000- É 2000' UJ o l_ J E 1 1000- Th nůmb housands 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Year 2017 Í1J13 2019 Region | Jihočesky Jihomoravsky | Karlovarsky | Královehradecky | Liberecky I Moravskoslezsky | Olomoucky | Pardubicky | Plzeňsky Praha Středočesky Ústecky I Vysočina I Zlínsky Source: Own Processing in R 8/19 Per Capita Salary in trie Czech Republic (2011-2020, CZK) 4UJLJ 35000 M O > to to CO B 30000 Cl u 2t JL J 20000 region - Jihočesky Jihomoravsky Karlovarsky - Královehradecky — Li bere city - Moravskoslezsky — Olomoucky — Pardubicky — Plzeňsky Praha Stře do cesty Ústecky - Vysočina Zlínsky 2015 2016 Year Source: Own Processing in R 9/19 The employment decreased by 5% while the level of salary increased by 3-6%. The governmental measures supported the patterns from significant drops salary and employment. The Total Number of COVID Cases in 2020 (cases i 4 regions observed i 49.0 ■ 43.5 12 III* — -lllI*FBfl lfill{lli)lllf* Longitude - r> Total_COVID 80000 ! 60000 ! 40000 20000 19 The Mean Age of the COVID-Infected People in 2020 (years. 14 regions observed) 51 0 50.5 • 50.0 B I 49.5 490 48 5 Iirawiji^n - ^ i?;tiri win r- - Longitude epublic in 2020 (mean age by regions mean_age I 46 45 44 43 42 Source: Own Processing in R 12/19 Topic 2: Results + Discussion 13/19 Changes in Moving Outdoors in the Czech Regions (Change from Basic Level, In Scores, 2020) o J - 2000 1 i 2 E o Cl Ol = I u ■ o o ■a 3 O -2000' CD 3 «1 — -4ODD ■ i r0 mil iv- • i * J iBl^Tiíi H Sf d n 11 all Region | Cent Bohemia | Karlovarsky | Královehradecky | Liberecky | Moravskoslezsky | Olomoucky | Pardubicky | Plzeňsky | Prague | South Bohemia Ústecky 111 Vysočina I Zlínsky Jul Oct Jan Months Sum of Means of each region for each date [summed for 5 categories of the outdoors activities] Source: Own Processing in R 14/19 Changes in Moving Outdoors in the Czech Regions (By Types of Outdoor Activities, In Scores, 2020) 1/9 - 2000' 1 * _i I E o 4) OS M O o = Q -2000' = "3 o ■ 41 CD = 5 -4000' Type of Activity | retai l_an d_re ere ati o n_p e rcenLch a n ge_fro m_oas el i n e | grocery_and_pharnnacy_percent_change_frcim_t)aselire | parks_p e rcent_cHan ge_rro rOas el i n e | trans it_s tati o n s_p e rce nt_cti an ge_fro m_t)as e! in e | wo rkpl a ce s j? e rcenLch a n g e_f rorri_ba s e I i n e I residential_percent_change_frc>m_bas elrne Hraha Jihocesky Vysočina : J-J.iL 2A 3.1 Stredocesty if_rich_fegicin IT 0 Total Hew COV1D5 per 100 000 (mean of daily lag-scale) Means of each region Tor all 2K0 dalas |5 oatagoties of lu ouliJoofs adiwtas] Source: own processing (2021) w -15 ? -25' p c (3 ■5 Stopíš .!M|SEí D. 16) * Stope = -I.Tfl (SE = 112) 5 20 150 Ctonty-leral C0V1D-19 Cases Per 100,000 People (Log Scale) Source: (Chetty el al., 2020, p. 82), annua! log-scale iiST 16/19 Changes in mobility in the Czech Republic and salary in 2020 Citiuncj [!-:-: in McKvincj Oulckmrs in Iht* CZftti.: I k Rci-cjiljii:-; (Fly Typtv: liT OnCcldnir Ac: I railing. 0 — Jtiri., 2G2Q) Chonyijy in Mcivinn. OijIiIeieii ■-■ in Iht* r.Víícilt Rít-íjic jnr-; _S u- Olomoucky #j^í^J-Jnir:tíí':-hy "j ih-u 11 íJTdv^ 3i ZU i p, K.irtovarsky 3lre?dor:eskv Richer regiony r-- Poorer regions I Ci All regions (except the Prague outlier) -.■ i i: ■-. QlůťrtůLřu ky 1 v. rír-alo vehradec Ky Zlin sky ť ii'Mi SflEjocj AuerikQe Salary h"»n, cwT n>rhrn?inn lni nil rf^iln^i [-. r^ngnrl« nl Ihn nuWnnrji :i rJ K.-111-p-pi J * KarickvarsKy ■inc no 71900 A^g-rag^ Salary l.'H-ihn-. ■ r-- -. ii ■ ■ i lr:i .ill .■ ■. .■ -1. i'h- ■ - . -1 ■■ '| ■ -i i ■■ -■ 11 P......ill !■■■,.r- h. -Í,:- h i-■: Source: own processing (2021) Fig. 9: Analysis of the effect from the pandemics by regression analysis as a change from 100.00percent of the activity in January 2020 Dependent variable; Avg_Mobi LityS (1) retail and recreation grocery a ndjph arna cy (1) parks W transit stations (») workplaces (O residential (Uomc) (7) Tot»l_coviD_pc r_iefleee as Net*' Cases per Day -e.eia"* -9.833"" (■.HZ] 9.8*3" -6.03Z"* -e.eis*" -6.014"" (e.eei) e.oes*1* Constant (1,41*) (1.E8G; 7.44*""" (1.213) 7*. 399"- -13.345*" (1.363) -14,260""" (1.933) 3.45B"' (fl.419) RefiLOflal FE (LSOV) V V V V V V V Observations 3,952 4,112 i,us 3ta£l 3, BSE 4,14s 4,173 «2 6.12J #.12J 0,M4 a.117 0.154 fl.BEl =-.i-- Adjusted ki e.ize 0.120 e.ezi v-u- «,i5i e.e?s b,ui fisidul Std. Error 23.B63 (df ■ -S-S; 31.845 ;df - 469B) 21.620 (df - 4124) 55.593 (df - 3B43) 23.175 (df - 3974) LB .365 (df - 4134) 7.26E (df - 4159) F Statistic 41.E261" (df * 13; 44,296"" (iff . li; te&S) 7,SS£I" [df . li; 4114) J9.1BS"1 (df * 13; 3Sfl6; 5S.GS5"" (df ■ 13j 3*74) 2.7.944*« (df ■ 13; 4124) 49, «9"" (df ■ ISi 4159) twtK: 1.0—1% COVID — exogenous (you carittol ciioose if'yon fire sit:k or not); Mcibilitv — Endogenous "P**-1? "p