Conditional convergence, regional disparities and economic growth. The evidence from the V4 regions (XXVI.Medzinárodné Kolokvium o Regionálnych Vedách 14. - 16.6.2023, Boretice) Ing. Martin Maris, Ph.D. Institute of Regional and Rural Development Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra 1 Economic growth and convergence theory Facts about the economic growth (Kaldor, 1963): Per capita output grows over time, and its growth rate does not tend to diminish Physical capital per worker grows over time The rate of return to capital is nearly constant The ratio of physical capital to output is nearly constant The share of labor and physical capital in national income are nearly constant The growth rate of output per worker differs substantially across countries Kuznets (1973, 1981) brings other characteristics of modern economic growth. The rapid structural transformation involving shifts from agriculture to industry and services. This process provokes urbanization, shifts from home work to employee status and increasing of education....increased role of foreign commerce...technological progress....and more Economic growth and convergence theory What is convergence? Hypothesis that poorer economies per capita income will tend grow faster than richer economies (catch-up effect); (Sollow-Swan growth model) Several types of convergence (Galor,1996): Absolute convergence: lower initial GDP will lead to a higher average growth rate Conditional convergence: a country's income per worker converges to a country-specific long-run level as determined by the structural characteristics of that country Club convergence: over time, observing different "clubs "or groups of countries with similar growth trajectories is possible. Economic growth and convergence theory ■ Many amendments and flaws to this theory was attributed (Romer, 1986; Lucas, 1988; Sachs and Warner, 1995;) ■ Many countries don't show convergence of growth at all; there is no sign of catching-up with the growth rates (among developing countries) towards to developed ones ■ Convergence within the EU ■ Empirics differ in its conclusions about the convergence achievement within the EU (Yin et al.,2003; Vojinovic, 2009; Borsi and Metiu, 2015; and Strielkowsky and Hoschle, 2016) ■ Also club-convergence and convergence of so called NMS found mixed results (Varblane and Vahter, 2005; Rapacki and Prochniak, 2009; Szelesand Marinescu, 2010; Dobrinskyand Havlik, 2014) Materials and Methods ■ The paper aims to find evidence about the conditional convergence hypothesis on a sample of regions of the V4 countries on the NUTS3 level ■ Standard, neoclassic production function may be specified as Yt = AtKtaL\-a (1.0) However in a steady state Iny = lnA+-^ [Ins - ln(n + g + 8] (1.1) And if assumed that steady state is the same for all economies, than Mny = lny0 + InA (1.2) We speak about the absolute convergence, otherwise Mny = g + ——^ ® UnA0 +---—- [lnsK - ln(n + g + 8)] +---—- [lnsH - ln(n + g + 8)] - InyA I 1 — a — p 1 — a — p ) Known as conditional convergence (Mankiw, Romer and Weil, 1992); speed of the convergence appx: x = -t_1iog(i - tpy The model cross-sectional data on NUTS3 regional level were used (n = 115) time span: 2004-2020 Mnyit= ft + $xlnyi>t_x + ft/ns - ft ln(n + g + 5) + e, Spatial dispersion of convergence (5-convergence) 2 2 °logy,t — °log y,t+T > 0 Capital city by size • 423,737 • 423,738- 1,165,581 0 1,165,582 - 1,696,128 O 1 696,129 - 1,702.139 0 62.5 125 250 375 500 Results ■ Coefficient (3 {GDPt_n) became negative and statistically significant what suggests presence of the (3 -convergence; on the yearly basis= -0.013 (17-year data span) ■ Estimation of the speed of the convergence, according to /? = -(1 - e~xt) According to results -(l - e~u) = -0.2292 Hence: X = 0.0153 Linear regression Nujmber (3f obs £13, HI) Prob > F R-squared Root MSE Robust diff GDP I Coefficient std. err. 115 17 . 76 0.0000 0.3421 .15346 P> 11 [95% conf. interval] GDPn J_-. 2292468 GFCFg J_zl- 293046 EOPa I 2.567581 cons | 2.864249 0444422 -5 . .16 :. 000 -.3173121 -.1411816 4895167 -2 . .64 :. 009 -2.263056 -.3230364 .671883 3. .82 :. 000 1.2362 3 . S98962 .376106 7. .62 :. 000 2 .11897 3 . 609528 Estimated speed of the convergence is 1.53% what is a small value o-convergence Overall trend of the deviation shows irregular pattern Two-sample test shows a significant difference in the mean values of both samples (t-observed: -17.047; p-value<0.0001) Based on the results, we might confirm the presence of the 3-convergence and o-convergence Std. deviation Fitted values Results IPL518 IPL514 *f*&i«ipL416 ■curniD ■ PL 113 ip«^r s-p°i*pL213 .p,„. _r^«-^*"!!™*l4BSK»«L418 "PL11. 118 ISK042 8 PL633 16 IPL418 PL617 >L522 ■PL^pl22B ■ HU331 mm 2064 42 CZOl ■a IHU323 ■ HU IHU313 IHU221 ^uno ■ HU211 IHU222 IHU223 —i-1-1— 8.5 9 9.5 Real GDP in 2004 per capita ICZ010 IHU110 10 Conclusion ■ The study aims on evaluation of the convergence process within the V4 countries ■ The (3 coefficient became highly significant, and the o coefficient shows a substantial decline over the research period ■ Furthermore, it should be noted that the convergence process has a selective character ■ The highest level convergence have shown Poland and the lowest Hungary