PHD STUDENTS AND EARLY CAREER POLICY RESEARCHERS WORKSHOP 2014 Hal Colebatch University of New South Wales, Australia The workshop is intended to offer participants an opportunity to present their research ideas and results, receive feedback, and exchange information and assistance in an informal setting. Sessions will be built around discussions in small groups and students’ presentations, giving participants the chance to expose their ideas and get feed-back from peers and established researchers. The atmosphere will be informal and collegial. When and where May 13-14, 2014 (2nd session ends in 12:00) CESES FSV UK, Room C3, Celetná 20, Prague Moderator Martin Nekola, Charles University in Prague Confirmation of attendance We look forward to seeing you here! In order to take part in a workshop session, please submit your proposal to no later than April 15, 2014. Your submission should include your contact details, title of your research project and its brief description (topic, methodology, issues and questions you would like to discuss at the workshop). Hal Colebatch Hal Colebatch from the University of New South Wales is internationally renowned for his best-selling introductory textbook “Policy” (also in Czech language as “Úvod do Policy”, 2005). He is a political scientist whose field of interest is the architecture of public authority – that is, the forms and practices through which areas of collective concern are governed. He draws on analytical approaches from political science, public administration and organizational analysis, and his current research focuses on the interplay of official decision, stakeholder negotiation and social learning in the construction of governing. Selected policy work publications: Colebatch, H. K. (2006). The Work of Policy: An International Survey. Oxford: Lexington Books. Colebatch, H. K., Hoppe, R., & Noordegraaf, M. (2011). Working for policy. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press. The event is part of the project „Innovation of economic disciplines study in accordance with the requirement of the knowledge economy“ (CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0227) carried out by the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University with the partner Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.