Some New Empirical Evidence on the Relative PPP Hypothesis in new EU Member States WORKING PAPER No. 21/2010 Václav Žďárek December 2010 Řada studií Working Papers Centra výzkumu konkurenční schopnosti české ekonomiky je vydávána s podporou projektu MŠMT výzkumná centra 1M0524. ISSN 1801-4496 Vedoucí: prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc., Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno, e-mail:, tel.: +420 549491111 SOME NEW EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ON THE RELATIVE PPP HYPOTHESIS IN NEW EU MEMBER STATES Abstract: The paper focuses on testing the relative version of purchasing power parity (PPP) on data for new EU Member States over the time period 1995 to 2009. Three definitions of exchange rates (the Euro, the US Dollar and REER) are employed to test the relative version of the PPP hypothesis. Given a large number of potential problems with verifying PPP hypotheses, univariate (linear and non-linear). Our results are not unambiguous; however, for robust univariate non-linear unit root tests indicate that the relative version of PPP holds for the majority of new EU Member States for the Euro currency pairs. In the case of other currency pairs are results less robust. Our results are robust even after shortening the time span to eliminate effects of the ongoing financial crisis. Abstrakt: Text se zaměřil na testování relativní verze parity kupních sil (PPP) v nových členských zemích Evropské unie. Pro empirickou analýzu byly využity tři definice měnového kurzu: jednotlivé měnové páry byly ve vztahu k euru, k USD a dále byl testován i reálný efektivní měnový kurz na bázi indexu spotřebitelských cen (CPI). Protože empirická verifikace relativní verze PPP je spojena s řadou problémů, byly využity jak jednoduché (lineární), tak nelineární testy jednotkového kořene v časových řadách a rovněž testy určené pro testování v rámci panelu (panelové testy jednotkového kořene). Výsledky unilaterálních testů nejsou zcela jednoznačné, kromě eurových měnových párů. Robustnost výsledků je ověřena i zkrácením časového období tak, aby nezahrnovalo období počátku stále ještě probíhající světové finanční krize. Recenzoval: Ing. Bořek Vašíček, PhD., PhD. (Universidad de Barcelona) 4 1. INTRODUCTION The exchange rate economics and empirical studies attempting to verify the related hypotheses have attracted much attention of both empirical and theoretical economists. The reason for that may be very simple; this particular field has experienced rapid theoretical development recently, or it is particularly attractive for empirical economists due to ambiguous results. One of the most frequently empirically tested hypotheses is the purchasing power parity (PPP). There are two versions of the PPP. The absolute version of the PPP is based on the law of one price (LOP) that is usually tested for individual commodities or baskets of commodities. The relative version of the PPP is a simplification, as it approximates the changes in individual prices by changes in price indices. Particular attention has been devoted to the latter as it is not so difficult to test that and some associated implications. There has been a large number of studies focusing on the PPP, both in developed and developing countries. Empirical results seem to have been in favour of supporting PPP in developed countries. Therefore, recent articles have focused on developed countries such as selected OECD countries (e.g. Chortareas and Kapetanios, 2009) or EU15 countries (e.g. Christidou and Panagiotidis, 2010). However, the findings have been mixed for the developing and transition countries, depending on the set of countries, time period, price indices and applied econometric techniques. Some studies have even rejected the PPP hypothesis using univariate unit root tests (hereinafter referred to as URTs) and more recently panel unit root tests (hereinafter referred to as pURTs). 1 While the former are exposed to criticism mainly due to their low power, the latter have solved some problems but simultaneously led to new ones (see e.g. Bahmani-Oskooee et al., 2008). Some authors even cast doubts on the PPP theory, and its empirical testing, as PPP is a long run concept of exchange rate determination (in the horizon of decades for instance), which may span different exchange rate regimes and monetary policy environments. 2 Various definitions of exchange rates have been used throughout this text. The Euro, the US Dollar (US $) and the CPI-based real effective exchange rate (REER). As REER are available only for some of NMS countries, 3 and we want to use various specifications, we test the PPP hypothesis only on via employing URTs . 1 LLC and IPS tests have been extensively used in the literature to test PPP hypothesis as a response to problems of URTs, see e.g. Alba and Papell (2007). 2 For a brief discussion see e.g. Alba and Papell (2007). 3 In the IMF IFS database that is the main source of the underlying data used in this paper. REER's are missing for the Baltic States, and Slovenia. 5 Why have the transition countries in Europe not seen as much attention so far? This might be for a number of reasons. For example, the availability of data has been limited and the radical and deep structural changes during the 1990s make any analysis difficult. 4 Additionally, some countries did not exist before 1993, 5 which puts limits on available time series. Several studies have tried to overcome this problem by using data for the black market. However, given characteristics of the former regime in most of the new EU member states (hereinafter referred to as NMS), 6 it is not certain how valid these data and their results are. There have also been studies covering selected NMS countries, which focused on issues related to the process of joining the EU (see e.g. Rahn, 2003) or discussed selected problems associated with the adoption of the euro (Frait et al., 2006). It is a well-known fact that at several points in history, the PPP concept has been used as a guidance for restoring exchange rate parities. 7 The reasons why it is relevant to study PPP for transition countries and in Europe in particular (see (e.g. Alba and Park, 2005); Chortareas and Kapetanios, 2009) may be summarised as follows: 1. The adoption of the euro – if PPP is not a `yardstick' for a country, then it is much more difficult to think about the right level for fixing an exchange rate. 2. Income convergence – PPP values are used for international comparisons and conversion of domestic aggregates to one artificial currency that is not biased by exchange rate fluctuations. 8 3. Misalignment of a currency – if the PPP does not hold – with impact on current account and competitiveness of a country. 4 The same does hold true for emerging (transition) countries in general, for an overview see e.g. Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2008). 5 The Czech Republic and Slovakia or 1990 in the case of the Baltic States. 6 Throughout the text, we will use either NMS12 or simply NMS as synonyms for all the NMS countries. NMS10 consists of countries from the 5th (2004) wave of enlargement (i.e. without Bulgaria and Romania); NMS8 encompasses only Central and Eastern European transition countries (i.e. without Cyprus and Malta) and NMS5 is the Visegrad group of countries (the so-called core of the NMS countries): the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. 7 The most prominent case seems to be in the 1920s, when some countries restored their pre-war exchange rate regimes (gold parities), following recommendation of Gustav Cassel (see Cassel, 1922). 8 The PPP works as a double convertor: it converts domestic prices to international prices and it converts currencies. 6 4. Effects of devaluation or revaluation of a currency (i.e. effects on competitiveness) – they are expected to vanish in the long run if PPP does hold. As shown above, there are a number of reasons for having a look at PPP. In this paper, we test the relative version of PPP for the NMS countries, using two approaches: firstly, simple univariate cases (URTs) and secondly, the whole group of countries in panel settings (pURTs). In order to do that, we will use real exchange rate (RER in two definitions following two main world currencies and REER). Even though our results are in many cases inconclusive (mainly for univariate cases), only the more robust non-linear KSS test gives support to PPP. The same does hold for other non-linear URTs (the Bierens (1997) test). Our results for a panel of countries show some evidence in favour of the PPP concept (for the Pesaran's CADF test). In particular, PPP holds for countries that are more open, less regulated or growing faster. To date there has been no empirical study that would use both approaches and the complete set of NMS countries as far as we are aware of. The main contributions of this study can be summarised as follows: PPP is tested vis-à-vis the euro currency (followed by tests using the US Dollar and REER) 9 and selected URTs are employed, including high power ones compared to standard ADF (the non-linear KSS and the Bierens (1997) tests), while focusing on quarterly instead of monthly data for all NMS countries. This allows us to test PPP over a longer period of time as many time series are available for this particular frequency, but not as monthly time series. The paper is structured as follows. The second section aims at summarizing the literature in the field and explaining the main problems and our empirical strategy. The third section describes briefly the main tests employed. The fourth mentiones main aspects related to the used data. The next section presents and discusses the results of our empirical analysis. The last section concludes and offers possible extensions of this study. 2. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS The determination of exchange rates and their changes is one of the most questionable parts of modern international economics. Even though there has been a large number of studies that have dealt with this subject, it is not certain whether our current knowledge is better than few years (or even decades) ago, for brief discussion see (e.g. Alba and Papell, 2007). It is not obvious why this so; however, it may 9 The standard approach is to test the PPP against the US dollar or a set of currencies (real effective exchange rate, REER), see e.g. Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2008) or Telatar and Hasanov (2009). However, it seems to be a natural choice to start testing the PPP against the euro for NMS countries. 7 be due to the fact that an exchange rate is one of the prices in an economy. Such a price is determined by a great number of factors and since their influences may be pushing the price (the exchange rate) in both directions, the results remain uncertain. In addition, a significant factor may be the role of psychological factors that are related to participants acting in foreign markets. There are several approaches and concepts that put emphasis on the role of various factors (determinants) that may be at play in determining the value of an exchange rate. It is possible to classify them, e.g. with respect to the time dimension. Some of them are important in the short run, others in the long run. While the main theory for the short run seems to be the uncovered interest rate parity, there are several classification schemes used for exchange rate determination and its determinants in the long run (equilibrium concepts): 10 • Firstly, the concept of purchasing power parity (PPP) that emphasises the role of changes in price levels between countries 11 ; • Secondly, an approach that is based on having macroeconomic balance (both internal and external) and macroeconomic identities without explicitly stating any theoretical grounds for exchange rate determination (Clark and MacDonald, 1998) – the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate (FEER). In this approach, the key variables determining the equilibrium exchange rate are the national income and the current account balance; • Thirdly, the last approach is based on a set of economic indicators that help to explain behaviour of exchange rate – the behavioural equilibrium exchange rate (BEER). The key distincition between FEER and BEER is that the BEER includes a part that can be described as `behavioural' Gandolfo (2001). The inclusion of individual (fundamental) variables rests upon theoretical underpinnings. Clark and MacDonald (1998)'s study includes the ratio of domestic consumer price index to the producer price index (a 10 A recent study written by Bussiére et al. (2010) distinguishes between: • the macroeconomic balance approach, • the external sustainability approach and • the reduced form equilibrium real exchange rate. The approaches nos. 1 and 2 can be classified as the FEER concept (following Williamson, 1994) as they rely on calculations of an exchange rate that closes gaps between a selected balance (various definitions -- broader or narrower) of balance of payments and its 'normal' value. In the former case they are estimated, in the latter, they are derived so that external debt is stable. The approach no. 3 consists of the PPP concept and its extensions. 11 However, there have been discussions associated with price indices that may be used and mainly, theoretical assumptions that are not satisfied in reality. 8 proxy for the Balassa-Samuelson effect (B-S effect) 12 ), the stock of net foreign assets, terms of trade, and the fraction of the supply of domestic to foreign government debt (a risk premium factor). However, the list of potential variables is longer (see e.g. BénassyQuéré et al., 2009.) However, there are various approaches to the classifications of exchange rates. For example, the study of Kanamori and Zhao (2006) distinguishes among (all approaches can be also divided into three groups as far as the time dimension is considered, see below) 13 • partial equilibrium models (absolute and relative PPP and covered and uncovered interest rate parity models) – only one 'relevant' market in an economy is considered; • general equilibrium models (the Mundell-Fleming model, the Balassa-Samuelson model, the Redux model (Obstfeld and Rogoff (1995), Obstfeld and Rogoff (1996)) and the Pricing to Market (PT or PTM) model) and • disequilibrium (hybrid) models – simple monetary models and the Dornbush (overshooting) model. 2.1. The issue of time horizon The time dimension that is used seems to be the crucial factor for the exchange rate determination and discussions of equilibrium concepts. Bénassy-Quéré et al. (2009) distinguish between among possibilities: • The medium run – only prices of goods and services are flexible and therefore, they will drive an exchange rate towards the level that will result in adjusting trade balance and net foreign assets (NFA) to their 'equilibrium levels'. This case is equivalent to the definition of FEER. • The long run – prices and stocks can change, an exchange rate is driven by these variables (differences in NFA positions and productivity gaps). This case is consistent with the definition of BEER. • The very long run – all variables can change as all adjustment processes have been completed. This case reflects the PPP definition. Figure 1.1: Exchange rate determination 12 For details regarding the Balassa-Samuelson effect see e.g. Égert et al. (2005). 13 Among other approaches to the exchange rate determination, we can distinguish between monetaristic and Keynesian models, i.e. exchange rate determination explained via money (monetary models where an exchange rate is the relative price of two monies) and asset markets (portfolio models) where an exchange rate is the relative price of bonds) see MacDonald (2007) or Gandolfo (2001). 9 Note: RER – level of the real exchange rate. Source: Égert, B. et al. (2005), p. 26, own adaptation. Figure 1.1 shows how one can interpret the link between individual approaches to exchange rate determination (with respect to one classification scheme – time dimension). The PPP concept with its assumptions can be viewed as guidance for the development of an exchange rate in the long run, in the horizon of decades (see [Wu et al. (2010)]). The FEER can be used for medium run assessments (given its construction), the BEER for short and medium run. PPP is not indicated as one possible level (equalling to one) but rather as a band ( ). 14 The PPP does stand for the values of ERER (equilibrium real exchange rate) that are compatible with the PPP definition. Under past political regimes, exchange rates oscillated within a band (if they oscillated at all) and they were reset at the outset of the 14 Due a number of problems ranging from different tax policies to various combinations of exchange rate occur in individual countries. 10 transformation process in the NMS countries. In some countries it may have been close to the PPP value (given productivity, price and wage levels), while in others below or above this parity (i.e. between and in the 1). This deviation may have occurred unintentionally owing to a great deal of uncertainty at that time in NMS countries. However, the RER was generally higher than one. Since then, the trend may have been following fundamental factors of an economy, i.e. showing trend appreciation. 15 There are two other things to mention: firstly, exchange rate tends to converge towards its equilibrium level (PPP) at rather fast pace (an estimated half life is about 3–5 years, Rogoff (1996) even after allowing for heterogeneity and small sample bias, see Chen and Engel (2004). A faster pace has been found for transition countries, see Solakoglu (2006); however, secondly, RER does fluctuate within a band around this equilibrium level even during the transition period (see the figure 1). As Égert et al. (2005) mentions, a trend in ERER behaviour as long as 15–30 years may be observed due to changes in structural characteristics of transition economies. 16 3. LITERATURE REVIEW There have been several studies that focused both on individual countries (for example an early study by Thacker (1995), rejecting PPP for Poland and Hungary) and on groups of countries. However, they differ in many aspects: Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2008) test PPP inter alia for 25 European countries (24 post-communistic European countries and Turkey). Two univariate URTs (ADF and Kapetanios et al. (2003)'s test, the KSS test) are applied to the REER. They signal non-linear mean reversion to a constant trend for Bulgaria, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and to a trend for the Czech Republic and Romania. Twelve CEE countries (the NMS without Cyprus and Malta, but with Croatia and Macedonia) are analysed by Telatar and Hasanov (2009). They apply two standard URTs (ADF, KPSS) and also two URTs accounting for non-linearities (KSS) and asymmetric adjustment (the Sollis' test). They use monthly time series of REER from 1990 to 2007 (with different starting points). They find that PPP holds for five countries with standard URTs, for seven countries when nonlinear URTs are employed and for all countries if asymmetric adjustment is allowed. Bilateral PPPs (CPI based) between the Czech Republic, 15 Based on productivity differentials and increase in price levels reflecting usually faster economic growth in transition countries than in developed ones. 16 The ERER can fluctuate too as it is based on level of net foreign assets (NFA) reflecting current account sustainability. It may also exhibit a kind of overshooting behaviour -- lower values in the medium run adjusting the current account so that it strengthens in the long run. 11 Hungary and Slovenia and their main trading partners (Austria, Germany, France and Italy) were analysed by Bekö and Boršič (2007). They employ univariate URTs (ADF and KPSS) and the Johansen cointegration approach, using monthly data on individual currency pairs for this set of countries over the period of 1992–2006. They do not find any significant evidence for PPP. Sideris (2006) focuses on the PPP for 17 CEE countries (without Cyprus and Malta but with selected CIS 17 and Balkan countries) against the US dollar. He makes use of cointegration approaches (Johansen for individual countries and Larson's for a panel). He finds support for both weak and strong versions of PPP. Cuestas (2009) applies non-linear URTs to data (KSS and Bierens test – a generalisation of the ADF test) to REER calculated by the IMF and RER for the US dollar and the euro/ECU (monthly data 1992/1993– 2006/2007) for eight CEE countries (without Cyprus and Malta and the Baltic States). While standard URTs reject PPP, KSS and Bierens test do the same for most countries and currency pairs (exceptions are Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania). Koukouritakis (2009) focuses on all NMS countries over the period mid-1990s to 2006 (monthly data and the euro) and uses the Johansen cointegration method. He finds that PPP holds for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Slovenia. Yearly data from 1992–2003 for 21 post-communistic countries (unbalanced data) and pURTs used by Solakoglu (2006). It finds that PPP holds, even for subgroups of less and more open countries (based on an EBRD classification). Estimated half-lives for his group of countries are around 1.1 year, faster (slower) for more (less) open countries. Another panel data study was conducted by Matei (2009). She focuses on selected NMS countries over the years 1995–2008 (with subdivision before and after EU accession) and uses monthly data. Selected URTs and pURTs have been used to check the presence of unit roots in the data. Matei (2009) finds evidence that PPP does not hold for NMS countries (ambiguous results). However, no robustness test was applied and it is unclear why the countries were selected, as the main focus of the paper is on nominal (price) convergence. 3.1. Methodology The purchasing power parity (PPP) is one of the most empirically tested hypotheses is. There are two versions of the PPP. The absolute version of the PPP is based upon the law of one price (LOP) that is usually tested for individual commodities or baskets of commodities. The relative version of the PPP is a simplification, as it approximates 17 The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a group of new independent states established after the break-up of the former Soviet union. 12 the changes in individual prices by the changes in price indices. PPP can be tested in two forms: an absolute or a relative version. 18 The absolute PPP is a generalization of the 'law of one price'. The LOP can be written as (1) where is the domestic price level, is the foreign price level both for a good , expressed in the domestic and the foreign currency respectively and is the spot exchange rate. The absolute PPP can be formally written (assuming inter alia that price baskets in both countries are the same, for discussion see below) as (2) where is the domestic price level, is the foreign price level, expressed in the domestic and the foreign currency respectively and is the spot exchange rate. The subscript t may be dropped as it is assumed that this relationship holds over time. The PPP is based on several theoretical assumptions that must be satisfied for it to hold perfectly: no transaction costs, no trade barriers and no non-tradable goods in the strict form (see e.g. Kanamori and Zhao, 2006). However, this is not the case in reality. Apart from these prerequisites that are usually not satisfied, there are other explanations why it does not hold: measurement errors, non-economical factors different from trade barriers, imperfect information and information costs leading to existence of non-equalised prices, various market participants (volume of currency trade associated with trade flows is only a tiny fraction of total transactions in foreign markets). That means that the exchange rate may be driven by other factors such as interest rate differentials (capital flows) and the power of empirical methods used for testing PPP (for details and review of studies see e.g. Sarno and Taylor (2003); MacDonald (2007). If that were the case, it would hold that changes in an exchange rate would fully reflect the price differentials between domestic and foreign country over a period of time and real exchange rate ( ) would equal to one. That means (if 18 Sometimes these forms are referred to as to the 'weak' and 'strong' version of the PPP hypothesis, see Taylor and Taylor (2004). 13 absolute PPP holds and the real exchange rate is given by the ratio of price levels) 19 (3) (4) A log-linearised form of the relative version of the PPP (hereinafter referred to as simple PPP unless indicated otherwise) can be written as 20 (5) where the lower case letters indicate the values in natural logarithms, are the individual price indices for the country and time (for details see data descriptions), 21 is the nominal exchange rate for country against the euro expressed as units of domestic currency against one unit of the euro (i.e. direct quotation of the exchange rate). For countries that joined the Euro area, the exchange rate is calculated as , where is the Euro area member's national currency conversion rate of one euro. For the US Dollar (US $), the indices are in relation to the US $ and also price indices are calculated agains the US price index ( ). 22 In the case of the real effective exchange rate (REER) the same definition as the equation 5 states is used. However, due to data unavailability, REER time series based on CPI (the IMF definition) are available only for eight out of twelve NMS countries. 19 The same can be shown for relative PPP if inflation rates replace price levels and cross term stemming from multiplication is omitted. 20 Some studies have used one of the approaches, e.g. Juvenal and Taylor (2008) takes the US economy as the benchmark country. 21 CPI indices are usually used in tests of PPP. However, CPI is a proxy for changes in national price level. Therefore broad price indices such as the GDP deflator may be preferred, for quarterly or yearly time series in particular. Here problems such as availability, methodological changes of such a time series come into the fore. 22 As it would be possible to argue that fixing conversion rates and applying them to data prior 1998 is artificial, the same set of tests is applied to exchange rates against the US $. 14 3.2. Estimation strategy The relative version of the PPP theory in the equation (3.1) can be tested by checking the properties of . If followed a non-stationary process (e.g. I(1)), then the PPP would not hold in the long run due to non-stationary properties. 23 On the other hand, if a unit root is not present in a time series, it means that a deviation from equilibrium is only of a temporary nature and the PPP does hold in the long run. As there are many potential factors influencing exchange rates, pURTs are also applied to subgroups of the NMS countries (NMS10, NMS8, and NMS5). The reason is that some countries may be viewed as one group (block) by international investors using the same rule for each of them. In addition, some criteria may be used used to check robustness of our results (panel data URTs, see Zdarek, 2011). 3.3. Available methods A wide variety of methods may be applied in this context. They range from pure time series to combinations of time and panel data techniques. As there are two dimensions, the natural step is to decide whether to use an individual country approach or a panel. This leads to the use of URTs and pURTs. Empirical studies usually work with one of two possibilities: • time series analysis based on individual country data – the most commonly used approach (univariate URTs), but there are some problems (see below); • panel data approach – which enables the researcher to make use of information from both dimensions (pURTs). However, estimations of exchange rates may be a difficult task in the case of transition countries in particular, as there is a large number of potential problems (ranging from data availability, its consistency, to short time span, etc., see discussion above). For example, MaesoFernandez et al. (2005) point out that using data from the period before regimes changed does not make much sense, given a large number of differences between centrally planned economies and standard market economies. This reduces the time span that can be used. Some NMS countries created new currencies during the first years of the 1990s, which further reduces the possible time span. A discussion of the possible data problems in the context of transition countries can be found e.g. in Kim and Korhonen (2005). One of the major problems seems to be the fact that all of these countries changed (devaluated) the exchange rates at the outset of 23 A shock influencing this time series would lead to disequilibrium that would not be restored due to increasing variance and non-existence of unconditional mean of this time series, see Fan and Yao (2003) or Tong (1990). 15 transformation processes. The magnitude varied but usually was in terms of dozens of percentage points rather than several percentage points. Additionally, as some external shocks were expected, 24 some of the NMS countries kept changing the official level of exchange rates during the 1990s. All these factors turn the estimations of exchange rate models into a challenging task. Further methodological notes There is no agreement among empirical economists which of the expanding set of unit root tests is appropriate for testing PPP. If the relative version of PPP is tested, it is verified that exchange rate osciallates within a `certain band' around `1'. That is the very long-term level of an exchange rate in an economy if strict assumptions of the PPP theory are satisfied: (6) where is a time series (e.g. an exchange rate), is an autoregressive parameter and is the error term. Due to difficulties with the time series that can be used and their sensitivity to a large number of factors, `standard' and non-linear URTs are applied to our data. Additionally, pURTs are employed too. If a unit root is not found, the next step can be done, which is the calculation of half-lives. 25 Some studies have shown that unit root tests and cointegration tests may have very low power if the number of observations ( ) is low (for an application associated with transition countries and yearly data see e.g. Solakoglu (2006). However, it may also be argued that long time series may include (multiple) structural breaks in the case of transition (developing) countries in particular. 26 Additionally, using higher frequency data may not help to increase variability, as the power of a unit root test when the length of time series remains unchanged. It is a well-known fact that panel data techniques have a large number of advantages compared to cross-section or time series analyses (pooling cross-sections and time dimensions for analyzing the null hypothesis of unit roots in each time series against the hypotheses of stationarity), see e.g. Baltagi (2008). The variation of individual time series is assumed to improve efficiency and therefore to enhance the 24 The break-up of the former Soviet Union, the 1992–1993 ERM crisis to mention at least the most important ones. 25 Half-life means a period of time necessary to halve the existing gap of one (economic) variable. A decay rate and a decay constant is necessary to calculate a half-life. 26 An example can be a change of a policy regime that is very likely in those countries. 16 power of unit root tests even for shorter time series when used in a panel data analysis. Another issue related to empirical studies of the PPP hypothesis is the so-called bivariate or trivariate approach. Some authors prove that the results of PPP tests depend on the method used for calculations of RER (see the equation 5) – inflaton differential of substracting and adding changes of price indices. 27 This is particularly important for the cointegration approach (see Al-Omar and Ghali (2009). In this text, we rely on the trivariate approach that seems to be more robust and does not seem to be sensitive to the method of calculating differentials. 3.4. Univariate unit root tests In the first step, univariate URTs are applied to the data. Then we will proceed with a variety of panel unit root tests (first and second generation of tests, see classification below). However, due to a large number of problems with the URTs, the pURTs seem to be preferrable for some applications. 28 Nevertheless, we start with the univariate unit root tests (the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF), the Phillips-Perron test (PP) and the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin tests, KPSS) and their modified versions adjusted to the case of structural breaks such as the DF-GLS test developed by Elliott et al. (1996), which is a modified Dickey-Fuller test transformed by a GLS regression; for details about these URTs see e.g. Harris and Sollis (2005). As our time period does not include the early 1990s, we eliminate the problems with possible structural breaks (at least partially). 29 However, the main reason is the data availability for the NMS countries. KSS test In addition to the standard URTs, we make use of a non-linear test that accounts for the non-linear behaviour of RERs Kapetanios et al. (2003) – I(0) outside of a band but I(1) inside of a band – and therefore, this test is more robust. The KSS test (a version of the standard ADF test) is based on an ESTAR model that can be written as: (7) where is the demeaned or detrended (exchange rate) time series, is the exponential transition function presenting the 27 The bivariate approach presumes symmetry between domestic and foreign prices, i.e. instead of working with two price indices, a term expressing an inflation differential is used. 28 Low power of these tests in presence of structural breaks (e.g. changes of exchange rate regimes), small sample problems, existence of cross correlation and heterogeneity in a panel see e.g. Matei (2009). 29 In the early 1990s many countries devaluated currencies, changed exchange rate regimes, etc., which has not occurred so often since the late 1990s. 17 non-linear adjustment, if , it affects the speed of mean reversion and is i.i.d. error term ( ). The null hypothesis is that ( ) and the term in brackets is zero. The alternative means that drives the speed of a mean reverting process. As in the equation (7) cannot be used to test the directly, the parameter is not identified, reparametrization (a first-order Taylor series approximation) is used instead. That leads to the following regression equation (8) (8) Generalisation of the equation (8) allows for serial correlation of the error term (9) where the sum augments the equation (8) with lags, so that the term is not serially correlated. The null hypothesis in the equations (8) and (9) remains unchanged, the alternative is . As the statistics ( ) 30 are not standard normally distributed, the critical values must be tabulated via simulations. In the following text, for the equations (8) and , (9) are the test statistics for demeaned data and detrended data respectively. The demeaned data are obtained from regressions of time series on a constant and/or on a constant and a time trend (the residuals are saved and used in next steps). If the is rejected, it means that the time series reverses to a constant mean (demeaned data), i.e. it supports PPP. Although linear or nonlinear reversion in time series to a trend (detrended data) gives support for the B-S effect. The selection on the appropriate number of lags follows the same procedure as for the other URTs tests. Bierens test The Bierens (1997) test (Bierens, 1997) helps to overcome problems with structural breaks as non-linear trends are approximated by interrupted (broken) time trends. It assumes nonstationarity under , and non-linear trend stationarity under . It extends standard ADF regression with a Chebishev polynomial term . The process can be written down as: 30 in the expression is left out for individual variants of the KSS test. 18 (10) where are the Chebishev polynomials and is the order of the polynomials. Under the and last the components of are zero. There are three possibilities that can be tested (Bierens, 1997)): 31 1. all coefficients are tested via t-test; 2. test, or; 3. the joint hypothesis that under the and the last components of are zero. 32 As Cuestas (2009) mentions, rejection of the left side hypothesis for the first and second tests means linear or non-linear trend stationarity. (It cannot be decided which of the cases is true.) Rejection of the right side means non-linear trend stationarity. The third test is a one-sided test that does not give us any answer regarding the trend as right side rejection is only the rejection of the . All possibilities are summarised in the table 1. Table 1: Alternative hypotheses ( ) for the Bierens (1997) test Test Left-side rejection Right-side rejection ST, TST or NTST NTST ST, TST or NTST NTST - ST, TST or NTST Note: ST – (mean) stationary, TST – (linear) trend stationary, NTST – nonlinear (trend) stationarity. The test is only a one-sided test, the and are specified for both sides. Source: Cuestas, J. C. (2009), p. 92, own adaptation. 31 As the tests nos. 1 and 2 do not accommodate all information available, the test no. 3 is added. 32 An alternative is a test proposed in Bierens (1997) with a standard null distribution. The text also introduces three tests that are independent of the assumed AR structure for the error term . 19 4. DATA Empirical studies have used different sorts of data, as there is no prior information. While some have worked with monthly data Telatar and Hasanov (2009), others used quarterly Matei (2009) or even yearly data Solakoglu (2006). We have decided to rely on quarterly data, as they are sufficiently long and allow us to perform robustness tests. This is also connected with some advantages and disadvantages. The time span is longer for quarterly data than it would have been for monthly data and it is a reasonable way of solving problem of low number of yearly observations for our set of countries. On the other hand, quarterly time series were not available for all countries and time series used in this paper. 33 We use seasonally adjusted data for the calculations of the RER, since seasonal patterns may affect the results of the URTs. For seasonal adjustments, the ARIMA X-12 method is applied. 34 We do not use dummy variables in the URTs, as they would require us to calculate new critical values for and properties of these tests are unknown Chortareas and Kapetanios (2009). 35 The nominal exchange rates for individual pairs of currencies (against the Euro and US $) are obtained from database Eurostat, UNECE Statistical Database, DataStream, and IMF IFS (quarterly periodic averages). As the euro exchange rate is not available before 1999 Q1 (only the ECU), an implicit proxy derived from bilateral exchange rates (UNECE) is used instead. 36 The last time series is the REER that is CPI based and it is calculated by the IMF. Harmonised consumer price indices (HICP) are taken from the Eurostat and UNECE databases for individual countries, with the base year 2005 = 100. The same data for the Euro area stem from the Eurostat database and the ECB statistical data warehouse. The consumer price index reflects the demand side and can be viewed as a proxy for changes in the total price level of an economy. 33 Surprisingly even for countries such as Malta or Cyprus that can hardly be characterised as transition countries. 34 As some time series were at monthly frequency, as the first step they were converted into quarterly time series (following the IMF IFS methodology) and in the next step, seasonally adjusted using the ARIMA X-12 method. 35 However, the main concern regarding seasonal fluctuations would be in the case of monthly time series, but even for those some studies do not used seasonally adjusted time series, see e.g. Alba and Papell (2007); Chortareas and Kapetanios (2009). On the other hand, some studies (e.g. Christidou and Panagiotidis (2010) use monthly seasonally adjusted values. 36 As there have been denominations and changes of individual currencies, our data set includes comparable time series. Due to space constraints details from author are available upon request. 20 The producer price indices (PPI) stem from the Eurostat, IMF IFS and UNECE databases (NACE Rev. 2, 2005 = 100). However, this time series is available for Malta only since 2005, which means that this country could not be included in additional robustness tests. The PPI is based on the supply side as it measures changes in prices of tradable (partially non-tradable) commodities. Selected summary statistics for our time series are included in the Appendix (in the section 4). The cutoff date for the data was November 2010. 5. EMPIRICS 5.1. Univariate unit root tests The Euro For the univariate URTs of the PPP concept, the data for individual countries are employed. The main specifications rest upon the RER, based on consumer price indices. The first step is to conduct purfor our sample of countries. Starting values for lag selection are based on Schwert (1989) criterion 37 and confirmed by checking values suggested by the H-QIC criterion. In the case of the PP, KPSS and DF-GLS tests 38 , the optimum number of lags is selected automatically if this option is allowed. As we are not sure about the character of individual time series, models with a constant or a constant and a time trend are employed. The results are presented in table 2. Table 2: Univariate unit root tests ADFa) PPa) KPSSb) DF-GLS constant trend constant trend constant trend constant trend Bulgaria -0.239 -5.048*** -2.892** -6.383*** 0.995*** 0.178d) 1.504 -0.539 Cyprus -3.871*** -2.757 -1.781 -3.191* -1.512 0.234*** 0.787 -0.811 Czech Rep. -1.020 -2.975 -0.925 -3.088 1.070*** 0.069 0.867 -3.743*** Estonia -0.924 -1.872 -4.807*** -6.271*** 1.000*** 0.184d) 1.797 -2.174 Hungary -1.496 -2.147 -0.562 -2.671 1.050*** 0.153*** -0.077 -1.095 37 This rule rests upon a criterion that calculates the optimal number of lags ( ) as: , where is the length of a time series, and means that only the whole part of a number is considered. In our case for is the value lags was the starting value; see e.g. Greene (2008), p. 752. The iterative procedure follows; if the last difference is not significant, the test is run for the same specification with one lag less until a significant lag is found. Sometimes the numerator of the fraction is with ; however, this does not change for large number of observations . In our case is the value lags. 38 Optimal lag values were based on the Ng-Perron seq statistics. 21 Lithuania -5.027*** -4.025*** -3.719** -3.199* 0.880*** 0.224*** 1.295 -1.657 Latvia -2.369 -2.733 -2.268 -1.909 0.704d) 0.155** 0.174 -1.739 Malta -2.691* -1.995 -1.969 -1.472 0.525** 0.145* -0.373c) -1.079 Poland -2.164 -2.212 -2.264 -2.408 0.714d) 0.216d) -0.047 -1.694 Romania -1.339 -1.325 -1.295 -1.708 0.890*** 0.117 -0.548 -1.923 Slovenia -2.375 -3.739** -0.975 -2.607 0.876*** 0.107 -0.671 -3.259** Slovakia 0.247 -2.688 0.401 -2.375 1.080*** 0.231*** 1.509 -2.213 Note: a) Z(t) values reported. b) values of the test statistics. c) DF-GLS suggested 0 lags. d) significant at 2.5% level. ***, **, and * significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Critical values for the KPSS test (level stationary): , , and ; trend stationary: , , , and . Trend = a constants and a time trend included. Source: own calculation. The ADF test offers a mixed picture, as some of the time series are stationary. The PP test robust against structural breaks indicates that three exchange rates may be stationary (Bulgarian, Estonian and Lithuanian) – while for Lithuania it does confirm the ADF results, it is the very opposite for Estonia. The results of the KPSS test (the is stationarity) indicate that almost all time series are non-stationary. Ambiguous results for Cyprian, Czech, Romanian and Slovenian currency indicate rejections of the PPP hypothesis in the long run. The results of the DF-GLS test allows us to reject the null hypothesis of I(1) only for the Czech and Slovenian exchange rate in one specification. 39 If the DF-GLS statistics rejects the I(1) hypothesis, PPP holds. 40 As the results for the alternative price index (PPI) are similar, they are shown (for individual test) in the Appendix. Non-linear URTs may solve problems of breaks within time series due to changes of exchange rate regimes over time. First non-linear test, the KSS test, does reject the only for the demeaned time series for Slovenia but for all detrended time series apart from Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Romanian ones. The figure is therefore different compared to previous results based on standard pURTs. It gives much more support to PPP and it is similar to findings of other studies, e.g. Telatar and Hasanov (2009). It also implies that barriers to adjustment processes exist. For example, transaction costs change the speed of mean reversion (larger deviations will be followed by faster gap narrowing). 39 The DF-GLS statistics is superior to the ADF statistics as its power (lower probability of accepting wrong null hypothesis of non-stationarity) and size properties are better (Wu et al., 2010). 40 The number of lags in augmented versions of both tests are chosen according to the Durbin-Watson and the Durbin's alternative test for autocorrelation. If one of them indicates presence of autocorrelation, another lag is added unless both indicate no presence of autocorrelation. 22 Table 3: Univariate unit root test – KSS test KSSa) KSSa) demeanedb) detrendedc) lag lag Bulgaria -0.5459 0.0184 (3) -2.0418 0.6479 (0) Cyprus -3.4896*** 4.7599 (6) -6.8282*** -5.8687*** (5) Czech Rep. -0.3878 -1.1351 (1) -4.1947*** -4.2334*** (1) Estonia -0.8791 -0.7506 (3) -6.1489*** -7.3137*** (2) Hungary -0.9020 -2.0717 (2) -6.8154*** -6.6128*** (3) Lithuania -0.2466 0.0666 (0) -1.5282 -3.5109** (2) Latvia -0.5893 0.0806 (2) -3.4366*** -2.8364 (2) Malta -2.8975* 7.7016 (1) -5.3124*** -6.0146*** (1) Poland -2.5024 -0.3365 (1) -6.4519*** -3.3005* (1) Romania -0.0051 0.0173 (0) -0.0428 -0.0918 (1) Slovenia -5.6006*** -6.0313*** (1) -4.1410*** -4.2708*** (6) Slovakia -0.0083 -0.2674 (1) -4.5413*** -4.0299*** (1) Note: Optimal number of lags in parentheses. a) values of the test statistics reported. ***, **, and *** significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Critical values for the KSS test (Kapetanios, G. et al. (2003), p. 364, tab. 1): b) -3.48, - 2.93, -2.66. c) -3.93, -3.40, -3.13. Source: own calculation. The results of the other nonlinear URTs, the Bierens (1997) test, are shown in table 4. As there are several size distortions in the case of this test, the critical values are based on the Monte Carlo simulation with 10000 replications (a Gaussian process for , where is determined by the AIC or H-Q criterion from previous steps and initial values are taken from particular time series.) If individual tests are not concordant, more lags are included in the model. The order for the Chebishev polynomials ( ) must be chosen long enough, as a lack of lags compared to structural breaks might result in lower power of the test Bierens (1997). However, there is no simple rule for its determination. In our case, we follow the suggestion of Cuestas (2009), i.e. the lag length is chosen so that it yields more evidence against the null ( ). Our results show a rejection of the left-sided hypothesis for the Czech, Estonian and Latvian currencies, which does not allow us to conclude whether they are (mean) stationary, stationary with a linear trend or a stationary around a nonlinear trend. Conversely, Lithuanian and Slovenian currencies indicate stationarity around a nonlinear trend. There is only one significant result for the Bulgarian, Cyprian and 23 Romanian currencies, the other one are (marginally) insignificant. Interestingly, the results for Bulgarian or Hungarian currency are found highly significant in Cuestas (2009), 41 but similar for other countries. Table 4: Univariate unit root test – the Bierens (1997) test Test t. statistics P-value Test t. statistics P-value Bulgaria -4.9998 [0.1555] Latvia -4.0550 [0.9317] -15.9013 [0.5654] -392.6386 [0.0696] 25.2365 [0.9696] 9.7555 [0.3363] Cyprus -0.4551 [0.1523] Malta -6.7392 [0.6305] -16.3117 [0.0794] -610.5297 [0.3904] 15.5347 [0.6404] 9.8155 [0.7073] Czech Rep. -10.0111 [0.0124] Poland -6.8029 [0.5217] -69.5700 [0.8578] -159.5950 [0.3371] 13.2114 [0.9504] 6.0903 [0.6680] Estonia -9.6901 [0.0260] Romania -8.4230 [0.1117]a) -185.6986 [0.1606] -221.5326 [0.0683] 36.4082 [0.9878] 7.3677 [0.8527] Hungary -0.9820 [0.8579] Slovenia -8.6992 [0.0679] -5.2482 [0.8986]a) -25.2222 [0.9018] 22.6888 [0.6578] 30.0060 [0.9545] Lithuania -5.0224 [0.9667] Slovakia -7.1495 [0.3297] -81.0954 [0.9302] -486.4810 [0.5140] 6.9682 [0.3892] 6.2722 [0.3458] Note: p-values in brackets. Rejection of the H0 is in bold. a) Marginally rejected. Source: own calculations. Our results for the URTs are rather inconclusive, unless we check for possible sources of nonlinearities. 42 In addition, the values of test 41 It may have been due to inclusion of the time period including the early 1990s. 42 A recent study Telatar and Hasanov (2009) does not find much support for PPP in CEE with ADF test either. 24 statistics may be affected by the properties of time series, so the next step of the analysis would be to employ the pURTs. Results for some selected pURTs can be found in Zdarek (2011). The US Dollar Another set of results of the URTs is for the NMS exchange rates against the US Dollar (US $). There are only a few pieces of evidence in favour of PPP for these currency pairs and some tests. It is again the case of Bulgaria and Lithuania that the only two countries, where the ADF and PP and (KPSS partially) indicate that exchange rates may be I(0) as in the case of the pairs against the Euro. However, there is no other evidence for other currencies and tests. The possible explanation may be in a series of structural breaks that may have influenced the power of the univariate URTs (periods of 'weak' and 'strong' US $ in the analysed time span). Table 5: Univariate unit root tests (US $) ADF PPa) KPSSb) DF-GLS constant trend constant trend constant trend constant Trend Bulgaria -1.345 -4.279*** -1.862 -5.351*** 1.420*** 0.216*** 1.469 -2.138 Cyprus -0.781 -1.807 -0.746 -1.530 0.687*** 0.311*** -0.814 -0.967 Czech Rep. 0.133 -1.941 -0.046 -1.731 1.270*** 0.321*** 0.228 -1.024 Estonia -0.388 -1.804 -0.780 -1.677 1.190*** 0.283*** 0.450 -1.703 Hungary -0.304 -2.155 -0.288 -2.052 1.210*** 0.276*** -0.570 -1.261 Lithuania -0.170 -2.384 -1.214 -2.531 1.480*** 0.164** 1.799 -2.763* Latvia 0.358 -1.346 -0.009 -1.152 1.220*** 0.317*** 1.221 -1.727 Malta -0.464 -1.700 -0.487 -1.507 0.802*** 0.323*** -0.565 -0.839 Poland -0.661 -2.196 -1.140 -2.272 1.140*** 0.284*** -0.365 -2.764 Romania -0.650 -2.197 -0.673 -2.514 1.310*** 0.231*** -0.155 -1.527 Slovenia -0.978 -1.989 -0.886 -1.524 0.595** 0.318*** -0.764 -0.839 Slovakia -0.970 -2.458 0.150 -1.640 1.290*** 0.344*** -0.433 -1.026 Note: a) Z(t) values reported. b) values of the test statistics. c) DF-GLS suggested 0 lags. d) significant at 2.5% level. ***, **, and * significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Critical values for the KPSS test (level stationary): , , and ; trend stationary: , , , and . Trend = a constants and a time trend included. Source: own calculation. For the case of the non-linear KSS test, some evidence in favour of the PPP can be found (six countries for demeaned time series), indicating that is better than for the Euro pairs. However, there is almost no evidence for detrended time series, which is the very opposite compared with the results for the Euro exchange rates. Table 6: Univariate unit root test – KSS test for the US $ 25 KSS a) KSS a) demeaned b) detrended c) lag lag Bulgaria 3.24 -3.19** (1) 6.58 -5.26*** (3) Cyprus 1.20 -2.98** (6) 1.33 -1.95 (8) Czech Rep. 0.81 -1.96 (8) 1.79 -1.51 (9) Estonia 1.06 -2.96** (6) 1.56 -1.49 (9) Hungary 1.54 -3.87*** (6) 1.91 -0.87 (8) Lithuania 2.15 0.15 (7) 2.43 -1.93 (7) Latvia 0.25 -1.43 (8) 1.85 -1.46 (9) Malta 1.02 -2.74* (6) 1.28 -0.75 (10) Poland 2.12 -2.88* (5) 2.89 -2.36 (5) Romania 1.59 -2.37 (1) 2.13 -2.01 (1) Slovenia 1.13 -1.39 (9) 1.44 -1.22 (10) Slovakia 0.66 -2.81 (6) 1.41 -2.24 (5) Note: Optimal number of lags in parentheses. a) values of the test statistics reported. ***, **, and *** significant at 1%, 5%, and 10% respectively. Critical values for the KSS test (Kapetanios, G. et al. (2003), p.~364,~tab.~1): b) -3.48, - 2.93, -2.66. c) -3.93, -3.40, -3.13. Source: own calculation. As far as the results for the non-linear Bierens test are concerned, they indicate that the PPP hypothesis cannot be rejected for several NMS countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia). Compared with results of the same test for the Euro pairs, the Czech exchange rate cannot be rejected to be nonstationary. There is also more evidence in favour of the I(0) (i.e. PPP) in the case of Malta and Slovakia. These countries can be now included into the group of I(0) countries, conversely for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia and Lithuania. No change can be observed in the case of Romania, Hungary and Poland. Before moving to the next series of tests, let's summarize our results for the US Dollar. The result presented in this section showed that there is less evidence in favour of the PPP in the case of US $ currency pairs. Apart from the fact that a certain role may be attributed to external shocks and other influences (leading to structural breaks in time series), it may have been also the role of price indices used in this exercise. National price indices were used in calculating the RER, compared with harmonized price indices in the case of the Euro pairs. The national definition of a price index may contain more specific items (e.g. regulated goods and services) and as a result less evidence for PPP is found. 26 Table 7: Univariate unit root test – the Bierens (1997) test for the US $ Test t. statistics P-value Test t. statistics P-value Bulgaria -6.7278 [0.0834] Latvia -6.6296 [0.1366] -114.9160 [0.8376] -96.3401 [0.8104] 8.3902 [0.9837] 7.4182 [0.8801] Cyprus -7.0561 [0.0683] Malta -7.7843 [0.0163] -100.974 [0.1905] -114.6098 [0.1054]b) 7.3935 [0.9308] 8.0943 [0.9632] Czech Rep. -6.2354 [0.1960] Poland -5.5389 [0.4298] -115.4973 [0.7696] -179.9285 [0.4716] 5.5045 [0.6856] 5.2384 [0.6350] Estonia -7.2686 [0.0458] Romania -6.0466 [0.2689] -59.2106 [0.6872] -126.7792 [0.0588] 6.9976 [0.9122] 4.4487 [0.4890] Hungary -6.0268 [0.2620] Slovenia -7.4196 [0.0337] -92.8463 [0.8435] -109.1637 [0.1147]b) 6.4191 [0.8371] 8.0226 [0.9613] Lithuania -3.9243 [0.7985] Slovakia -6.5747 [0.1265] -61.9370 [0.7528] -1360.4636 [0.0973] 7.5029 [0.7930] 11.3572 [0.9980] Note: p-values in brackets. Rejection of the H0 is in bold. a) Marginally rejected. Source: own calculations. REER The last set of results for the URTs is for REER. As we mentioned, the sample of NMS countries for the REER specification is reduced due to the lack of comparable data (the Baltic States and Slovenia) since the IMF does not publish REER time series for all the CEE countries. We decided to test the time series only for a reduced set of these countries and do not use various definitions of a REER. We prefer doing that to 27 calculating our own time series or obtaining time series of REERs from other sources as definitions are usually not comparable (different price indices or time frequencies that would have required either aggregation or desaggregation of original time series). Table 8: Univariate unit root tests (REER) ADF PPa) KPSSb) DF-GLS constant trend constant trend constant trend constant trend Bulgaria -1.041 -3.655** -0.973 -3.291* 1.440*** 0.108 1.543 -1.664 Cyprus -0.113 -1.992 -0.233 -2.143 1.220*** 0.214d) -0.962 -2.127 Czech Rep. -0.558 -3.048e) -0.594 -3.182* 1.540*** 0.0964 0.958 -4.300*** Hungary -0.510 -1.341 -0.480 -3.164* 1.540*** 0.116 0.258 -1.026 Malta 0.086 -2.369 0.059 -2.389 1.460*** 0.179d) 0.941c) -1.868c) Poland -2.216 -2.623 -2.242 -2.707 1.130*** 0.115 -0.747 -2.558e) Romania -1.620 -2.880 -1.268 -2.608 1.300*** 0.0794 -0.318 -3.258** Slovakia 0.507 -2.142 0.868 -2.026 1.530*** 0.333*** 1.544 -1.501 Note: a) Z(t) values reported. b) values of the test statistics. c) DF-GLS suggested 0 lags. d) significant at 2.5% level. KPSS test (level stationary): , , and ; trend stationary: , KPSS test (level stationary): , , and ; trend stationary: , , , and . Trend = a constants and a time trend included. Source: own calculation. To begin with, univariate URTs are used (results are in table 8). As to the three standard tests, there is some evidence in favour of PPP in the case of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic (the ADF test is significant at ) and Hungary (ADF, PP and KPSS). 43 The results of the more robust test (DF-GLS) indicate that I(0) can be rejected for the Czech Republic, Romania and marginally for Poland (at ). Table 9: Univariate unit root test – KSS test for REER KSSa) KSSa) demeanedb) detrendedc) lag lag Bulgaria 2.48 -2.01 (1) 3.60 -1.99 (1) Cyprus 1.74 -3.01** (1) 2.85 -2.74 (1) Czech Rep. 1.02 -2.10 (5) 2.96 -3.32* (4) Hungary 1.57 -1.23 (7) 3.76 -1.98 (8) 43 Results for KPSS and a specification with a time trend allow us to reject the null I(0) only for Cyprus, Malta and Slovakia. 28 Malta -0.04 -1.97 (1) 1.35 -1.22 (1) Poland -2.54 -1.18 (5) 2.82 -2.50 (5) Romania 1.82 -1.40 (6) 3.21 -3.55** (10) Slovakia -0.88 -2.13 (3) 2.75 -2.48 (4) Note: Optimal number of lags in parentheses. a) values of the test statistics reported. ***, **, and *** significant at , and respectively. Critical values for the KSS test (Kapetanios, G. et al. (2003), p.~364,~tab.~1): b) -3.48, -2.93, -2.66. c) -3.93, -3.40, -3.13. Source: own calculation . The results for the non-linear KSS test (in the table 9) show almost no evidence supporting the PPP hypothesis, if REER is used. On the other hand, the results for the other non-linear test do. The results are presented in table 10. The test results indicate that the validity of the PPP hypothesis can be confirmed only for two countries – Bulgaria and Romania. In the case of Cyprus and the Czech Republic, it is not possible to decide (following recommendations in Bierens (1997) as only one out of three test statistics indicates that PPP holds). The results for Malta and Slovakia – significant in other cases – are insignificant for REER. There is also no change for Hungary and Poland (rejection of PPP). To sum up, there is even weaker evidence for the REER exchange rate that PPP holds in the NMS countries. Table 10: Univariate unit root test – the Bierens (1997) test for REER Test t. statistics P-value Test t. statistics P-value Bulgaria -4.0285 [0.9186] Malta -6.2790 [0.1826] -46.9439 [0.9026] -103.8727 [0.1498] 2.8675 [0.0633] 6.1814 [0.8735] Cyprus -5.3484 [0.5073] Poland -6.6419 [0.1241]a) -100.974 [0.1905] -76.2201 [0.4927] 7.3935 [0.9308] 5.6712 [0.7454] Czech Rep. -3.7482 [0.9229] Romania -3.7088 [0.9466] -238.8240 [0.3113] -42.9034 [0.9213] 3.6408 [0.1585] 3.1308 [0.0638] Hungary -4.3707 [0.8308] Slovakia -5.1902 [0.6035] -78.0290 [0.4237] -52.2559 [0.8376] 5.0651 [0.7077] 750.9913 [0.3151] 29 Note: p-values in brackets. Rejection of the H0 is in bold. a) Marginally rejected. Source: own calculations. What conclusion can be drawn – is the 'PPP puzzle' still alive? As we have seen, the results are rather ambiguous and do not provide clear guidance regarding the PPP hypothesis for NMS countries. What are the possible reasons for these findings? Wu et al. (2010) and Alba and Papell (2007) summarize the recent studies and highlight that there may be some country characteristics that determine whether the PPP holds or not. These are the inflation rate, openness, volatility of exchange rate, economic growth and distance. However, empirical studies have not confirmed any of these determinants beyond all doubts. The results in this study are not crystal clear, either. Possible problems and/or reasons for the lack of clear-cut evidence in the analysis of the PPP can be divided into three groups. The first group includes problems and issues related to available data. For example, some of them can be labelled as problems of transition countries. Our time span starts in mid-1990s, which gives us enough observations in the time dimension, but may also be teh reason why results are rather mixed due to the changes of exchange rate regimes in some countries. In a similar vein, the measures of inflation may have been exposed to similar kind of shocks. Therefore, the problem may be associated with price indices and not with exchange rates. Another problem is well known in the literature – aggregation bias. It can be associated either with the data used Broda and Weinstein (2008) or linked to empirical methods Imbs et al. (2005) parameter heterogeneity). Additionally, there may be a bias associated with small samples in the data Chen and Engel (2004) that may have an impact on results. 44 The second group encompasses various direct and indirect (nonmarket) measures applied in an economy. One of them can be in the form of exchange rate arrangements such as the ERM II. This may have restricted the exchange rates of NMS countries and therefore the results of URTs may be inconclusive. The euro as a benchmark for our analysis may also influence our results, as it was an artificial currency in the 1990s. However, this choice seems to be rational, since the US dollar has lost its importance in the NMS countries and the euro/ECU has gained significance due to European integration process. Moreover, some authors argue that the RER are not I(1) but rather I(0) process that has a nonlinear (deterministic) trend or with structural breaks. This may give support to the notion of a 'quasi-PPP' or 'a 44 Robertson et al. (2009) surveys literature and discuss sources of these biases in depth. It also shows how important these biases for a development country are (Mexico compared to the US). 30 relaxed version of PPP' (for discussion see e.g. Cuestas and Regis, 2008). Another example is mentioned in the study by Brissimis et al. (2005). The authors claim that monetary authority's interventions in the foreign market targeting a certain level of exchange rate may result in the inability to confirm PPP empirically even though it holds. Additionally, Taylor (2004) puts forward that interventions may lead to RER displaying nonlinear behaviour, e.g. with I(1) type of behaviour within a certain band, and I(0) outside. 45 For example, some countries have been using inflation targeting and exchange rate is an important part of this. An exchange rate has direct and indirect impacts on inflation. Finally, the last group incorporates empirical problems and problems of econometric methods. One of them may be a group of issues related to the problem called fractional integration of time series. This means that time series have a long memory (long range dependence). 46 This poses a problem not only for URTs and but also for pURTs. This would mean that standard URTs are not suitable for those cases. It also includes more practical aspects as different specification of a non-linear adjustment process. For example, Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2008) argue that assumptions for PPP are not met in many countries and as a result, the PPP hypothesis is rejected. Additionally, some market interventions, friction or misbeliefs may hamper market forces from restoring equilibrium. This may lead to the necessity to account for these by employing nonlinear methods such as threshold models. The lag selection is a problem of non-linear tests such as the Bierens (1997) test. 47 This is because the number of lags (k) can be determined by various methods, but the same cannot be easily done for the order of Chebishev polynomials m (however, the actual size of the test depends on it). Hence, the power may be low (see Bierens, (1997). Even though it is not possible to list and discuss all possible problems and issues related to the testing of the PPP, given the space limitations of this paper, the aforementioned ones can help us to answer the question stated in the title of this subsection. The 'PPP puzzle' is still alive and it is not clear when we will have such (empirical) tools that will give us a clear answer. 45 The Bierens (1997) test should account for this. 46 That is I(d) time series, where 0 < d <1. The key threshold is the value of d = 1/2 dividing time series into two groups (stationary and non-stationary). 47 This seems to be the main problem for empirical analyses of time series, see Harris and Sollis (2005). 31 6. CONCLUSIONS This paper focused on testing the relative version of the PPP in the NMS countries over the time span of 15 years. It tried to shed some light on the 'old PPP puzzle' for a set of transition countries. As there has been a large number of studies with rather ambiguous results, various econometrics methods were employed. We made use of standard URTs, and additionally, more robust versions of URTs . While standard univariate URTs do not provide a crystal-clear answer to our question, the robust versions do for the Euro exchange rate pairs in particular. The results for the non-linear KSS test (ESTAR model), which gives support to PPP in eight out of 12 NMS countries and the results for another nonlinear test (non-linear in trends, the Bierens (1997) test), also tends to favour the existence of PPP, once the source of non-linearities has been controlled for. In the case of other currency pairs – the US Dollar and REER, the results are less significant and thus, they seem to give more emphasis on the importance of the Euro currency for the NMS countries. There are many possibilities regarding the future research in this area. More detailed analysis based on individual subindices of the HICP index should be conducted as one extension going beyond the scope of this paper. 48 Using selected price subindices that may solve problems associated with aggregation bias. However, these subindices are available only for a limited set of countries and/or time span is very limited, which limits their use. Possible extensions of this work could be done with respect to several aspects. An extension may be based on using disaggregated price indices (either for CPI or HICP) for our group of countries, different indices (broad or narrow versions of REER) or different benchmark countries (the US). Moreover, more robust univariate URTs such as the CBL test 49 or methods based on panel smooth transition regression models (PSTR, see González et al., 2005) that may solve some problems of nonlinear adjustment processes or structural breaks due to their construction. They would also allow for using longer time span. 48 Additionally, due to lack of availability consumer price subindices for some countries and most of the 1990s, it would lead to radical reduction of our sample and therefore, the necessity to switch from quarterly to monthly time series so that one would gain some power for the URTs and pURTs . 49 Carrion-i-Silvestre, Barrio-Castro and Lopez-Bazo, see Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. (2005) allowing for several structural breaks in the presence of crosssectional dependence). 32 OUTPUTS Robustness check for PPI Table 11: Univariate unit root tests ADFa) PPa) KPSSb) DF-GLS constant trend constant trend constant trend constant trend Bulgaria -2.139 -4.730*** -2.874** -6.830*** 1.000*** 0.190d) 1.052 -0.524 Cyprus -1.363 -2.727 -0.657 -2.316 0.663d) 0.140* 1.186 -2.633* Czech Rep. -0.732 -3.368* -0.738 -3.458** 1.080*** 0.0522 0.257 -4.377*** Estonia -3.581*** -4.379*** -3.967*** -3.789** 0.792*** 0.169** 0.919 -2.145 Hungary -2.889** -3.315** -1.570 -2.568 0.893*** 0.207d) 0.461 -0.896 Lithuania -2.144 -4.025** -2.144 -2.262 0.932*** 0.165** 1.202 -1.068 Latvia -2.199 -2.481 -2.068 -2.045 0.853*** 0.130* 0.487c) -1.727 Poland -2.164 -2.477 -2.603* -3.056 0.631d) 0.0872 -0.157 -1.757 Romania -0.633 -2.378 -0.998 -2.824 1.030*** 0.0549 1.244 -3.704** Slovenia -2.341 -2.286 -2.106 -2.030 0.689d) 0.0883 -1.297 -2.752 Slovakia 0.187 -1.960 0.577 -1.740 1.04*** 0.251*** 1.256 -1.627 Note: a) Z(t) values reported. b) values of the test statistics. c) DF-GLS suggested 0 lags. d) significant at 2.5% level. ***, **, and * significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Critical values for the KPSS test (level stationary): , , and ; trend stationary: , , , and . Trend = a constants and a time trend included. Source: own calculation. 33 6.1. Exchange rate regimes in the NMS countries Table 12: The most recent exchange rate regimes – NMS Currency regime Period Bulgaria peg (currency board) July 5, 1997 Cyprus free float - December 31, 2008 Czech Rep. free/managed float June 26, 1997 Estonia peg (currency board) June 20, 1992 Hungary managed float June 2001Lithuania peg (currency board) April, 1 1994 Latvia peg to the Euro January 1, 2005 Malta free float - December 31, 2008 Poland free float April 12, 2000 Romania managed float August 1, 2005 Slovenia free/managed float - December 31, 2006 Slovakia peg with bands - December 31, 2008 Note: Bulgaria: till February 1, 2002 to the Deutsche Mark, to the Euro since then. Cyprus: fluctuation margins in ERM II. From January 1, 2009 the Euro. Czech Republic: managed float. Estonia: till February 1, 2002 to the Deutsche Mark, to the Euro since then. Hungary: float either since June 18, 2001 when all remaining barriers to full convertibility of HUF were removed or May 3, 2001 when band was introduced. Lithuania: till February 1, 2002 to the US Dollar, to the Euro since then. Latvia: with the normal fluctuation margins . Malta: fluctuation margins in ERM II. From January 1, 2009 the Euro. Poland: free float since 2000. Romania: inflation targeting. Slovenia: fluctuation margins in ERM II. From January 1, 2007 the Euro. Slovakia: fluctuation margins in ERM II. From January 1, 2009 the Euro. Source: Source: own based on [IMF (2010a)] and CB websites. 34 6.2. Exchange rates Figure 2: Exchange Rates of the NMS countries against the Euro 35 Source: see text. 36 Figure 3: Exchange Rates of the NMS countries against the US Dollar 37 Source: see text. 38 Figure 4: Exchange Rates of the NMS countries REER Source: see text. 39 6.3. Statistical appendix Table 13: Summary statistics – for the EU specification ER a) hicp b) ppi b) rer_hicp c) rer_ppi c) Bulgaria mean 1.071 4.091 4.057 0.798 0.808 SD 0.617 1.208 1.189 0.273 0.259 Cyprus mean 0.581 4.533 4.504 -0.517 -0.489 SD 0.006 0.120 0.120 0.039 0.064 Czech mean 31.969 4.533 4.525 3.489 3.489 Republic SD 3.787 0.160 0.117 0.152 0.139 Estonia mean 15.588 4.507 4.550 2.806 2.753 SD 0.197 0.226 0.227 0.136 0.069 Hungary mean 241.575 4.399 4.454 5.649 5.581 SD 29.819 0.347 0.355 0.155 0.069 Lithuania mean 3.900 4.584 4.493 1.319 1.413 SD 0.632 0.151 0.167 0.209 0.231 Latvia mean 0.656 4.523 4.537 -0.379 -0.402 SD 0.052 0.237 0.247 0.151 0.111 Malta mean 0.429 4.537 .. -0.835 .. SD 0.016 0.116 .. 0.055 .. Poland mean 3.897 4.463 4.472 1.453 1.439 SD 0.388 0.241 0.243 0.135 0.089 Romania mean 2.535 3.816 3.723 3.772 1.500 SD 1.366 1.141 1.140 2.156 0.279 Slovenia mean 213.682 4.432 4.461 5.484 5.451 SD 29.172 0.256 0.204 0.031 0.029 Slovakia mean 38.710 4.404 4.452 3.805 3.754 SD 4.154 0.271 0.218 0.257 0.207 Note: SD – standard deviation. a) absolute values. b) natural logs of seasonally adjusted indices. c) natural logs of original values. `..' – not available. Values for the Euro area – mean (SD): hicp: 4.553 (0.091), ppi: 4.573 (0.069). Source: own calculations. 40 Table 14: Summary statistics – for the US specification ER a) cpi b) ppi b) reer_cpi c) Bulgaria mean 1.50 4.057 4.057 4.490 SD 0.605 1.208 1.193 0.230 Cyprus mean 0.502 4.521 4.504 4.566 SD 0.076 0.120 0.149 0.059 Czech mean 27.900 4.515 4.525 4.509 Republic SD 6.630 0.160 0.116 0.181 Estonia mean 13.472 4.487 4.550 .. SD 2.172 0.225 0.154 .. Hungary mean 209.22 4.375 4.454 4.459 SD 44.506 0.347 0.263 0.162 Lithuania mean 3.361 4.577 4.493 .. SD 0.674 0.151 0.189 .. Latvia mean 0.562 4.503 4.537 .. SD 0.044 0.237 0.218 .. Malta mean 0.369 4.533 .. 4.555 SD 0.048 0.107 .. 0.068 Poland mean 3.370 4.448 4.471 4.535 SD 0.629 0.241 0.191 0.123 Romania mean 2.156 3.763 3.723 4.447 SD 1.105 1.140 1.189 0.208 Slovenia mean 184.096 4.418 4.461 .. SD 34.852 0.251 0.204 .. Slovakia mean 33.829 4.391 4.452 4.461 SD 8.382 0.273 0.218 0.250 Note: SD – standard deviation. a) absolute values. b) natural logs of seasonally adjusted indices. c) natural logs of original values. `..' – not available. Values for the US economy– mean (SD): cpi: 4.530 (0.111), ppi: 4.510 (0.138). 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