FULFILMENT OF PROGRAMME CONDITIONS Condition and its fulfilment: Condition: The amount of targeted support and financial proportion of the applicant or support recipient in the implementation proper of the project is governed by the Act. no. 130/2002 Coll., by § 2 of Government Regulation no. 461/2002 Coll. and by terms and conditions of this programme and it can amount to 90 % of allowable costs. It is necessary to document the way of acquiring the remaining volume of funds to 100 % of allowable costs of the project. Fulfilment check: fulfilled. Masaryk University paid CZK 788,000 from non-public funds of the Faculty of Economics and Administration (ESF MU) (voucher no. MAN 5602 0076 06). CES paid (also for NOZV) CZK 1,112,000 from private funds of VŠEM, o.p.s. CES documented the acquisition of the allocated non-public funding in a report produced by external auditor. The total amount paid from non-public funds is 1,900,000, which represents 11.3 % of the total CZK 16,783,000 allowable costs of the programme. Condition and its fulfilment: Condition: The Research Centre shall participate in implementing doctoral study programmes by educating students of doctoral study programmes. Fulfilment check: fulfilled. ESF MU has accredited and introduced doctoral study programmes in the following fields of study: Economic Policy (awarded by MŠMT on December 5, 2001, valid until December 5, 2009), Economics (awarded by MŠMT on December 5, 2001, valid until December 5, 2009), Public Economics (awarded by MŠMT and valid until December 5, 2009), Business Economics and Management (awarded by MŠMT and valid until March, 1, 2014), Finance (awarded by MŠMT and valid until March, 1, 2010). Condition and its fulfilment: Condition: Students in Master’s and doctoral study programmes must participate in the Centre’s activities. Fulfilment check: fulfilled. The students in Master’s and doctoral study programmes do participate in the Centre’s activities. Doctoral students at ESF MU are directly involved in the activities as contract workers of the Centre, mainly those in the following fields of study: Economics, Economic Policy and Business Economics and Management. Students in Master’s programmes mainly take part in the activities of the Centre as assistants of research team members (assistant tasks are performed by students of the National Economics, Economics, Business Economics and Management fields of study. Students of the Economic analysis and Competitive Strategy Masters’ degree programme at VŠEM are engaged in research activities of CES mainly in the form seminar papers assigned by CES research workers. Condition and its fulfilment: Condition: Minimum number of workers at the Centre is set at 15 converted full-time positions, while only the workloads of those workers who devote at least half of their full-time working hours to Centre’s activities are included. Fulfilment check: fulfilled. Condition and its fulfilment: Condition: Wages and salaries of the workers whose workloads in the Centre exceed half of a full-time employment must amount in their total to at least 60 % of staff costs or their expenditures. Fulfilment check: fulfilled. In 2006, wages and salaries of the Centre’ workers with workloads higher than 50 % made up 64 % of staff costs at ESF MU, 76 % at National Training Fund (NVF), and 85 % at CES.