Pursuant to section 28 (1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to some other acts (The Higher Education Act), as amended by subsequent regulations (hereinafter The Higher Education Act), I am issuing the following directive Article 1 Subject of Amendment 1. The Directive amends the organization of final state examinations in Bachelor's, follow-up Master's, and Master's Degree Programmes in the context of provisions specified in the the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University. Article 2 The Content of the Final State Examination of Single-Subject Studies 1. Unless stipulated otherwise, the state examination in all fields of study consists of the following separately assessed parts: a) „Bachelor's Thesis Defence“ in Bachelor's Degree Programmes or „Master's Thesis Defence“ in Master's Degree Programmes and in follow-up Master's Degree Programmes; b) „economics“; c) one or more specialist subjects determined by the Accreditation of the field of study. 2. For the field of study Administration Publique, the final state examination consists of parts „Master's Thesis Defence“, „economics“ and „public administration“, taken in Czech language, and „administration publique“, taken in French language. 3. Both Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis defence as well as examinations in individual subjects are done orally. Article 3 The Content of the Final State Examination of Double-Subject Inter-Faculty Studies in a Field of Study Accredited at the Faculty of Economics and Administration 1. The final state examination consists of the following, separately assessed parts: a) „Bachelor's Thesis Defence“ in Bachelor's Degree Programmes or „Master's Thesis Defence“ in Follow-up Master's Degree Programmes if the student chooses a field of study at the Faculty of Economics and Administration for their thesis by registering a topic of their bachelor's or master's thesis; b) „economics“; c) one or more specialist subjects determined by the Accreditation of the double subject combination. 2. Both Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis defence as well as examinations in individual subjects are done orally. Article 4 Dates of Final State Examinations 1. The period for setting state examination dates is specified for a given academic year by the Academic Year Calendar within the exam periods of the spring and autumn semesters. A Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis defence and exams in individual subjects take place on the same day unless the Accreditation of a given field of study stipulates that individual parts of the state examination shall be taken on different days. In accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University, dates of individual examinations are set by departments guaranteeing particular fields of study via the MU Information system; students are obliged to register for individual dates in the IS MU in compliance with the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University. 2. Repeat examinations always take place after the final state examinations carried out in the ensuing semester after the semester in which the student failed a part or the state examination. Dates for state examinations in individual field of study are offered both as regular and repeat. 3. Individual dates of final state examinations in all fields of study are posted for single-subject and double-subject studies together. Article 5 Fulfilment of requirements prior to the state examination 1. Students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes are only allowed to take the state examination if they have registered for the state examination in the Information System (IS MU), if they have fulfilled all the requirements of their studies specified by the Course Catalogue, if they have accomplished the minimum credit value of the given studies, and if they have duly submitted their Bachelor’s Thesis. The Department shall not accept the Bachelor’s Thesis, if some of student’s grades have not been entered or if the student has failed to complete Bachelor’s Seminar 2 course. Requirements of the given studies specified by the Course Catalogue must be fulfilled three days before the date of the state examination the student has registered for at the latest. If the aforementioned conditions are not met, the student will not be allowed to take the state examination. 2. Students of Master's and Follow-up Master's Degree programmes are only allowed to take the state examination if they have registered for the state examination in the Information System (IS MU), if they have fulfilled all the requirements of their studies specified by the Course Catalogue, if they have accomplished the minimum credit value of the given studies, and if they have duly submitted their Master’s Thesis. The Department shall not accept the Master’s Thesis, if some of student’s grades have not been entered or if the student has failed to complete Master’s Seminar 2 course. Requirements of the given studies specified by the Course Catalogue must be fulfilled three days before the date of the state examination the student has registered for at the latest. If the aforementioned conditions are not met, the student will not be allowed to take the state examination. Article 6 Interruption of studies between individual dates of the state examination for students who failed the state examination but met conditions for enrolment in the following semester. 1. Should students fail the state examination but, at the same time, meet conditions for enrolment in the following semester and want to enrol in the semester, they have ask for enrolment via the IS MU. 2. If, in the aforementioned case, students intend to interrupt their studies till the repeat date of the state examination, they are obliged to request that their studies should be interrupted within five days of the unsuccessful attempt at the state examination. 3. Should students fail to ask for either enrolment in the following semester or interruption of studies, the Dean exercises his/her right and authority and interrupts students’ studies. 4. Should a student exceed double the standard length of studies, his/her studies will be closed despite the fact that under normal they would have the right to repeat the state exam, interrupt their studies or enrol in the following semester. Article 7 Final provisions 1. This directive cancels and replaces Directive 1/2013 in its entirety. 2. The Vice-Dean for Studies is in charge of interpreting individual provisions of the directive. 3. Compliance with the directive is inspected by the Head of the Study Department. 4. The directive comes into effect on the day of publication. In Brno, 29.8.2017 prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc. Dean