Language courses at the Faculty of Economics and Administration Individual levels of language courses offered by the faculty can be described in terms of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - The basic difference is between courses marked with I and those with II in the code. 1. Courses containing II + a combination of letters in the code are courses at A2 level of CEFR- these are preparatory courses offered for students who want improve their basic language skills to be able to take up courses from higher levels. Participation requires pre-intermediate knowledge of the language (see annotations of individual courses in the Information system ( Important notice: These courses do not have any credit value! They include: Code Name Name in English Language Term Completion Extend and Intensity Credits MPJ_JIIBA Jazyk II/B - Angličtina Foreign Language II/B – English eng Spring 0/2/0 - MPJ_JIIBF Jazyk II/B – Francouzština Foreign Language II/B – French fre Spring 0/2/0 - MPJ_JIIBN Jazyk II/B – Němčina Foreign Language II/B – German ger Spring 0/2/0 - MPJ_JIIBR Jazyk II/B – Ruština Foreign Language II/B – Russian rus Spring 0/2/0 - MPJ_JIIBS Jazyk II/B – Španělština Foreign Language II/B – Spanish spa Spring 0/2/0 - 2. The courses marked with II+ 1 in the code are one level higher, i.e. students start at the A2/B1 level and should reach the B2 level after finishing the second semester of this type of course (the first semester course is always offered in autumn semester and the second semester course is offered in spring semester). These include: Code Name Name in English Language Term Completion Extend and Intensity Credits MPJ_JII2Ab Jazyk II/2 – Angličtina Foreign Language II/2 – English eng Spring zk 0/4/0 3 MPJ_JII2Fb Jazyk II/2 – Francouzština Foreign Language II/2 – French fre Spring zk 0/4/0 3 MPJ_JII2Nb Jazyk II/2 – Němčina Foreign Language II/2 – German ger Spring zk 0/4/0 3 MPJ_JII2Rb Jazyk II/2 – Ruština Foreign Language II/2 – Russian rus Spring zk 0/4/0 3 MPJ_JII2Sb Jazyk II/2 – Španělština Foreign Language II/2 – Spanish spa Spring zk 0/4/0 3 3. The courses marked with I in the code are at the highest level, i.e. enrolling requires at least knowledge at the B2 level. There is a four semester module for students of the faculty (who should reach C1 level by passing the final exam after the fourth semester). In spring semester you can take EITHER the second OR the fourth semester courses: Code Name Name in English Language Term Completion Extend and Intensity Credits BPJ_JI2A Jazyk I/2 – Angličtina Foreign Language I/2 – English eng Spring z 0/4/0 5 BPJ_JI2F Jazyk I/2 – Francouzština Foreign Language I/2 – French fre Spring z 0/4/0 5 BPJ_JI2N Jazyk I/2 – Němčina Foreign Language I/2 – German ger Spring z 0/4/0 5 BPJ_JI4A Jazyk I/4 – Angličtina Foreign Language I/4– English eng Spring zk 0/2/0 3 BPJ_JI4F Jazyk I/4 – Francouzština Foreign Language I/4 – French fre Spring zk 0/2/0 3 BPJ_JI4N Jazyk I/4 – Němčina Foreign Language I/4 – German ger Spring zk 0/2/0 3 Presentation Skills Code Name Name in English Language Term Completio Extend and Intensity Credits MPJ_PJPFD Präsentations-techniken und- fertigkeiten in Deutsch Presentation skills and techniques in German ger Spring z 0/2/0 3 MPJ_PJPSFS Presentation Skills for Foreign Students Presentation Skills for Foreign Students eng Spring zk 0/2 5 As far as the language of instruction is concerned, the majority of instruction is done in the target language even though most courses (esp. at the higher levels) are, apart form business communication, focused on translation. However, the teachers can be quite flexible in dealing with international students. Registration and timetable You can register for the language courses in the same way as for the rest of the courses. Please note that the courses are open to all full-time students of the faculty (more than 3,000 students), therefore there are many seminar groups and you need to register for the particular seminar group you have chosen in the registration/enrolment section of the Information system (IS) – you need to click on 'Show further information on the selected courses' on your course registration page. You can find a useful guide on how to work with the IS by displaying the contents of the HELP section of the IS: This guide contains also information on how to display your personal timetable or the timetable of a particular course.