Timetable of the selected courses: 7:40- 8:25 8:30- 9:15 9:20- 10:05 10:15- 11:00 11:05- 11:50 12:00- 12:45 12:50- 13:35 13:45- 14:30 14:35- 15:20 15:30- 16:15 16:20- 17:05 17:10- 17:55 18:00- 18:45 18:50- 19:35 Mon BPE_MIC1S311 Microeco- nomics 1 BPE_MIC1/01S311 Microeco- nomics 1 BPE_TCECP303 Transformation Czech Econ. BPH_BMCRP106 Business Management in the CR MPH_OKDMS311 Knowledge Management (1 ) MPF_STPAS309 Structured Products MPJ_PJPSFS/02 S314 Presentation Skills for Foreig MPJ_PJPSFS/01 S305 Presentation Skills for Foreig BPV_EUPPS306 European Union Public Policy MPH_ABLTP304 Business Logistics MPH_ABLT/01S313 Business Logistics MPH_IMARVT204 International Marketing MPJ_PJPFD/01 S401 Presentation skills and techni BPV_TRPSP106 Transformation of the Pub.Sect Tue MPH_AMEUVT204 Marketing in the EU BPE_INEC VT203 Intro- duction to Econo- metrics BPF_TFSCP101 Transformation of the Fin.syst BPF_FMRNS301 Financial Markets MPF_AACC/01 P403 Accounting (Basics) BPV_APECS310 Public Economics MPE_AMI2P102 Microeco- nomics 2 MPV_LMSIS311 BPE_INEC/01VT203 Introduction to Econometrics BPF_FMRN/01S306 Financial Markets BPE_WOECP312 World Economy MPF_AACCVT204 Accounting (Basics) MPE_LAECS313 Law and Economics MPF_STPA/01 VT203 Structured Products MPH_CSMRVT204 Case Studies to Marketing Research Aktuální verzi najdete na URL http://is.muni.cz/rozvrh/ November 14, 2014 7:40- 8:25 8:30- 9:15 9:20- 10:05 10:15- 11:00 11:05- 11:50 12:00- 12:45 12:50- 13:35 13:45- 14:30 14:35- 15:20 15:30- 16:15 16:20- 17:05 17:10- 17:55 18:00- 18:45 18:50- 19:35 Wed MPE_AMI2/01S305 Microeco- nomics 2 MPM_FIMA S301 Finan- cial Mathe- matics BPR_ITRDP304 Impacts of the Transformation MPF_AFIIS310 Financial investments MPF_AFII/01S310 Financial investments MPM_FIMA/01S301 Financial Mathematics BPE_HET1S301 History of Economic Thought BPE_HET1/ 01 S301 History of Eco- nomic Thought BPH_BUPR/02S313 Business Projects MPH_AOMAVT105 Operations Management MPH_AOMA/01 VT203 Operations Management Thu BPE_EPOP403 Economic Policy MPH_AMBEP403 Management BPH_BUPR/01S301 Business Projects MPM_AEM1P201 Application of Ec.-Mat. Models MPM_AEM1/01 P201 Application of Ec.-Mat. Models MPH_BUPM S306 Busi- ness Process Man- age- ment MPH_BUPM/01 S306 Business Process Management MPF_ASANS313 Security analysis MPF_ASAN/01S313 Security analysis Fri MPF_AFINP304 Finance (Basics) MPF_AFIN/ 01 P304 Finance (Basics) MPH_AMBE/01 P101 Management MPH_OKDM/01S311 Knowledge Management (4 ) MPH_NUNTS301 Contemporary Trends in Corporate Organisation (2 ) MPH_MKMBS306 Manag. for Market E. for S+M E (3 ) MPH_MKMBS306 Manag. for Market E. for S+M E (3 ) Aktuální verzi najdete na URL http://is.muni.cz/rozvrh/ November 14, 2014 (1 )each even Monday 14:35–17:55 (15.9., 29.9., 13.10., 27.10., 10.11., 24.11., 8.12.) (2 )Fri 19. 9. 7:40–11:00, Fri 26. 9. 7:40–11:00, Fri 3. 10. 7:40–11:00, Fri 10. 10. 7:40–11:00, Fri 17. 10. 7:40–11:00, Fri 24. 10. 7:40–11:00, Fri 31. 10. 7:40–11:00 (19.9., 26.9., 3.10., 10.10., 17.10., 24.10., 31.10.) (3 )Fri 10. 10. 12:50–17:55, Fri 24. 10. 10:15–15:20 (10.10., 24.10.) (4 )each even Friday 12:00–15:20 (19.9., 3.10., 17.10., 31.10., 14.11., 28.11., 12.12.) Aktuální verzi najdete na URL http://is.muni.cz/rozvrh/ November 14, 2014