Directive no. 5/2014 concerning the Requirements on the Length, Structure and Format of the Dissertation and of the Dissertation Summary PART ONE Requirements on the Length, Structure and Format of the Dissertation Section 1 The subject of regulation (1) The first part of this Directive specifies requirements on the length, structure and format of dissertations submitted as part of doctoral degree programmes at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “the Faculty”). (2) This Directive shall apply to dissertations in the extent stipulated by Section 30 of the Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations (version effective as of 1/2/2012). Section 2 Dissertation length (1) The minimum length of the dissertation is 120 pages of main text; the recommended maximum length is 160 pages. The length does not include: the title page, declaration, acknowledgements, table of contents, bibliography, summary in another language, appendices, and lists of abbreviations, tables, figures, charts or appendices. Section 3 Dissertation structure (1) The dissertation shall comprise the following parts: a. identification on the front cover of the thesis (see Appendix 1), b. identification on the title page (see Appendix 2), c. abstract in Czech and English (see Appendix 3), d. list of keywords in Czech and English (see Appendix 3), e. declaration (See Appendix 4), f. acknowledgements (expression of gratitude to people who provided guidance and encouragement; optional – see Appendix 5) g. table of contents, h. introduction, i. main text divided into chapters, sub-chapters and sections, j. conclusion, k. bibliography, l. summary in English, m. list of abbreviations (if used in the thesis), n. list of tables (if used in the thesis), o. list of charts (if used in the thesis), p. list of figures (if used in the thesis), q. list of appendices (if used in the thesis), r. appendices (if used in the thesis). Section 4 Technical and formatting requirements (1) The text shall be written on A4 paper. With the exception of parts a–g and k–q (see above) it may be printed on both sides of the paper. One page of the printed text shall contain at least 1800 characters (spaces included) in at least 30 lines. (2) The entire text needs to be formatted in a uniform style. (3) Page format: · top margin 25mm, bottom margin 20mm, · inner margin 35mm, outer margin 15mm, · block-aligned text, · paragraphs are separated by a blank line. (4) Font: · serif (such as Times New Roman), · font size 11 or 12 points for the main text, 10 points for footnotes, · font size 16 points (bold) for first-level headings, 14 points (bold) for second-level headings, and 12 points (bold) for third-level headings, · for data in tables and charts a different font may be used including sans-serif fonts (such as Arial), and the font size may be adjusted as needed. (5) Line spacing: · 1.5 line for the main text, · normal (1 line) for footnotes. (6) Headings: · use decimal numbers for chapter numbering; the recommended maximum depth is three levels: 1 Chapter title 1.1 Sub-chapter title 1.1.1 Section title · abstract, declaration, acknowledgements, introduction, chapters with first-level headings, conclusion, bibliography and lists (of abbreviations etc.) always start on a new page. (7) Tables, charts and figures: · the captions of tables, charts and figures (incl. their numbers) are placed above; the same font size is used as for the main text, · if the table data, chart or figure is from another source, the source must be acknowledged below, in italics and with font size smaller than the main text, · if the table data, chart or figure is the author's own, the source must also be acknowledged below (for example, “Source: Own data”), in italics and with font size smaller than the main text. (8) Abbreviations: · if abbreviations are used in the text, they must be explained when first used (in brackets or in a footnote) and put in the list of abbreviations. (9) Pagination: · the thesis shall be paginated, · page numbers are placed at the bottom of the page: either in the centre, or at the outer margin, · the title page, abstract, declaration, acknowledgements and the table of contents are not paginated but are included in the page order, · the last page to have a number is the list of appendices; appendices themselves are not paginated. (10) The front cover: · the front cover of the hardbound dissertation shall include the following information: at the top: MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration in the middle: Dissertation at the bottom: the place (Brno) and year of submission, the name and surname of the author (incl. academic degrees) (11) Title page: · the title page of the dissertation shall include the following information: at the top: MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration in the middle: The full title of the thesis Dissertation at the bottom: supervisor author (name with degrees) (name with degrees) the place (Brno) and year of submission (12) Declaration: The dissertation shall include the following declaration: “I hereby declare that the dissertation ………… (title of the thesis) is my own work carried out under the supervision of …………. (name of the supervisor), and that I have duly acknowledged all sources in accordance with the law, the internal regulations of Masaryk University, and the binding internal documents of Masaryk University and of the Faculty of Economics and Administration”. In (place) on (date) (Signature of the author of the thesis) Section 5 Language of the dissertation (1) The dissertation is written in the language for which the degree programme is accredited. That means, in programmes taught in Czech the dissertation is written in standard Czech or Slovak, in programmes taught in English/German the dissertation is written in English/German, or in the language specified for this purpose in the programme. With the consent of the doctoral board the dissertation can be written in some other language as well. The dissertation can always be written in English (even without the consent of the board), unless the particular degree programme specifies a different language (see Sect. 30 Subs. 3 of the SER). Section 6 Citation of sources (1) Bibliography (a list of works used in the dissertation) a. In the bibliography the author references all sources used in the process of writing the dissertation. b. The list of sources is arranged alphabetically according to author, or title (if the author is not given). (1.1) A printed book is cited as follows: · Surname, first name(s) or initials of the author. The surname of the author can be in uppercase. The name is written without academic degrees or distinctions. If the book is co-authored, the citation shall include all authors, their names separated by a comma or a dash; the last two authors need to be separated by “and”. The surname of the first author shall precede his/her first name. The names of the other authors can be given in traditional order (for example: KULHAVÝ, František and Zbyněk KULHAVÝ). If the work cited has more than three authors, it is possible to only list the first one, adding “et al.” after his/her name. · Full title, written in the language of the cited publication as printed on the title page. · Edition number (required, with the exception of first-edition publications) · Secondary authorship information (if needed for the identification of the source; for example, the translator, editor etc.) · Place of publication and the publisher's name in the language of the publication. If there are several places of publication, either give the first one, the one that is highlighted in print, or the more significant one. · Year of publication (in Arabic numerals). · Series name and number. · Number of pages (optional; this information is required if only a part of the document was used). · ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Sample book citation: One author: KOSEK, J. Html – tvorba dokonalých stránek: podrobný průvodce. Vyd. 1. Praha: Grada, 1998. 291 s. ISBN 80-7169-608-0. Two authors: NOVÁK, J. a P. DOLEŽAL. Smlouva o dílo. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2011. ISBN 80-7258-758-2. Three or more authors: HLINOMAZ, J. a kol. Dnes a zítra. Brno: Nakladatelství Masarykovy univerzity, 2009. 111 s. ISBN 82-7852-147-0. If a digital version of the book is available, it is cited in the same way as the printed book. Further, it is also necessary to provide information about how to access the digital version, by adding “Available from:” and a URL, place where the CD is stored etc. (1.2) An article in a journal is cited as follows: · Surname, first name(s) or initials of the author. The surname of the author can be in uppercase. The name is written without academic degrees or distinctions. If the article is co-authored, the citation shall include all authors, their names separated by a comma or a dash; the last two authors need to be separated by “and”. The surname of the first author shall precede his/her first name. The names of the other authors can be given in traditional order (for example: KULHAVÝ, František and Zbyněk KULHAVÝ). If the work cited has more than three authors, it is possible to only list the first one, adding “et al.” after his/her name. · Full title of the article, written in the language of the cited publication. · The name of the journal. · Date or year of publication, volume, issue number and page range. · ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). Sample journal article citation: VAN DER VET, P. E. and N. I. MARS. Condocet query engine: an engine for coordinated index terms. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, May 1999, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 485–492. ISSN 1532-2882. (1.3) A paper published in a proceedings is cited as follows: · The provisions set out in the preceding paragraphs shall also apply to citations of papers published in conference proceedings. Unless the author of the paper is also the author of the proceedings, authorship must be specified for the proceedings as well. Sample paper citation: IWAZUME, M., TAKEDA, H. and NISHIDA, T. Ontology – based Information from the Internet. In: Knowledge organization and change: Proceedings of the fourth international ISKO conference 15–18 July, 1996 Washington D.C., USA. Frankfurt am Main: INDEKS, 1996, s. 261–272. ISBN 978-388672024-8. ŠIMŠA, J. Důkazy beze slov. In: TROJÁNEK, A., J. NOVOTNÝ a D. HRUBÝ, eds. Matematika, fyzika a vzdělávání: sborník z XI. semináře o filozofických otázkách matematiky a fyziky. Velké Meziříčí: Komise pro vzdělávání učitelů matematiky a fyziky JČMF, 2004, s. 64–78. ISBN 80-214-2601-2. (1.4) Thesis citations: · Published theses and dissertations are cited in the same way as monographs. For non-published theses and dissertations, the following information must be given apart from the author and the title: place and date of submission, type of thesis, name of the institution, and optionally the name of the supervisor. Sample citation of a non-published thesis: ADAMEC, P. Systém financování obcí VÚC ve Slovenské republice. Brno, 2005. Bakalářská práce. Masarykova univerzita, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta, Katedra regionální ekonomie a správy, 2005. (1.5) Legislation is cited as follows: · The legal form of the cited document,[1] number/year of publication including the name of the official journal and the name of the legislation; it is recommended to also include the source from which the document was obtained. · When citing foreign legislation, the country of origin shall be given at the very beginning of the citation. Sample citation of a legislative document: Zákon č. 111 ze dne 22. dubna 1998 o vysokých školách a o změně a doplnění dalších zákonů (zákon o vysokých školách). In: Sbírka zákonů České republiky. 1998, částka 39, s. 5388–5419. Dostupný také z: ISSN 1211-1244. Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2009/24/ES ze dne 23. dubna 2009 o právní ochraně počítačových programů. In: EUR-lex [právní informační systém]. Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie [cit. 2012-4-29]. Dostupné z: SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA. Ústavní zákon č. 460/1992 Zb., Ústava Slovenskej republiky, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. In: ASPI [právní informační systém]. Wolters Kluwer ČR [cit. 2012-04-29]. (1.6) Citation of electronic resources: · Apart from the author and the title of the publication, all citations of electronic resources must include the type of media enclosed in square brackets (for example, [online], [CD] etc.), as well as the date of the citation and the specification of online access to the resource. Information concerning the edition, publisher, place, date of creation or of the last update of the resource shall also be provided if available. If the online address to access the resource contains many sub-levels, it can be shortened to make the reference more readable. Sample unabridged citations of an electronic publication or a web portal: NOTHOLT, J. Das Semantic Web: Schritte auf dem Weg zum juristischen Einsatz [online]. Zdrojový soubor ze dne 30. 9. 2004 [cit. 2005-05-08]. Dostupné z: /20050057.htm. ČESKO. MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ, MLÁDEŽE A TĚLOVÝCHOVY. MŠMT: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy [online]. MŠMT, ©2006 [cit. 2010-08-05]. Dostupné z: Sample citation of a single web page: WESTCOM. O nás. [online]. ©2008-2011 [cit. 2011-04-26]. Dostupné z: Sample citation of an issue of an electronic journal: Ikaros [online]. 1999, roč. 3, č. 10 [cit. 1999-12-31]. ISSN 1212-5075. Dostupné z: Sample citation of an article in an electronic journal: KUBROVÁ, B. WWW prezentace jako nástroj online marketingu. Ikaros [online]. 1998, roč. 2, č. 6 [cit. 1999-04-06]. ISSN 1212-5075. Dostupné z: Sample citation of an electronic database: Administrativní registr ekonomických subjektů (Ares) [online databáze]. Praha: Ministerstvo financí ČR, 1999 [cit. 2001-10-24]. Dostupné z: Databáze ekonomických subjektů v České republice. (2) References in the text of the dissertation Whenever the author of the dissertation uses a part of text or borrows ideas from another author, a reference to the respective work is due at the particular place. In-text references are made in one of two ways: using the “first element and date” method, or using footnotes. (2.1) If the former method is used, the text will include identification under which the document can be found in the bibliography section – typically the name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication, both enclosed in round brackets. If another author’s text is directly quoted it is put in quotation marks, and the reference must also include the respective page. If the dissertation references more than one work of the same author published in the same year, a letter of the alphabet in lowercase is appended to the year, for example: (Smejkal, 2003a). Sample direct quotation: An organizational culture is defined as “a pattern of shared fundamental beliefs that the group has adopted while dealing with problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that proved helpful enough to be now considered valid and passed on to new members of the organization as a way of perception, thinking and feeling that is correct in relation to these problems” (Schein, 1992, p. 12). Sample indirect quotation of other authors’ ideas: In terms of the course and character of the change, two fundamental types of cultural change are identified: revolutionary and evolutionary (Bates, 1994; Brown, 1995; Sackmann, 2002a; Alvesson and Sveningsson, 2008, etc.). (2.2) When referencing by footnotes the author of the dissertation uses footnote numbers written in superscript to refer to the sources. The citation itself is given in the footnote at the bottom of the page that contains the numbered reference. Footnotes are numbered continuously throughout the text of the dissertation. If references to a particular source are repeated, the identification in the footnote can be shortened; the recommended form is Surname: The first words of the title, page number. If the same source is referenced again in the immediately following footnote, it is enough to use the word “Ibid.” followed by the respective page number (unless it is identical as well). Sample footnote reference: [1] TENOPIR, C. Electronic access to periodicals. Library Journal, 1993, vol. 118, iss. 4, p. 54–55. ISSN 0363-0277. Sample repeated reference: ^5 TENOPIR, C., ref. 1, p. 29. Section 7 Using the ČSN standard (1) Unless this Directive specifies otherwise, citations used in theses and dissertations submitted at the Faculty of Economics and Administration comply with the ČSN ISO 690 standard, “Information and documentation – Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources” (effective from 1/4/2011). Appendix 1 Sample text on the front cover MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration DISSERTATION Brno 2012 Ing. Jiří Brázda Appendix 2 Sample text on the title page MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration Field of study: Business Economics and Management logo Organisation Culture and Quality Management Dissertation Supervisor: Author: prof. Ing. Jaromír Novák, CSc. Ing. Jiří Brázda Brno 2012 Appendix 3 Sample page with abstract and keywords Abstract xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Abstrakt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Keywords A maximum of 5 words or short phrases Klíčová slova A maximum of 5 words or short phrases Appendix 4 Sample declaration “I hereby declare that the dissertation ………… (title of the thesis) is my own work carried out under the supervision of …………. (name of the supervisor), and that I have duly acknowledged all sources in accordance with the law, the internal regulations of Masaryk University, and the binding internal documents of Masaryk University and of the Faculty of Economics and Administration”. In (place) on (date) (Signature of the author of the thesis) Appendix 5 Sample acknowledgements (optional, the actual wording is arbitrary) I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor …………. (name) for his/her invaluable support and endless patience. I would also like to thank …………. (name) for his/her helpful assistance in collecting the necessary data and information. (Signature of the author of the thesis) PART TWO Requirements on the Length, Structure and Format of the Dissertation Summary Section 1 The subject of regulation (1) The second part of this Directive specifies requirements on the length, structure and format of dissertation summaries submitted as part of doctoral degree programmes at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University. (2) The dissertation summary provides a brief summary of aims, objectives and fundamental results of the research, and advocates the contribution of the dissertation. Section 2 Length and format of the dissertation summary (1) The dissertation summary shall comprise 15–20 pages of text written in Czech, Slovak or, with the consent of the Chair of the doctoral board/committee, in a world language (with abstract provided in Czech and English). Students in degree programmes taught in English or German write their dissertation summaries in the respective language. (2) The dissertation summary shall be submitted in 10 printed copies. Section 3 Required parts of the dissertation summary (1) The dissertation summary shall comprise: a. identification on the front cover (see Appendix 6), b. identification on the first page (see Appendix 7), c. abstract in Czech and English (see Appendix 8), d. list of keywords in Czech and English (see Appendix 8), e. table of contents (see Appendix 9), f. main text divided into chapters, sub-chapters and sections (see Appendix 10), g. conclusion, h. bibliography, i. list of the author’s publications Section 4 Recommended structure of the dissertation summary (1) The summary should be structured as follows: Introduction 1. Problem definition 2. Aims and objectives 3. Theoretical points of departure (the current state of knowledge) 4. Research methods and procedures 5. Main research results and findings Conclusion Bibliography Section 5 Formatting requirements (1) The text of the dissertation summary shall be written on A4 paper. With the exception of parts a–e (see above) it may be printed on both sides of the paper. (2) The dissertation summary is submitted printed on both sides of A5 paper, with the individual sheets firmly bound together into a booklet. (3) One page of the printed text shall contain at least 1800 characters (spaces included) in at least 30 lines. Top and bottom margin 25mm, left margin 30mm, right margin 20mm. (4) The following text editor formatting is recommended: · font: use a serif font such as Times New Roman; font size 12 points for the main text, 10 points for footnotes, 16 points (bold) for first-level headings, 14 points (bold) for second-level headings, 12 points (bold) for third-level headings; for data in tables and charts a different font may be used with features similar to Times New Roman, and the font size may be adjusted as needed; · line spacing: 1.5 line for the main text, normal (1 line) for footnotes. · paragraphs: block-aligned and separated by a blank line; · headings: use decimal numbers for chapter numbering; the recommended maximum depth is three levels; do not use abbreviations in chapter and sub-chapter titles; introduction, chapters with first-level headings, conclusion, bibliography and the list of appendices always start on a new page. (5) The captions of tables, charts and figures (incl. their numbers) are placed above; the same font size is used as for the main text. If the table data, chart or figure is from another source, the source must be acknowledged below, in italics and with font size smaller than the main text. If the table data, chart or figure is the author's own, the source is acknowledged in the same way; see Sect. 4 Subs. 7 in Part One above. Appendix 6 Sample text on the front cover MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration Organisation Culture and Quality Management Dissertation Summary Brno 2012 Ing. Jiří Brázda Appendix 7 Sample text on the first page The dissertation was written as part of the …………… (full-time/combined) doctoral degree programme at the Department of …………… (name of the department), Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University. Submitter: (name with degrees) (department) Supervisor: (name with degrees) (department) Doctoral degree programme: (name) Field of study: (name) Chair of the doctoral board/committee: (name with degrees) The dissertation defence takes place on …………… (date) before the defence committee at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University. Doctoral field of study (field code ). The dissertation can be downloaded in advance from the Masaryk University Information System, sectionGraduates and Theses. Link: Chair of the defence committee: Appendix 8 Sample page with abstract and keywords Abstract xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Abstrakt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Keywords A maximum of 5 words or short phrases Klíčová slova A maximum of 5 words or short phrases Appendix 9 Sample table of contents of the dissertation summary TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. Problem definition 1.1 (Sub-chapter title) 1.1.1 (Section title) 2. Aims and objectives of the dissertation 2.1 (Sub-chapter title) 3. Theoretical points of departure 3.1 (Sub-chapter title) 3.1.1 (Section title) 4. Research methods and procedures 4.1 (Sub-chapter title) 5. Research results and findings Conclusion Bibliography List of the author’s publications Appendix 10 Sample structure and font size for the individual heading levels 1. First-level heading (chapter) 1.1 Second-level heading (sub-chapter) 1.1.1 Third-level heading (section) PART THREE Final part Section 1 List of sources (1) Directive of the Dean no. 4/2012 concerning Citation of Sources Used in Theses and Dissertations submitted at the Faculty of Law. Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, 1/7/2012. (2) BIERNÁTOVÁ, Olga and SKŮPA, Jan. Bibliografické odkazy a citace dokumentů dle ČSN ISO 690 (01 0197) platné od 1. dubna 2011 [online]. Brno, 2011 [cit. 2013-05-20]. Available from: Section 2 Final and abrogation provisions (1) This Directive is issued in relation to Directive of the Dean no. 4/2014 concerning Studies in Doctoral Degree Programmes and their Organization. (2) This Directive repeals Directive of the Dean no. 6/2012 concerning the Requirements on the Length, Structure and Format of the Dissertation and of the Dissertation Summary. (3) I hereby authorize the Vice Dean for Academic Qualifications and Doctoral Degree Programmes to provide the interpretation of the individual provisions of this Directive. (4) I also authorize the Vice Dean for Academic Qualifications and Doctoral Degree Programmes to initiate the updating of this Directive. (5) I authorize the Officer for Research and Doctoral Degree Programmes to inspect the compliance with this Directive. (6) This Directive has the following appendices: 1. Sample text on the front cover of the dissertation 2. Sample text on the title page of the dissertation 3. Sample page with abstract and keywords in the dissertation 4. Sample declaration 5. Sample acknowledgements 6. Sample text on the front cover of the dissertation summary 7. Sample text on the first page of the dissertation summary 8. Sample page with abstract and keywords in the dissertation summary 9. Sample table of contents of the dissertation summary 10. Sample structure and font size for the individual heading levels (7) This Directive shall take effect on the date of its publication. In Brno, 21 October 2014 prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc. Dean ________________________________ [1] An act, a decree, a directive etc.