Masarykova univerzita, Centrum pro transfer technologií Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno, Česká republika, Sídlo: Komenského nám. 220/2, 602 00 Brno, T: +420 549 49 2887, E:, Call for Implementation of Sub-Projects within Frame of the TA CR GAMA 2 Programme "Strengthening the Commercialization System of R&D Results at Masaryk University" Open Call No. 03-2020 Specification Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is launching a call for proposals to support an increase in application potential of results of R&D at Masaryk University – Proof of Concept. The aim of this call is to evaluate and verify the estimated application potential of already achieved results of R&D at Masaryk University via Sub-Projects which will be implemented on the basis of this call. The duration of the supported Sub-Projects will be from 6 to 24 months. The maximum financial support for one Sub-Project is 1 000 000 CZK. The minimum amount to be requested for the implementation of one Sub-Project is 100 000 CZK. Schedule: Collection of applications for financial support to implement Sub-Projects Proof of Concept starts on 22 June 2020 and ends on 24 July 2020. A hard copy of the signed project proposal including the accompanying documents has to be handed in at TTO by 30 July 2020. The implementation of the supported projects can start 1 September 2020 and will be initiated on the basis of a cooperation agreement between TTO and faculty of MU. Additional Information: Detailed information on the call can be found on the documentation server of TTO here.