Marta Janina Skrodzka Faculty of Law University of Bialystok Poland Clinical Legal Education ­ Legal Clinic at the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok What is CLE all about Clinical Legal Education (CLE) = "an interactive method of teaching law students the legal skills they will need in order to become competent, conscientious and ethical lawyers" (E. Rekosh) Two main goals: education and social mission Historical facts: - the idea appeared at the very beginning of the 20th century - it became well developed in US in the 1960s - it became popular in Europe in the 1990s - Poland ­ first Legal Clinic was established in 1997 2 Clinical Legal Education Legal clinics in Poland Białystok ­ University of Białystok Białystok ­ Białystok School of Public Administration Gdańsk ­ Gdańsk University Katowice ­ Silesian University Kraków ­ Jagiellonian University Kraków - Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University Lublin ­ Catholic University of Lublin Lublin ­ Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Łódź ­ University of Łodź Olsztyn ­ Academic Association of the Law and European Education Propagators ,,Wspólna Europa" Olsztyn - The University of Warmia and Mazury Opole ­ Opole University Poznań - Adam Mickiewicz University Rzeszów ­ Rzeszów University Słubice - Collegium Polonicum Szczecin ­ University of Szczecin Toruń ­ Nicolaus Copernicus University Warszawa - Academia Iuris Foundation Warszawa - Warsaw University Warszawa - Lazarski School of Commerce and Law Warszawa - Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management Warszawa - Management and Law Academy (WSZiP) Warszawa - Stefan Kardinal Wyszyński in Warsaw * Wrocław - Wrocław University * Legal clinic opened in 2006 Białystok Warszawa Lublin RzeszówKraków Katowice Opole Wrocław Łódź Poznań Toruń Gdańsk Szczecin Słubice Olsztyn 3 Clinical Legal Education Academic year 2006/2007 in numbers 9399 cases were submitted to legal clinics between October 2006 and June 2007; 2327 (25%) were civil law cases; 1302 students and 197 teachers worked in the clinics; 1 teacher supervised the work of 6 students; 7 cases were solved by one student. 4 Clinical Legal Education Comparing to the previous years ... 6596 7421 9833 9399 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 1302 913 1279 1049 197179147109 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 Number of cases in years 2003-2007 Number of students and teachers in years 2003-2007 students teachers 5 Clinical Legal Education Number of cases accepted by the clinics Total: 9399 (9833 in academic year 2005/2006) * Clinic opened in 2006 1958 1012 880 791 586 454 390 334 329 328 325 293 258 249 205 201 184 127 121 101 98 80 57 38 W arszaw a (A I) W arszaw a (U W )K rakówKatowiceSzczecin SłubiceW rocławRzeszów Poznań Lublin (K U L) O lsztyn (A SPPiEE)G dańsk Łódź B iałystok (U wB ) W arszaw a (W S HiP) Toruń Lublin (U M CS) O lsztyn (UW -M ) O pole B iałystok (W SA P) W arszawa (W S ZiP) W arszaw a (W SPiZ) K raków (CM U J) W arszaw a (U KSW )* 6 Clinical Legal Education Number of clinical teachers Total: 197 (179 in academic year 2005/2006) * Clinic opened in 2006 27 19 15 11 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 W arszaw a (A I) K raków (UJ) W arszaw a (W S H iP) B iałystok (U w B )Katow ice Łódź Toruń G dańskSłubice W arszaw a (U K SW )* W arszaw a (W S PiZ) Lublin (U M C S)R zeszówSzczecin O lsztyn (U W -M ) W arszaw a (U W ) B iałystok (W SA P ) O lsztyn (A SPPiEE) K raków (CM U J) Lublin (K U L)Poznań W arszaw a (W S ZiP )W rocław O pole 7 Clinical Legal Education Types of cases 15 416 14293150106 398421 591 817 992 1180 2327 2012 CivillawCrim inallaw Fam ily law Laborand Unem ploym entlaw Inheritance lawHousing law Adm inistrative law Refugee and foreignerlawFinanciallaw SocialaidHealth care Violence againstw om en Disabled NG O other Total: 9399 8 Clinical Legal Education Time of handling the case Short explanation (1-2 meetings, up to 2 weeks) 49% 1 year and more 1% Between 2 months and 1 year 9% Several meetings (2 weeks - 2 months) 41% 9 Clinical Legal Education Sources of information about legal clinic Other 25% Friends 30%Family 12% Information brochures 8% Internet 13% Radio 1% TV 2% News- papers 9% 10 Clinical Legal Education Have the clients used professional legal advice before? No 83% Yes 17% 11 Clinical Legal Education Present status of the legal clinics in Poland There are very few NGO based legal clinics in Poland. Almost all of the legal clinics in Poland are recognized by the Universities as a part of the legal curriculum at our law schools (as one of the mandatory classes that are offered to the students). Legal Clinics are present at every state law school and at almost all private law schools. Some of the legal clinics gained a status of a chair or laboratory (in cities like: Krakow, Warsaw, Bialystok, Lodz) All of the legal clinics that are based at the Universities get all the office costs covered as well as the professor's salaries paid by the Universities. Legal Clinics Foundation and a group of legal aid NGO's with a support of the Ombudsman drafted a new law on access to legal aid. The Ministry of Justice included legal clinics activity as a part of the national network of institutions that will provide so called pre-trial legal advice and basic legal information to poor people. 12 Clinical Legal Education Bialystok Legal Clinic ­ short introduction * Established in 1998 as a Tax Law Clinic; * Developed to a 9-section clinic in 2006/2007; * Provided over 3000 legal services during last 10 years; * 51 students and 11 supervisors (faculty members) working at the clinic in the 2006/2007. 13 Clinical Legal Education Structure 14 Clinical Legal Education Additional activity of the Bialystok Legal Clinic Seminars and trainings for all members (i.e.: legal ethics, professional responsibility, psychology); Cooperation with the Ombudsman; Internship program: The Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights, The Ombudsman, several law firms in Bialystok; Annual publishing of most interesting cases; Student Information Points Program (Police stations); Cooperation with the Legal Clinics Foundation (2nd National Legal Clinics Conference in April 2004 and 8th National Legal Clinics Conference in October 2007); Establishment of the Judicial Practices Center. 15 Clinical Legal Education Annual Reports Clinical Legal Education16 Divided into particular sections' statistics: number of cases accepted and rejected; number of students and supervisors working in the section; types of problems dealt with in different fields of law; types of documentation prepared by the students. Annual Reports Divided into particular sections' statistics: - number of cases accepted and rejected - number of students and supervisors working in the section - types of problems dealt with in different fields of law - types of documentation prepared by the students 17 Clinical Legal Education Sample of the Report ­ civil law sections Period: Oct.15 ­ May.15 2007 Number of cases accepted: 124 Number of cases rejected: 7 Number of students: 18 Number of supervisors: 3 18 Clinical Legal Education Sample of the Report ­ civil law sections 1. FAMILY LAW: Pleadings prepared by the students: - divorce petition - separation petition - increase of alimony amount petition Legal opinions prepared by the students: - premises for divorce/separation - protection from future debts of the partner in marriage - seeking alimony from unemployed parent 19 Clinical Legal Education Sample of the Report ­ civil law sections 2. LAW OF THE SUCCESSION: Pleadings prepared by the students: - petitions concerning the acquisition of inheritance Legal opinions prepared by the students: - invalidation of the last will - relinquishment of the inheritance 3. OTHER: - usufruct contracts with minors - reporting the change of address - blank bills of exchange 20 Clinical Legal Education Thank you