Czech case study on co-production in the delivery of public good services * Magdalena Huncova Spolupráce veřejného a soukromého sektoru při řešení mimořádných událostí Konference s mezinárodní účastí, ESF MU Brno, 11. 6. ­ 12. 6. 2008 Co-production and co-management in the public good services delivery Security of person and property - fire safety * Co-production is manifested by co-management as a type of cooperation in which the third sector has a direct influence on the nature of public services delivery (its planning, providing, producing, delivering, and financing). * The Voluntary fire-fighting crews would represent bodies of the third sector in the Czech Republic which produces common good services at local level in cooperation with the state administration historically and nowadays . * An involvement of citizens creates the service delivery practices as well as the citizens and their social capital is themselves created by the service delivery. Theses: Some questions: * (1) Are fire-safety and fire-effects maintenance activities recognizable as a public service? * (2) What are the specific characteristics of fire-safety service? * (3) What is the history and present of this service delivery? * (4) Which actors play their role here and in which manners? * (5) What is the conclusion? Fire-safety and fire-effects maintenance activities are services as a common good * Fair-fighting and fire-effects overcoming and maintenance postulate demand of some solidarity mechanisms because it is not easy to bear that costs by individuals. The market don't operate it. * Fire prevention stays traditionally to be municipal and state interest. Specific characteristics of fire-safety service That service is being usually and traditionally delivered within close cooperation ­ of (associated) citizens with their municipality, ­ of voluntary semi-professionals with salaried professionals, ­ of the municipality with the state, ­ and of various bodies across economical sectors together. That service is delivered systematically. Nowadays some data about the Czech Republic (1.1.2007) * About 87 000 fire-fighter serve there ­ including about 9 000 professionals (within the state Fire-fighting and rescue crew) ­ and about 78 000 voluntaries (within about 370 voluntary crews in villages and small cities). * Czech Republic area covers 78 864 square kilometres where about 10,2 million citizens live ­ included about 5 million men and 5,2 million women) ­ which settled in about 6 250 domicile- municipalities History of the service * Some voluntary fire-fighting crew in Líšťany village was founded in 1871, another one in Velký Šenov city in 1879, for example. * "Central fire-fighting union" of the Czech kingdom country was associated in 1879 and "Fire-fighter's mutual insurance company" in 1900. * "Confederation of Czechoslovak voluntary firemen" was associated 1919. The fire-safety of city or village was organized by mayor, but the responsibility of firefighting were held by voluntary crews (machine-man and commander served as a salaried public person sometimes). In some bigger cities, there public fire-fighting crews were served by professional salaried men. 125 years anniversary in the village The service nowadays * 1942 there state Regiment of fire-fighting policy was settled being administrated by German Gendarmerie. * After the War that system was covered by the Czechoslovak Ministry of Interior and operated via National boards per both voluntary and professional fire-fighting bodies. Firemen were given by magistracy status. * In 1958 state responsibility of fire-fighting was decentralized down to voluntary "Czechoslovak firefighting alliance". Schools for fire-fighters were founded. * In 1985 new the Fire-fighting Code was issued. * After 1995 the state professional "Fire-fighting and rescue crew" was newly established and headed by the Czech Ministry of Interior. * New system of Crises Management, Emergency solution and citizen's security Planning, and Integral System of Rescue were created * New collection of relevant Codes came in 2000. Integral System of Rescue ISR is aimed to provide fire-saving citizen's life, health and property (via fire-prevention and fire-fighting) and to provide effective helping in occasion of any extraordinary accidents (natural disaster, traffic accident and other). Comanagement is deep and multilateral here. * The professional Fire-fighting and rescue crew of the Czech Republic is a pillar as well as the Voluntary firefighting crews are the main actors of the IRS system. * They co-operate together with the Policy and Army being a partner of state, regional and municipalities. Another partners of ISR cooperate "in call or task" agreement regime (namely Mountain rescue services, Mine rescue service, Cave rescue service, Health rescue service, and others, which are some voluntary and some professional bodies). * Person and firms co-laborate when necessary. All the system is operated within the public Crises Management. Structure of Czech fire-fighting system, its actors and network, co-management - FRC The Fire-fighter and rescue crew of the CR (FRC) ­ is authorised by Law to provide: state's supervision on firesecurity provision; strategic fire-fight and rescue planning in coordination it with partners; activity co-operation and co-ordination with partners; publicity and enlightenment; education and training both professional firemen and voluntary firemen (their machine-men and commander especially); financial support to voluntary fire-fighters crew's technique-equipment; other assignments. ­ co-organizes fighting-power co-ordination exercises and fire-fighter's sport performance with volunteers together. ­ provides central emergency call both by national No. 150 and European No. 112 (systematically from 2003). FRC includes 14 regional crew-branches subsided to regional authority. Structure of Czech fire-fighting system, its actors and network, comanagement - VFC * Voluntary fire-fighters crews (VFC) associate citizens to provide honored common good services on voluntary base. VFC represents citizen's mutual solidary initiative which is semi-professional. * Any crew is relatively autonomous under patronage of related municipality. * VFC involve young people into fire-fighting activities and play serious role in local culture and sport. * Voluntary fire-fighters crews' activity and equipment are financed mainly by public finance support and cofinanced by member's fee, by philanthropy, by they own activities at the open market and by nondistributed profit of themselves controlled non-forprofit enterprises. They use also voluntary work and mutual self-help. * Members of voluntary fire-fighting crews are associated into three Associations. Voluntary fire-fighting sector network * Fire-fighter educational institutions; * Granting founds (the Found for fire-fighting movement supporting; the Firemen and policemen found supporting children surviving the fire-fighter which perish be on service); * Fire-fighters trade unions, * Professional chamber of Fire-fighters (It is voluntary association of fire-fighter technique-equipment providers which are profit and non-for-profit bodies); * Association of fire-fighter officers (It is voluntary association ­ a member of European Federation of Firefighter Officers Association); * Fire-fighter's Mutual Insurance, Co. (It is non-for-profit body which is founded and controlled by Association of Voluntary Fire-fighter crews. Its profit is non-distributed but proposed for fire-fighting technique improvement of Voluntary fire-fighting crews). * Others. Conclusion * Case study shows providers, procedures, activities and actions which are co-managed by both public authorities and private bodies jointly and systematically. * Fire-fighting was any time common good service which effective providing needs existence of large coordination and cooperation anybody concerned. * Furnished by power, public authorities functionally collaborate and coordinate strategic and operational appropriate activities with each other and with their partners to catch the common purpose and benefits. * Furnished by creative enthusiasm, citizen's volunteers not only provides common good service but also make their community more strength. Thank you for your attention Příspěvek navazuje na téma přednesené na mezinárodní konferenci EGPA v Madridu 2007 (co-management ­ social services) Magdalena Hunčová University J.E.Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem 2008