Topics for doctoral dissertations in the field of Economic policy for academic year 2008/2009 Supervisor: prof. Ing. Pavel Ondrčka, CSc. 1. The impact of economic policy on the capital market in the Czech Republic 2. An analysis of instruments for securing currency stability (Applied to the Czech Crown) Supervisor: doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D. 1. The different interpretations of the Great Depression 2. An analysis of economic reforms in socialist countries Supervisor: prof. Ing. Milan Žák, CSc. 1. New comparative economics – the theory and practical application 2. Governance and corporate governance – an interdisciplinary comparison 3. Quality of administration – an institutional view Supervisor: Ing. Zdeněk Tomeš, Ph.D. 1. Competition in network industries 2. Intergenerational redistribution Supervisor: prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc. 1. Determinants of the competitiveness of an economy (methodology and analysis) 2. Quality of public institutions, economic freedoms and political risk 3. Macroeconomic aspects of competitiveness 4. Globalization tendencies and international trade (a comparative analysis) Supervisor: prof. Ing. Vojtěch Krebs, CSc. 1. The impact of social policy on economic growth 2. Social and economic aspects of efficiency in social services Supervisor: doc. Ing. Osvald Vašíček, CSc. 1. Czech economy in the period of accession to the European Economic and Monetary Union (DSGE NOEM model) 2. Monetary policy under conditions of uncertainty (DSGE NOEM model) Supervisor: RNDr. Dalibor Moravanský, CSc. 1. Application of selected expense/demand systems in the analysis of consumer demand Supervisor: Ing. Martin Kvizda, Ph.D. 1. The causes and effects of regulation of competitive environment in network industries 2. An analysis of economies of scale in network industries – the case of railway transport Supervisor: Ing. Petr Musil, Ph.D. 1. The Influence of Membership of Eurozone on the Inflationary Development of Eurozone Members and its Relationship with the European Central Bank 2. Common Trade Policy