INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATION MASARYK UNIVERSITY TO SECURE FIRE PREVENTION Obligations of students of Faculty of economics and administration MU (ESF MU) are based on the Act on Fire Prevention. The student is always obliged to act in the premises of the faculty, so that his/her activities may not cause the fire, especially by using thermal and electrical appliances, storing and using fire hazardous substances and materials. In particular, to comply with the orders and prohibitions related to fire protection in places which are marked with warning tables. Setting the workplace to unexceptionable state in terms of fire protection is required before leaving the workplace. Students are required to make themselves familiar with the provisions of fire alarm rules and fire evacuation plans located in the corridors. There is an absolute ban on smoking and any handling with an open fire on the premises of the ESF MU. Students must not carry out activities that could lead to fire, not to use private electrical and gas appliances (except notebooks), not harm or abuse portable fire extinguishers and other fire protection means, and they are not entitled to interfere with the electrical installation of the building. Everyone is required in connection with the fire emergency: - To try to extinguish the fire with fire devices (portable fire extinguishers); after shutting the power, wall water hydrants can be used; - To report fire at the reception desk of the faculty (in person, by telephone or EPS button), or to ensure its announcement; - To take the necessary measures to save endangered persons; - To provide all information about the fire to firefighters, to provide appropriate personal assistance if necessary. Use the shortest escape route for the evacuation from the dangerous area. There is a ban on the use of elevators in case of fire! Hereby I confirm that I have been acquainted with the above instructions, that I understand them, and that I shall observe them. INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATION MASARYK UNIVERSITY TO SECURE SAFETY AND HEALTH PROTECTION AT WORK The student is required to protect his/her safety, health and health of people concerned by his/her behavior. There is a need to avoid behavior, activities and inappropriate actions, which could lead to an accident. During teaching student should not be under the influence of alcohol and drugs, even outside faculty’s premises. Smoking is prohibited in the ESF building and other school facilities. In the interest of safety and health, the responsibility of the student is following: - To take care when opening doors, windows, while walking inside buildings, especially on the stairways; - To abide the principle of safe conduct in the joint faculty’s premises, classrooms, laboratories, workshops, corridors and stairways, - in gymnasiums and other sport facilities, etc.; - To comply with security regulations, which have been reported by the teacher; - To comply with information security tags; - To report without delay to a teacher, study administrator or reception desk faults and shortcomings, which could endanger safety or health of students, staff or guest of faculty, and according to his/her capabilities to participate in the removal of such defects; - To notify teacher immediately of any injury - an accident, which occurred in connection with the fulfillment of school obligations, or in direct connection with that. Any accident has to be recorded in a book of injuries (deposited with the faculty building manager); - To know the principles of providing first aid. Student must not manipulate, switch on and off, or use any machinery and equipment, if they were not assigned to him/her during tuition and was instructed with handling with them. In case of any confusion or doubt, please do not hesitate to ask the teacher again. Hereby I confirm that I have been acquainted with the above instructions, that I understand them, and that I shall observe them.