.jpg Mr, Mrs, As the responsible fro Campus France in Prague, in charge of promoting studies in France for Czech students, I wish to inform you about two possibilities for excellent scientific students: The “prix Joussault Dubien” (applications until the 1^st of May) .png is a scholarship of 10 000 euros awarding a very good student wishing to follow of the three prestigious engineering diplomas of the INP Bordeaux Engineering School. The Idex Saclay Scholarships (applications until 17^th of May) .png for excellent students who wish to enter an international master degree in one of the Grandes Ecoles of the consortium PARIS Saclay, among wich Ecole Centrale de Paris. You’ll find the list of programs and schools available on this website: s-for-incoming-mobility-2015-2016 * students can search a program in English on Campus France’s following webpage: .jpg Thanks in advance for spreading this information for students who may be interested in these programs Sincerely yours, Mgr. Justine Le Garsmeur vedoucí informační kanceláře Campus France v Praze Responsable Campus France République tchèque Štepánská 35 111 21 Praha 1 +420 221 401 050