Statement of an author of a school work Student´s Name and UČO: ___________________________________________________ I acknowledge that the Masaryk University (MU) is entitled in accordance with the law (Article 35 § 3 and 4 of the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Sb.) to use for educational and other internal purposes on a non-commercial basis my thesis or my other school work, which I authored to fulfill my study obligations towards MU (my work). The use of my work for internal purposes includes the use of the original work as well as of its derivatives and might consists also of assigning of my work for additional processing to another student or a member of the MU academic community, or of making it available as a basis for a creation of a derivative thesis or other school work at MU. Any such use of my work will acknowledge my authorship, the original name and source of my work and will be conducted exclusively in order to further develop educational and other interests of MU related to further development and utilization of my work within its academic community. I also acknowledge my duty to inform MU at the latest upon the submission of my work about my intent to further develop or use my work at MU or elsewhere or about any other relevant issues related to my work. Brno, ___________________ ____________________________ Student´s signature