Supporting the Process of Learning Mobile Application User Interfaces References Lucia Tokárová, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic The objective of this research project is to investigate how people learn to use mobile applications, and how can this process be supported in different phases so that they quickly perceive the value of the application, accomplish basic tasks, and gradually learn new features in a natural way. • focus on understanding the activity and attaining momentary goals • frequent, perceptually salient errors with immediate consequences • help of parent or teacher The process of learning • gaining experience • less frequent and serious mistakes • level of concentration is reduced • attaining an acceptable level of performance • performance is not actively controlled • most people do not perceive an urge for further improvements • the same level of performance is maintained for months/years • continuous learning • individuals are not satisfied with acceptable level of performance • deliberate practice: seeking challenges to achieve ever higher level of performance • first contact with application • focus on understanding purpose of the application, accomplishing basic tasks • ad-hoc feature exploration • asking for help (experienced user/forum) • practice and familiarization • short sessions with the application, predictable usage patterns [2] • ad-hoc problem solving • fewer mistakes, faster task completion • performance becomes autonomous, users focus on task instead of UI • most users stop learning new strategies and start actively avoiding frustrating and unfamiliar situations • finding more efficient ways • learning shortcuts • exploration of advanced features • personalization of user interface • systematic approach to problem-solving • with practice, users become quicker but not more efficient • problem-solving strategies differ among user groups [2] • users do not perceive an urge for further improvements, they tend to stick to familiar strategies • as individuals improve their performance, their needs evolve and the user interface should reflect these changes The process of learning mobile applications Gestural UIs are engaging and intuitive for simple tasks but not for advanced operations [4]. Sessions with mobile applications are short [1, 6] and variable in the context of use [6], which affect users’attention. Solely visual user interfaces without haptic feedback prevent activation of the muscle memory. Small screens provide space for displaying high-priority functions and reduce discoverability of advanced features [4]. With the recent expansion of the mobile industry, applications for mobile devices are becoming more complex, empowering people to perform more advanced tasks. However, modern mobile user interfaces introduce several challenges, which affect learnability of mobile applications. For example: Objective Methodology & expected results • most users leave mobile applications in the initial phase [3] due to insufficient onboarding strategies Research question: How to continuously support the process of learning mobile application user interfaces? Learning is a long-term process. Individual’s needs are changing over time. To achieve the highest levels of expertise, learners should be engaged in deliberate practice to continuously improve their performance. (via [5]) Thisstudywillconsistofobservationofusers’behaviorintheprocessoflearning mobile UIs. Patterns in users’ behavior will be investigated, in order to create learning profiles of representative user groups. Further profile examination should lead to the design of support mechanisms that will encourage various types of learners in the process of continuous learning of mobile applications. [1] Böhmer, M. et al. 2011. Falling asleep with angry birds, facebook and kindle: a large scale study on mobile application usage. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2011). Sweden, Stockholm, 30 August – 2 September 2011:47–56. [2] Burnett, M.M. et al. 2011. Gender pluralism in problem-solving software. Interacting with Computers, 23(5):450–460. [3] Min, A. 2011. 26% of Mobile Application Users are Fickle — or Loyal. [05 December 2012]. [4] Norman, D. 2010. Natural user interfaces are not natural. interactions, 17(3):6–10. [5] Oulasvirta, A. et al. 2011. What does it mean to be good at using a mobile device? An investigation of three levels of experience and skill. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69(3):155–169. [6] Oulasvirta, A. et al. 2005. Interaction in 4-Second Bursts : The Fragmented Nature of Attentional Resources in Mobile HCI. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005). USA, Oregon, Portland, 2 – 7 April 2005:910–928. The initial phase Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 The expert approach The last phaseThe middle phase The initial phase