läsaris Lab of Software Platforma Architectures and průmyslové Information Systems spolupráce Fl MU Fl MU This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT Editorial This is the first edition of Poster Presentations 2013 from the Faculty of Informatics, at Masaryk University, Brno. The purpose of this booklet is to disseminate work done in this faculty. This booklet and the posters is an output of a poster design course at Fl, supported by the Platform for Industrial Cooperation (CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041). The posters presented on the following pages are the work of a group of students and staff members. The students are enrolled for Masters and Doctoral degrees, and the staff members are involved with industry networks in the IT field. Guidance was given through a series of lectures on poster layout and choosing content, using hundreds of poster examples from academic conferences all over the world. Proper selection of descriptive, scientific titles followed, and students started writing their own abstracts. The authors then made a mock-up by hand on full-sized sheets, to free up their creativity. Abstracts, titles and short CVs were checked and proofread. The students then spent time on the final design and content of their posters. The wide variety of layouts, innovative approaches and high quality of content is a result of the dedication and hard work of the poster authors themselves. A competition was staged to evaluate the posters and reward the authors of the two best posters in terms of layout and content. What you see in this book is an example of what can be achieved by a group of creative young people who are passionate about their fields of work and study. For most of them it is their first attempt at producing an academic poster, and as such is commendable. We believe you will find this book stimulating, and that it will provide food for thought. Feel free to contact the authors if you need more information on their research or the progress of their work! Sincere thanks go to my doctoral student Lucia Tokarova for doing an expert job on the graphic design and layout for this book. Prof M Weideman Visiting Erasmus Mundus Scholar Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, SA weidemanm@cput.ac.za February 2013 Contents Complex Event Processing in Building Management Systems - a Prototype 6 Adam Kučera Design of a system for the analysis of social media content 8 DaliborToth, Jaroslav Ráček Developing the ICT partners network (project at Fl MU) 10 Stanislava Sedláčková Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Model for Cloud Datacenters 12 Daniel Tovarňák, Tomáš Pitner Graphic design of a mobile Ul for primary school administration 14 Lenka Plháková Implementation of the internship model in ICT area (project at Fl MU) 16 Jana Bartáková Indoor User Localization Using Mobile Devices 18 Jonáš Ševčík Semantically Partitioned Peer to Peer Complex Event Processing Exploiting Information Loss 20 Filip Nguyen Supporting the Process of Learning Mobile Application User Interfaces 22 Lucia Tokárová J° Complex Event Processing in Building Management Systems — a Prototype Adam Kučera, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University lasaris inly used in network security, algorithmic stock-trading, fraud Introduction Complex Event Processing (CEP) is set of tools and techniques allowing us to handle events from large systems in realtime. CE detection or business process monitoring for correlating, aggregating and analyzing various events. Modern ("intelligent") buildings are often equipped with BMS - network of interconnected devices that ensures integrated building operation, control and monitoring. Building operators and n nance staff are easily overwhelmed by large amounts of data and events produced by the BMS. In this way BMS are similar to other fields where CEP is successfully used (network monitoring, c card fraud detection, algorithmic stock trading etc.). The goals Aim of this research is to adapt existing CEP framework (M work with data from intelligent buildings and provide building operators with thi understandable outputs that help to optimize building operation and detect vari types of faults that occurs in a building. The CEP framework was extended to be work with specific features of building management data (location, source devic measured/controlled quantity). A prototype of the system was implemented anc in real operation ght)tc r Test environment — BMS at Masaryk University Integrates monitoring and control of University Campus in Brno—Bohunice (first phas construction ended in 2007) and other university buildings in Brno. Uses BACnet as common communication protocol Over 700 native BACnet devices by approximately ID vendors . Integrated systems/technologies: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning), Fii Security system, Access control system, CCTV, Power systems, UPS monitoring, u versity information system (cc >r locks; ľordingtc tables] Selecting, filtering, joining, aggregating data Using ■able n selec s, fil- tering and computations (average, summa, maximum, minimum) over the data from the BMS. The system uses time windows for performing continuous computations of the data characteristics. We can utilize hierarchy of passport databases and use masks tc gather related data into separate groups. Syst em architecture overview System prototype — Data analysis and visualization T-defined queries that transform input data from BMS u: Building and technology passport Passports are spatial databases containing information about facilities and devices that university uses. Each item in the databases is identified with unique code with hierarchic BHA01N01001a MABT001 Building management data semantics from BMS and from passport allows as to add „machine-readable" information about semantics (meaning) of data points (i.e. inputs, outputs, control variables) in BMS. In addition to the information from technology passport we add information about measured quantity (temperature, pressure, humidity, actual current, voltage...) of each data point. BHA12P01005 D of data point n BMS Room D05 in the building 12 a1 university car INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT f Rol Complex Event Processing in Building Management Systems - a Prototype Adam Kucera Modern ("intelligent") buildings are often equipped with a Building Management System (BMS) - a network of interconnected devices which ensures integrated building operation, control and monitoring. The aim of this research is to adapt an existing Complex Event Processing (CEP) framework to process data from intelligent buildings. This will provide building operators with easily understandable outputs that help to optimize building operations and provide early detection of various types of faults. The research problem is that building operators and maintenance staff are easily overwhelmed by large amounts of data and events produced by the BMS. In this way a BMS is similar to other fields where CEP is successfully used - network monitoring, credit card fraud detection and algorithmic stock trading. As methodology, a CEP framework was extended to be able to work with specific features of the building management data (location, source device, measured/ controlled quantity). A prototype of the system was implemented and tested in a real operation environment on the Campus of the Masaryk University. The expected outcome of this research is to develop a complete system for fault detection and operation analysis of a BMS, using methods and tools based on CEP. Adam Kučera is a doctoral student at Fl ML). He defended his Master's thesis on Complex event processing in building management systems in 2012. He now continues his research in the field of the management of building systems infrastructure, fault detection in intelligent buildings and analysis of building management data. He also works at the Facility Management department of the University Campus Bohunice as a programmer since 2008. This gives him an opportunity to apply his results directly in everyday use. He intends on completing his degree in 2016. 7 Design of a system for the analysis of social media content "läsaris Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University & IBACZ Brno, Czech Republic Dalibor Toth ^ Jaroslav Ráček xtoth2@fi.muni.cz Jaroslav.Racek@ibacz.eu Introduction Active users of social media produce large volumes of data on a daily basis. This data could contain oatterns and expression of sentiments which have value to commerce and academics alike. Many algorithms and methods for analysing social media data exist, but there is not any one Dlatform unitingthese tools and services. «component» Social network scanner Direct and indirect Mainly short messagi S «component» Discussions monitor • Chronologically arranged posts vs. threads of • Expressions of opinions, attitudes and reactions that can be viewed by other users. • Indirect conversation with benefit of «component» Source data collector • Adapters for different data sources a A / «component» Blogs monitor )— • Different purposes: personal diary, significant events of life, info about interests, company sites • Interactive (commented) or static sites "Si w «component» Data management and storage • Specialized solutions for management of r amounts of data and running indexing on it • Possibility of initial filtering of data 8 Methodology The solution is a design of a single system with four layers, to integrate all required elements. These layers are the: collection of data from different sources, data management and storage, analytical algorithm usage focused on relevant aspects and visualisation of analytical results and source data. «component» §] Platform for social media analysis Specific configuration for different usage of the system «component» Content analysis other SW -t> -t> «component» if] Relationships analysis "Social" network of «component» 3 Analytical tool General part of any specific analytical tool «component» Presentation of results a different types of graphs i Conclusion «component» E|] Entity identification Identification of multiple identities as the Using behaviour patterns, timing of posts, « com pone nt» Sentiment evaluation Evaluation of t This paper introduces a design of new component based system for social media which can^fceasily configured for use in ; and also commercial environment in al areas of social media analysis. The vas designed on the basis of applied i cooperation with industrial partners analyJs, academ traditior syjřem research of Fl MU nces 1 Referen finition, History, and Scholarship. Ji L. (2008). Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. Foundations and Trends* in al of Computer-Mediated n Retrieval. 2(2), p. 1-135. Design of a system for the analysis of social media content DaliborToth, Jaroslav Racek Active users of social media produce large volumes of data on a daily basis. This data could contain patterns and expression of sentiments which have value to commerce and academics alike. The objective of this research is to design a component based platform for processing social media data. The research problem is that many algorithms and methods exist for analysing social media data, but there is not any one platform uniting these tools and services. The methodology is based on the design of a single system with four layers, to integrate all required elements. These layers are the: collection of data from different sources, data management and storage, analytical algorithm usage focused on relevant aspects and visualisation of analytical results and source data. The final solution will be designed and tuned under laboratory conditions, and tested on accessible social data on the Internet. The expected results include a versatile social media data analysis tool, which can be personalised for use in many ways in both an academic and a business environment. DaliborToth is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University (Fl MU). He is interested in social media analysis, software engineering and architecture, project management and business processes management. He is a member of the LaSArlS group and participates in teaching of several courses at Fl MU (related to his interests). His research is focused mainly in social data analysis, cooperating with industrial partners of Fl MU. 9 Developing the ICT partners network (project at Fl MU) WThe Jacu\ty currently cooperates witfi^ almost 30 companies in area of ICT. ' Cooperation with industry is one of the key instruments to fulfil Fl's vision:to become an outstanding research university with significant accomplishments in this area...'. A sustainable approach to developing partners network has to meet some requirements like: a reasonable financial burden, ] simplicity of implementation of such ^activities and XUeir attractiveness. Platform for Industrial Cooperation Platforma průmyslové spolupráce Project partners: CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041 ■ IBM Česká republika, spol. s r. o. ■ Microsoft s. r. o. ■ Red Hat Czech s. r. o. ■ JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob lasaris ol Software From idea to realisation \t ly ^ _ Workshops Student projects V The Platform project addresses those requirements by ^ promoting four key activities that are interconnected through the two-phased internship model: ■ student projects - team or individual ■ related to curricula or student's interests ■ projects are lead by faculty supervisors and consulted by company experts | ■ workshops - orientation on technology and business -> student projects and workshops together create a first phase of the internship model allowing students to meet experts from companies at the faculty ■ internships at companies - correspond to curricula and student projects ■ with support of the faculty ■ —> internships are a second phase - they offer students opportunities to use their knowledge they have gained by participating in first-phase activities ■ own business - support for start-ups and spin-offs ■ incubation at South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC) with professional support from the faculty Q: What is in it for me? Benefits Fl S C cooperation as a source for new ideas ✓ ✓ ✓ student as an agent to transfer knowledge ✓ distribution of the "resources load" start-ups and spin-offs as a future Fl partner ✓ ■/ v INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic Contact information http://lasaris.fi.muni.cz/pps pps@fi.muni.cz Project lead: Tomáš Pitner Project manager: Stanislava Sedláčková H Fl - Faculty of Informatics, S - student, C - company Developing the ICT partners network (project at Fl MU) Stanislava Sedláčková The Platform for Industrial Cooperation project (PPS) builds on existing cooperation between the faculty and companies in industry. As this cooperation grows, it may become disordered and less effective. The main objective of the project is to advocate a systematic approach focused on four parallel activities, creating the platform that enhances cooperation between the academic and application areas in fields of research, development and education. The four activities - student projects and workshops prepared with experts from companies, internships and the support for start-ups and spin-offs - are interconnected through theso-called two-phased internship model. By participating in these activities, students become familiar with a particular technology on the intermediate level. To enrich their theoretical knowledge with practical experience, students are encouraged to attend internships at selected companies. For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, a programme to gain knowledge and experience in the area of business and innovation in ICT is prepared. This approach offers intensive involvement of all parties in common activities creating, besides other benefits, an environment that brings better"resource load" distribution, knowledge transfer, new ideas and attractive opportunities for growth and improvement. Stanislava Sedláčková is a member of the realisation team of the "Platform for Industrial Cooperation" project at the Faculty of Informatics, MU. Her responsibilities include managing particular project activities and communication with external project partners. She believes that cooperation between faculty and commercial companies improves conditions for professional growth of all participants and may generate notable results in applied research and development. 11 Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Model for Cloud Datacenters /sn " läsaris PPsPL Daniel Tovarňák, Tomáš Pitner Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Botanická 68a, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic When monitoring distributed infrastructure, huge amounts of monitoring data are typically produced by multiple distributed producers spread across many individual computing nodes. There are reports of monitoring data rates up to 1 MB/s per node [1]. In order to determine the state and behavior of a particular resource all the relevant data must be collected, processed and evaluated. We are interested in behavior-related monitoring data (e.g. logs) in particular. Additionally, when monitoring cloud data-centers and all its main layers simultaneously, the monitoring system must also be able to cope with dynamically changing multi-tenant environment [2]. producer PR | The volume, velocity, and variability of monitoring data produced by modern cloud datacenters multiply and the current approaches are insufficient for online processing of behavior-related monitoring data. Aims and Objectives The goal of our research is to design a Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Architecture (DEDMA) following a new monitoring model with focus on novel mechanisms and algorithms in the areas of monitoring data generation, production, distributed collection and processing, as well as multi-tenant monitoring. il L*J [•Tim Znfít TJ v The model is founded on pattern-based publish-subscribe interaction and Complex Event Processing principles [3] with support for multi-tenancy. The monitored entities can belong to any of the main cloud layers. Methodology The solution and its respective components and algorithms will be evaluated experimentally and compared to existing approaches. To be able to achieve this, prototype implementation will be developed. Conclusion and Expected Results References This poster presents the notion of Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Architecture (DEDMA) and its model. When compared to existing approaches we expect improvements in the terms of intrusive n ess, network overhead, and throughput with respect to the number of producers, consumers, volume, velocity, and variability of monitoring data. [1] Cretu-Ciocarlie, G. F., Budiu, M., and Goldszmidt, M. Huntin; for problems with artemis. WASL'08, USENiX Association, 2008 [2] Etzion, O., and Niblett, P. Event Processing in Action, I st ed. Manning Publications Co., Greenwich, CT, USA, 2010. [3] Tovarnäk, D., and Pitner, T. Towards Multi-Tenant and mteroperable Monitoring of Virtual Machines in Cloud. SYNASCI2,2013 ____ Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Model for Cloud Datacenters Daniel Tovarňák, Tomáš Pitner When monitoring distributed infrastructure, data related to the particular resource are typically produced by multiple distributed producers spread across many individual computing nodes. In order to determine the state and behavior of a resource, all the relevant data must be collected, processed and evaluated without overloading the computing resources and flooding the network. The volume, velocity and variability of monitoring data produced by modern cloud datacentres multiply and there is a need for new approaches since current approaches are insufficient for online monitoring data processing. The objective of this research is to propose a real-time monitoring architecture utilizing a novel distributed event-driven model. The methodology will involve experimentation and a comparative study with existing approaches. Expected outcomes include improvements in the terms of intrusiveness, network overhead, and throughput with respect to the number of producers, consumers, volume, velocity, and variability of monitoring data. Daniel Tovarňák is a Ph.D. student at Masaryk University (Fl). His research interests includedistributed infrastructures (e.g. Cloud and Smart Grid) monitoring, and Complex Event Processing. Daniel is also a member of the Lab of Software Architectures and Information Systems and one of the Technology Platform Leaders in Platform for Industrial Cooperation project. He intends on completing his doctoral degree at the end of 2014. 13 Graphics design of a mobile Ul ror primary scnoo - Administration in the classroom anu after class hours takes much time. - Lost class books have to be rewritten - - difficult to retrieve old data. - Copying of data from one form to the next wastes time. -Currently^^cations are available References: Cooper, Allan. 2007. About face 3, Wiley Publishing, Ticlwell, Jenifer. 2005. Designing Interfaces, O'Reilly UIM£l!gBTV|3JBI£0Uiyl, INVESTTCE DO ROZVOJE VZD&jSW*Nl Graphic design of a mobile Ul for primary school administration Lenka Plhakova This project is focused on the Graphical User Interface (GUI) design of an administration system for teachers. A Ul is important for teachers to effectively work with IT systems on mobile devices. Some Web-based systems and applications, which are attempting to help teachers with administration do exist, but these systems are not easy to use. The objective of the project is to produce a mobile (tablet) interface which will enhance the way teachers use IT for administrative purposes.The research problem is that teachers often spend a lot of time on administration instead of teaching or preparing materials for teaching. Data is mostly in paper form and there are problems with lost administrative forms and copying data by hand. As methodology, teachers will be interviewed as potential customers; a new Ul will be designed and finally tested by them. This project will consider one specific educational Ul of Czech computer systems. Expected results include an interactive screen design and accompanying video showing selected goals and scenarios. Lenka Plhakova is a Masters student at Fl MU. She is interested in graphic design and user interfaces. She is currently working in Celebrio software s.r.o. as a graphic designer. Her Master's thesis will be about creating a graphical user interface on mobile devices (especially tablets) for primary school teachers. This work is inspired by the Celebrio system, which is an operating system for seniors (running on computers and tablets). 15 implementation of the internship model in ICT area (project at Fl MU) Best concept? PTZt company re= effect of 1 1 and *e °vera1 maxim.zed , , parties) needs to o ^ d w 1 Managed ^Xons, resources -0°al5't,me!m!» student's 1 Vision is the key Platform for Industrial Cooperation Platforma průmyslové spolupráce Project partners: CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041 ■ IBM Česká republika, spol. s r. o. ■ Microsoft s. r. o. ■ Red Hat Czech s. r. o. ■ JIC, zájmové sdruženi právnických osob lasaris Two-phase model involve Fl (administrative and technical second phase First phase ■ students can work on real projects or theses in application area with support of teachers from Fl ■ students advance knowledge by attending technical workshops, meetings with experts from business and/or standard curricula lectures ■ students have opportunity to meet specialists from companies directly at Fl and become familiar with practical applications of theoretical approaches and modern technologies used by companies • participating in activities of the first phase may help students to determine their own career vision Second phase ■ students go to pre-selected companies where they can use their experience and knowledge gained from first phase of the internship model, and ■ their vision can guide them during the process of setting strategy and goals for their internship -thus they are able to plan and manage it Q: What is in it for me? Benefits Fl S shaping own future ✓ establishing contacts ✓ ✓ praxis related to studies ✓ enrichment of theoretical knowlege by experience ✓ systematic buildig and extending knowledge ✓ ✓ ✓ source of potential employees and employeers ✓ ✓ financial support of PPS ✓ ✓ Bf: INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic Contact information http://lasaris.fi.muni.cz/pps/internship pps@fi.muni.cz Project lead: Tomas Pitner Internship manager: Jana Bartakova Fl - Faculty of Informatics, S - student, C - company Implementation of the internship model in ICT area (project at Fl MU) Jana Bartáková The main focus of this project is to introduce and expand the concept of internships at commercial partners of the project. The project aims to connect theory and practice and improve student's preparation for practice. The internship model is popular and provides maximum benefits for students, but the process of internship should operate effectively at the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University. This model has two phases: 1. During the first phase students can get to know the technologies which are used in specific companies involved in the projects. By working on these projects, students will gain an understanding of the standard of education level. This will increase their chances of success in open competition. To assist in this process, several seminars and workshops are being prepared, where the students can develop an understanding of the specific technologies. 2. In the second phase the student is placed and starts working in the specific company. The student cooperates with the company, and in the process the students make progress with his/her diploma thesis. It is expected that students will learn the relevant skills in the seminars and workshops, and will furthermore experience growth in their careers as they cooperate with the company on the diploma thesis or project. Jana Bartáková is an Internship programme coordinator and Project administrator for the Platform for Industrial Cooperation at the Faculty of Informatics at MU. Jana has been working on this project since July 2011. She participates on a two-phase internship and cooperates with students who want to work at commercial companies. Her primary focus is the co-ordination of activities with Faculty partners to develop the professional growth of students. 17 Indoor User Localization Using Mobile Devices Jonáš Ševčík © Introduction • difficult navigation in complex buildings • even if equipped with signs • no direct visibility to GP5 satellites • GPS tracking not possible Methodology • localization system based on [1,2,3] • consists of three localization techniques • techniques merged together for more accurate results Wi-Fi Localization • Received Signal Strength fingerprinting • used to create a database of APs and their RSS • mapped to location coordinates • receiver's location estimated from SS maps Dead Reckoning • calculating position using previously determined coordinates advanced by known speed and course • position tracking - calculating steps • step length estimated using neural network [2] • course determined by gyrocompass. Sequential Monte Carlo Filtering • particles evenly spread in probable location determined by RSS fingerprint database • particles set to motion by step detection events • eliminated particles, which hypothetical motion leads through impassable obstacles • results in improvement of location estimation. Preliminary Results • implemented prototype Android application • results accurate to 2.3 meters fř References mi A. Chen etal: "An algorithm for fast, model-free tracking L J indoors", SIGMOBILE MCCR, vol. 11 no. 3, 2006 rni S. Cho: "MEMS Based Pedestrian Navigation System", JN, L J vol. 59, pp. 135-153, Royal Institute of Navigation, 2006 rq-i M. Arulampalam et al: "ATutorial on Particle Filters for L J Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking", SP, vol. 50 no. 2,2002 Acknowledgments rs of the Masaryk University Department of Building Pas: maps and consultations. Aha, great thanks ta Michal Holííkand Adam Bert hity for It Indoor User Localization Using Mobile Devices Jonáš Ševčík This research addresses techniques suitable for indoor user localization using mobile devices, without the use of GPS technology. The objective of this research is to design and implement an indoor localization prototype system, with results which are directly usable. The research problem is that GPS signals are weak or absent in closed spaces, and cannot be used reliably to identify locations inside buildings. Several technologies are used as part of the experimental methodology to implement the system.These include wi-fi tracking, step detection, dead reckoning, and Sequential Monte Carlo filtering. These technologies were combined and coded in the Java programming language to form the localization system. At this stage the implementation has been done for the Android platform, and could be expanded as future research to include iOS and possibly other platforms. Preliminary results of the prototype system indicate and accuracy of 2.3 meters. Jonáš Ševčík is currently part of the PhD program at Masaryk University. His research is focused on mobile platforms and he is developing a pedestrian navigation system for these devices. Besides doing research and working hard for the university, he likes traveling to Asia and learning foreign languages. If everything goes smoothly, he hopes to establish his own company, which will earn him enough money for early retirement. 19 Semantically Partitioned Peer to Peer Complex Event Processing = Exploiting Information Loss V §1 Semantically Partitioned Peer to Peer Complex Event Processing Exploiting Information Loss Filip Nguyen Scaling event processing is an inherently complex process. The use of distributed architectures in its implementation is a well-known endeavour, but its limits have been identified overtime. The objective of this study is to provide a distributed solution to this problem. The most important drawback of the scaling process is the centralized approach of the event processing. Current distributed architectures use filtering on producers or horizontal scaling of parallelizable operators. The problem is the fundamental method of matching of related events. If two events are from one event set, the whole set must be considered for the processing. Thus the size of the event set creates a bottleneck. To overcome this limitation, a semantic partitioning process is proposed, which allows a trade-off between information loss and matching power. The information loss is exploited by partitioning the event set into subsets with least probable correlation among events. The resulting architecture is completely peer to peer, thus allowing new processing nodes to join the distributed cluster in order to take on an equal load for processing. This will either improve matching capabilities or allow higher throughput. Filip Nguyen is a JBoss engineer specializing in Java middleware technologies. The main focus of his research is integration technologies and data mining technologies. Filip is an active community member and contributor to several JBoss projects. He is busy with his PhD in applied computer science for the software architecture-oriented laboratory LaSaRIS, and his field is distributed complex event processing. He has published 3 conference papers related to the topic of Java middleware and continues his work toward publishing his on-going results in the area of semantic partitioning for CEP. 21 071] Supporting the Process of Learning Mobile Application User Interfaces Lucia Tokarova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic With the recent expansion of the mobile industry, applications for mobile devices are becoming more complex, empowering people to perform more advanced tasks. However, modern mobile user interfaces introduce several challenges, which affect learnability of mobile applications. For example: ® Small screens provide space for displaying high-priority function: and reduce discoverability of advanced features [4], I Uls are engaging anc ; for simple tasks but no1 meed operations [4]. Sessions with m t [1, 6] a applic of use [6], which affect © Solely visual user interfaces without hapticfeedback prevent activation of the muscle memory. The process of learning Learning is a long-term process. Individual's needs are changing over time.To achieve the highest levels of expertise, learners should be engaged in deliberate practice to continuously improve their performance, (via [5]] ^ The initial phase The expert approach The middle phase The last phase Sd Sd d& ning r mding the activity anc ry goals t, perceptually s; help of parent or teache first contact with application focus on understanding purpose of the application, accomplishing basic tasks ad-hoc feature exploratior asking for help (experienced user/forum! I PROBLEM 1 most users leave mobile applications in the initial phase [3] due to insufficient onboarding strategies gaining experience less frequent and serious mistake level of concentration isreducec attaining an acceptable level of most people do not perceive further improvements the same level of performanc maintained for months/years The process of learning mobile applications short: essions with the application :able usage patterns [2~_ ; problem solving nistakes, faster task complel : PROBLEM 2 : with practice, users become quicke not more efficient problem-solving strategies differ among user groups [2] nstead of Ul ning new Strategie oiding frustrating i : PROBLEM 3 : users do not perceive an urge for further improvements, they tend to stick to familiar strategies not satisfied v ■verhighei Peking challenge: finding more efficient exploration of advanc personalization of use systematic approach 1 id features interface ::::::: problem 4 :::::::::::::::::::: iduals improve their lance, their needs evolve and r interface should reflect these Research question: How to continuously support the process of learning mobile application user interfaces? Objective Methodology & expected results The objective of this research project is to investigate how people learn to use mobile applications, and how can this process be supported in different phases so that they quickly perceive the value of the application, accomplish basic tasks, and gradually learn new features in a natural way. This study will consist of observation of users' behavior in the process of learning mobile Uls. Patterns in users' behavior will be investigated, in order to create learning profiles of representative user groups. Further profile examination should lead to the design of support mechanisms that will encourage various types of learners in the process of continuous learning of mobile applications. !3f=~,.B! ^ U# Supporting the Process of Learning Mobile Application User Interfaces Lucia Tokarova With the recent expansion of the mobile industry, applications for mobile devices are quickly becoming more complex, empowering people to perform more advanced tasks. However, current mobile user interfaces introduce several challenges, such as direct manipulation, gesture control, solely visual feedback, or limited screen size. These factors affect the learnability of mobile applications. The primary objective of this research project is to investigate how people learn to use mobile applications and how this process can be supported. This needs to be done so that people can perceive the value of the application, accomplish basic tasks and gradually learn new features in a natural way. A pilot study will consist of observation of users' behavior in the context of skill acquisition within mobile user interfaces. Patterns in users' behavior and links between behavior and background information obtained by questionnaire will be investigated. It is anticipated that the study will demonstrate the correlation between learning strategies and personal information about users. The results of this study will aid in creating learning profiles of representative user groups. Further examination of these profiles should lead to the design of support mechanisms that will encourage various types of application learners in the process of continuous learning of mobile applications. Lucia Tokarova is a doctoral student at Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics. She is currently enrolled in her second year of the Computer Systems and Technologies program and she intends on completing her degree in 2015. Her research is focused on mobile user experience design, particularly the aspects of continuous learning of mobile application user interfaces. Outside of school, she works as a freelance user interface designer, focused on mobile and web applications. 23