PV243 Team project Machine Reservation Project  system for machine reservation in computer labs  based on JSF 2 + RichFaces 4, CDI, JPA/Hibernate, EJB, Seam 3, JBoss AS 7  deployed on OpenShift, documented via UML, source code hosted on GitHub  features planned for version 2.0:  integration with labs in Red Hat (vs. OpenShift)  improved user & rights management  improved webdesign  Arquillian Project Project Team  Jan Papoušek  created basic functionality of the application  did most of the work on frontend (reservations)  CDI  work on EJBs  Oliver Kišš  frontend development (admin functionality) Team  Radim Hatlapatka  most of the development of business layer (EJBs)  JPA  bean validation  logging  Miroslav Cupák  helping with development where needed, bug fixing  OpenShift deployment  documentation, UML DEMO ! Links  sources on GitHub  https://github.com/mcupak/machine-reservation.git  deployment on OpenShift  http://machinereservation-mcupak.rhcloud.com/  more info  https://github.com/mcupak/machine- reservation/blob/master/README.txt