Platforma průmyslové spolupráce CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041 Název Assignment of external thesis (Process manual) Popis a využití • procesní manuál • dokument se zabývá zadáváním a vedením závěrečných prací vedených ve spolupráci s externí firmou Jazyk textu • anglický Autor (autoři) • Jiří Kolář Oficiální stránka projektu: • Dostupnost výukových materiálů a nástrojů online: • Assignment of external thesis Process manual Jiří Kolář Version 2.6 Introduction This document describes the process of assignment, elaboration and evaluation of a thesis topic submitted by an industry partner of Faculty of Informatics. It should provide step-by step guidelines for all the participants through the whole process from the submission of a thesis topic to the completion of the thesis and successful handling of the results back to the industry partner. The aim is to improve the cooperation efficiency and to standardize the process. Process efficiency is measured by metrics and participants provide feedback which helps both the faculty and the industry partner to evaluate how successful the cooperation is. Goals (why to follow the process): To provide standardized mechanism for assignment, elaboration and evaluation of external thesis topics proposed by industry partner To achieve win-win efficient cooperation with measurable results To provide feedback, which will help both sides to evaluate and improve cooperation to be more valuable Objectives (how to achieve goals): Enable the partner to test the cooperation with the student and provide him insight into development process and used technologies Enable partner to leverage results of students work Provide valuable advisory for student Enable student to acquire good insight into partner’s development process and used technologies Assure student's goals are aligned with Proposer's goals Set standardized communication between students and Advisor Set standardized periodic evaluation of the progress Assure all deliverables are properly handled to the Proposer Gather student's feedback about advisor Gather Proposer's feedback about student Roles: Proposer: Proposer is a representative of an industry partner interested in submission of a thesis topic. In certain situations one person can represent both Proposer and Advisor roles. Responsibilities: Submit a topic of diploma thesis Define time schedule of thesis, goals and expected results Interview student if necessary Agree with Supervisor/Advisor on student selection Assign Advisor for each topic Supervisor: Supervisor is usually a member of the faculty, an individual who is allowed to officially supervise Student's thesis. Responsibilities: Approve topic proposed by Proposer Publish topic to university IS Interview and preselect Student Provide advisory to Student in formal aspects of thesis Supervise cooperation of the Student and the Advisor Approve Proposers request of Advisor change Submit his part of evaluation Handle any exceptional situations eventually terminate the process if something goes wrong Monitor Student’s work and help them to comply with the faculty requirements (both formal and technical) on final theses Make sure that copyrights (or intellectual properties) are handled correctly – from both the faculty and Proposal points of view. Advisor: An individual chosen by Proposer supposed to help Student with technical aspects of the thesis. In certain situations one person can represent both Proposer and Advisor roles. Responsibilities: Advise Student concerning technical aspects of thesis Make sure Student's goals are aligned with Proposer's goals Monitor Student's progress and keep Supervisor informed about it. Make sure deliverables meet requirements Submit feedback about Student Confirm that requested deliverables were delivered in requested quality Submit his part of thesis evaluation together with cooperation assessment Terminate process if something goes wrong Student: Student of university, interested in the submitted topic Responsibilities: Choose a topic Pass an interview with Supervisor/Proposer/Advisor Consult desired goals and progress with Advisor Regularly report to Supervisor and Advisor Elaborate thesis according to Proposers and formal requirements Hand in finished thesis text to faculty administrative and requested deliverables to Proposer Write feedback about Advisor Process efficiency metrics (KPI's) Success rating - how the Student achieved goals set by Proposer (filled by Advisor) Deadline precession – how the Student met deadlines (filled by Advisor) Advisor rating - how helpful Advisor was (filled by Student) Communication rating - efficiency of Student's communication between Student and Advisor (filled by Advisor, Student) Knowledge gains – knowledge acquired by Student during thesis elaboration (filled by Student) Rating: 0 -15 pts F: failed completely D/E: lowest acceptable - very poor C: average A/B: excellent – as expected A+: overstep expectations significantly The process itself The process consists of three basic sub-processes. There can be a termination inside each sub-process that terminates the whole process. Creation and assignment sub-process table: Process name Creation and assignment sub-process Description Sub process is initiated by Proposer. Proposer posts topic proposal to particular Supervisor. If suggested, potential Advisor is assigned at this time. Proposal is refined by Supervisor and submitted to IS MUNI as topic specification. When a Student applies for the topic, both Supervisor and Proposer or/and Advisor interview Student to find out whether student's skills and interests match the topic specification. If necessary, some changes are made in topic specification. In case both of them are satisfied, Student is accepted and Proposer must assign Advisor if one is not assigned yet. In case Student is rejected, topic can be either canceled or offered to other students. Inputs: Topic proposal Outputs: Topic specification Data objects: Topic proposal consists at least of: Goal of the thesis Deliverables Rough time schedule Topic specification has usual structure following faculty regulations. Roles: Student, Supervisor, Proposer, Advisor Creation and assignment sub-process diagram: Elaboration sub-process table: Process name Elaboration sub-process Description Student elaborates thesis in iterations with help of Advisor and Supervisor. Advisor defines Checkpoints & schedule for thesis elaboration, those are approved by Supervisor. Further Student elaborates defined tasks, consults formal aspects of thesis with Supervisor and technical aspects with Advisor. At the end of iteration the Student submits Checkpoint report & deliverables requested for particular checkpoint. Advisor reviews report and deliverables. In case Advisor is not satisfied, he either redefines checkpoints or after agreement of Supervisor terminates cooperation from his side and submits Advisor's thesis assessment, where he explains why Student did not succeed. In such case process can continue further, but without Advisor and his Advisor's thesis assessment is taken in account during thesis defense. In case Advisor is satisfied, he accepts the report. I there are more iteration planned sub-process proceeds to next iteration. The last iteration starts with faculty deadline for topic changes. Latest during final iteration Supervisor submits Official topic specification. In case Advisor accept report from the final checkpoint, all thesis deliverables (complete text + all developed artifacts) are evaluated by both Advisor and Supervisor who approve submission of completed thesis. If they approve, sub-process end, if not Advisor consider topic refinement same as above. Inputs: Topic Specifications Outputs: Checkpoints and schedule, Official topic specification, Advisor's thesis assessment, Checkpoint reports & deliverables Data objects: Topic Specifications and Official topic specification have usual structure following faculty regulations. Checkpoints & schedule describes: All checkpoints and their time schedule Tasks to be accomplished within each checkpoint How tasks will be accomplished Deliverables of each checkpoint Deadline for checkpoint Checkpoint report & deliverables contains: Reports on how the tasks within a checkpoint were fulfilled and where the problems were Student's intention for next checkpoint, if any Deliverables requested within the checkpoint Advisor's thesis assessment consists at least of: Evaluation of cooperation with student Evaluation of deliverables quality and usability Reason why cooperation was terminated in this phase of process. Roles: Student, Supervisor, Advisor Elaboration sub-process diagram: Hand in and evaluation sub-process table: Process name Hand in and evaluation sub-process Description Student's Completed thesis is submitted to IS MUNI and delivered to Advisor. Advisor evaluates delivered artifacts and submits Advisor's thesis assessment. The thesis is further evaluated by Supervisor who evaluates the thesis text and some of the deliverables, but takes in account Advisor's thesis assessment and submits his part of evaluation Supervisor's thesis assessment to IS MUNI. At the same time Student writes Student's feedback about cooperation with Advisor and Advisor writes Advisor's feedback about Student. After that thesis is being presented and student receives a grade according to usual faculty process. Inputs: Completed thesis Outputs: Advisor's thesis assessment, Supervisor's thesis assessment, Advisor's feedback , Student's feedback Data objects: Completed thesis consists of: thesis text meeting formal requirements for diploma thesis deliverables requested by Proposer defined in Thesis specifications document comments from Student describing gaps/problems of solution , if necessary Supervisor's thesis assessment has the usual form following faculty regulations. Advisor's thesis assessment consists of at least Evaluation of cooperation with student Evaluation of deliverables quality and usability Possibilities of further cooperation with student if there are any Student's feedback should describe: quality of provided help, how helpful was cooperation with Advisor/Supervisor quality of topic specifications and how realistic they were gains of topic elaboration, whether he/she has learned new things Advisor rating, Communication rating, Knowledge gains Advisor's feedback should describe: quality of cooperation with Student, how he was meeting deadlines and fulfilling goals quality of deliverables Success rating, Communication rating, Involvement rating Roles: Student, Supervisor, Advisor Hand in and evaluation sub-process diagram: Artifact responsibility matrix RACI matrix for all involved roles and artifacts (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) Proposer Supervisor Advisor Student Topic proposal R A C Topic specification A R C Official topic specification I A R C Checkpoints & schedule I A R C Checkpoint report & deliverables I C C A Advisor's thesis assessment A C R Supervisor's thesis assessment A C I Completed thesis - text C C A Completed thesis - artifacts C C A Student's feedback I I I A Advisor's feedback I C A I Detailed legend (