Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University No. 3/2019 Transfers and transfers of students to study programmes accredited for teaching from 1 September 2019 (as amended with effect from 1 April 2019) [DEL: :DEL] Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), I issue the following measure:[DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] Article 1 Basic provisions and definition of terms (1) In accordance with Article II of Act No. 137/2016 Coll., amending Act No. 111/1998 Coll, on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, study in study programmes divided into fields of study (hereinafter referred to as "old programmes") may be carried out until 31 December 2024 at the latest. The Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as "FI MU") will also carry out teaching in newly accredited study programmes (hereinafter referred to as "new programmes") from 1 September 2019. (2) This measure sets out the rules of the procedure by which FI MU will ensure that students of the old programmes continue their studies in the event that these students do not complete their studies within the period of validity of their accreditation. This measure also specifies the rules and conditions for transferring students from the old to the new programmes and specifies the rules for changing the field of study in case of study in the old programmes. Article 2 Organisation of teaching (1) After 1 September 2019, the implementation of the teaching of the old programmes will be organised in such a way that students of the old study programmes will have the opportunity to take all compulsory and compulsory elective courses in the semesters in which it is recommended to take these courses according to the recommended study plans linked to the study that began in the academic year 2018/2019 or in the academic year 2017/2018. (2) Spring 2024 is the last semester in which teaching in the old programmes will take place. This semester is also the last semester in which the State Final Examinations (hereinafter referred to as SFE) of the old programmes will be organised. (3) In the event that a student does not complete his/her studies in the old program in the Spring 2024 semester and does not apply to transfer to the new program by the Spring 2024 semester deadline, his/her studies will be transferred to the successor program as of the start date in the 2024/2025 academic year. A list and mapping of old programmes to new successor programmes is provided in Appendix 2 of this Measure. (4) Teaching in the new programmes starts in the Autumn 2019 semester, but the first semester in which the new programmes will be organised is the Spring 2020 semester (the June 2020 semester). Article 3 Transfer options and related study obligations (1) Students who are studying in a field of study of the old programme may be permitted by the Dean to change their field of study within the old programme, to transfer to another field of study of another old programme, or to transfer to a new programme of study, upon request of the student. (2) In the case of a transfer from an old program to a new program, the student is required to fulfill all study obligations associated with studying in the new program. (3) In the event of a transfer to the old study programme or a change of field of study within the old study programme, the student is obliged to comply with the conditions of study that were in force for students who began their studies in the 2018/2019 academic year. (4) Transfer of a student to another course or programme can only be made in the period between semesters, i.e. after the successful completion of the previous semester and before the start of teaching in the following semester. Article 4 Follow-up courses and course recognition (1) If some courses required in the old study programmes cease to exist or are replaced by other courses (courses with different codes) as part of the implementation of studies in the new study programmes, these successor courses are regarded as equivalent to the original courses for the purposes of fulfilling study obligations (especially repeating unsuccessfully completed courses) according to the MU CPR. The list of successor courses is given in Annex 1 to this measure. (2) When transferring to new study programmes, courses from previous studies may be recognised in accordance with the conditions set out in the MU CPR. Due to changes in the teaching of mathematics and some other subjects, this measure provides, among other things, the following rules for the recognition of courses: a) The successor course may be accepted after completion of at least one original course in accordance with Annex 1 of this measure, b) MB141 can be taken after completing (MB101 or MB201) and at the same time (MB104 or MB204), c) MB142 can be taken after completing MB102 or MB202, d) MB143 can be taken after completing MB103, MB203, or MV011, e) IB110 can be taken after completing (IB102 or IB005) and IB107. Article 5 Final provisions (1) I am entrusting the interpretation of the individual provisions of this measure to the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes. (2) Compliance with this measure is monitored by the Study Department. (3) This measure shall enter into force on the date of its publication. (4) This measure shall enter into force on 1 April 2019. (5) This measure expires on 31 December 2024. Jiri Zlatuska Dean FI Annex 1 Successor subjects Codes of original objects Code of the successor subject MB101, MB201 MB151 MB102, MB202 MB152 MB103, MB203, MV011 MB153 MB104, MB204 MB154 IB102 IB005 PB151 PB150 PB153 PB152 IV113 IA169 Annex 2 Bachelor's degree programmes Original study programme Scope Successor study programme Study plan Informatics Mathematical Informatics Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics Parallel and distributed systems Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics Computer graphics and image processing Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics Computer systems and data processing Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics Computer networks and communications Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics Programmable technical structures Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics Artificial intelligence and natural language processing Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Applied Informatics Applied Informatics Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Applied Informatics Bioinformatics Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Applied Informatics Informatics in public administration Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Applied Informatics Social Informatics Informatics Single-subject study of computer science Informatics and the second branch Informatics and the second branch Informatics in education Minor Continuing Master's Degree Programmes Original study programme Scope Successor study programme Specializations Informatics Information technology security Computer systems, communications and security Information Security Informatics Information systems Management of software systems and services Management of SW systems development Informatics Parallel and distributed systems Theoretical Informatics Formal verification and analysis of programmes Informatics Programmable technical structures Computer systems, communications and security Hardware systems Informatics Computer graphics Visual Informatics Computer graphics and visualisation Informatics Computer networks and communications Computer systems, communications and security Computer networks and communications Informatics Computer systems Computer systems, communications and security Software systems Informatics Theoretical Informatics Theoretical Informatics Algorithms of computational models Informatics Artificial intelligence and natural language processing Artificial intelligence and data processing Natural language processing Applied Informatics Applied Informatics Computer systems, communications and security Software systems Applied Informatics Bioinformatics Artificial intelligence and data processing Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Applied Informatics Service Science, Management, and Engineering Management of software systems and services Service development management Applied Informatics Image processing Visual Informatics Image analysis and processing Computer Science Teaching for Secondary Schools Computer Science Teaching for Secondary Schools Computer Science Teaching for Secondary Schools Computer science teacher and network administrator