Indicative Minimum Criteria of Requirements for Habilitation and Professor Appointment Procedures at FI MU Habilitation or evaluation committee comprehensively assesses the professional and personal profile of the applicant and submitted a clear substantiate proposal to the Faculty´s Scientific Board. The list of items in each assessment areas is not absolute and is used by habilitation and evaluation committee as a basis for determining the appropriate entry qualifications for the corresponding scientific-pedagogical title. The commission, with regard to the practice in field, explains the reasons which led to its decision, especially in case when the candidate does not meet any of these criteria. A slight deficiency in some item may be compensated by excellence in other items. Fulfilment of all criteria does not automatically imply a positive statement of the commission. Habilitation Professor Appointment original results in peer-reviewed international scientific forums1 15 40 - from which with IF or equivalent2 5 15 number of citations and comments (excluding self-citations) 3 40 100 an individual pedagogical experience4 3 years 5 years number of completed PhD students - 2 1 This term refers to publications in international peer-reviewed professional journals included in the global database (DBLP, WOS, SCOPUS, etc.); publications in the proceedings of international conferences with a credible review process included in the global database and also involved in international rankings type CORE; a book published abroad; a chapter in such a book or applied results at international level (in particular foreign patent or software with proven use in other countries). 2 "Equivalent results" mean results that are in the field of Informatics considered as valuable as publications with IF. Those are the top articles in proceedings of top-ranking conferences (especially in the category A or B in international rankings type CORE) and results (including applied) with demonstrably significant impact in the field (with a high number of citations / comments). The assessment of whether it is "equivalent results", it is the responsibility of the habilitation or appointment committee. 3 This is particularly the citations recorded in the global database (WOS, SCOPUS, Google Scholar), but also putting the use of the applied result (especially software) in foreign publication registered in the global database and responses in the mass media or for example provided licenses for patents. Self-citations mean citations of the work by any of co- authors. 4 This is a systematic teaching practice at the university - guidance of lectures, tutorials, seminars, bachelor and diploma theses, but also the supervision of doctoral students (at the habilitation procedure in role of a consultant).