individual study plan – new students How to find it IS MU > Personal Administration > Student > Start of Term > Ph.D. Individual Study Plan and its evaluation (the application is also available from IS MU > Personal Administration > Student > End of Term > Ph.D. Individual Study Plan and its evaluation) How to fill it Overall study plan – click on Edit the overall study plan This is a space for your plan for entire studies lay-out. Describe the focus of your research and its predicted course. Write down where and what, or in co-operation with whom you intend to publish. Specify what conferences or lectures you want to attend, or what stays you are about to take. You can also schedule a plan for registration of courses in particular terms (however, this information will be given in detail in the term content of the ISP). Term content - click on Edit the term content (for a given term) In each section, fill in the details of a given term (what you do when preparing the dissertation, how your work on the publications / articles continues, what forums / conferences / lectures you plan to visit, or what kind of internships you intend to visit). As soon as you register subjects for a given term in the IS Registration section, their list will also be displayed in the ISP agenda under "Studied subjects overview". Approval of ISP Your supervisor has to approve your suggestion of the overall study plan and your suggestions of the term content for each term. The Doctoral Board of the study programme you study in has to approve your suggestion of overall study plan (once it is approved by the supervisor). Changes In case of serious changes in the course of your studies, your overall study plan can be changed. However, such a change requires a new approval of your supervisor and of the Doctoral Board. If any changes to your term content appear, you can explain them at the end of the given term via Student’s feedback, in the part with the Term content – click Edit the feedback on term content (for a given term). Evaluation of ISP Term Content Afterwards, your supervisor evaluates your term performance and agrees with your progress to the next term, or – in case you don’t fulfil the obligations of your ISP – disagrees with continuation of your studies (that would start a process described in the Sect. 30, subsection 7, or 8 of the MU Study and Examination Regulations). At least once a year, the Doctoral Board evaluates your studies, too. The Board should also agree with continuation of your studies. Overall Study Plan Schedule Autumn Spring Student’s suggestion During first two terms Supervisor’s approval During first two terms Doctoral Board’s approval During first two terms Any change to the overall study plan has to be approved by the supervisor and the Doctoral Board again. Term Content Schedule Autumn Spring Student’s suggestion 1. 6. - 20. 9. 1. 1. – 20. 2. Supervisor’s approval 15. 6. - 30. 9. 15. 1. – 29. 2. Student’s feedback 1. 12. - 31. 1. 1. 5. – 31. 8. Supervisor’s evaluation 15. 12. - 15. 2. 15. 5. – 15. 9. Doctoral Board’s evaluation anytime anytime