1 Approval and evaluation of individual study plans for doctoral studies: MU is agenda academic records Information for students Research Office, July 2020 2 Ph.D. Individual Study Plan Overall Study Plan Student’s suggestion Supervisor’s approval Doctoral Board’s approval Student’s suggestion Supervisor’s approval Student’s feedback Supervisor’s evaluation Doctoral Board’s Evaluation Detailed elaboration of the course of study in individual terms During the enrolment to studies (max. in the first year of studies) Once the student confirms his/her suggestion Once the supervisor approves the student´s suggestion Autumn: 1.6. - 20.9. Spring: 1.1 .- 20.2. Autumn: 15.6. - 30.9. Spring: 15.1. - 29.2. Autumn: 1.12. - 31.1. Spring: 1.5. - 31.8. Autumn: 15.12. - 15.2. Spring: 15.5. - 15.9. At least once a year 3 Ph.D. Individual Study Plan and Its Evaluation * This is the same agenda; however, students can access it in the IS MU in two list of agendas: at the beginning and at the end of the term. . At the beginning of studies, fill in the plan for the overall course of studies. Each term, fill in your proposed Term Content for the particular term; the deadlines for doing so are on page 2. Each term, you can enter your feedback to the given term within the specified deadlines on page 2. IS MU  Personal Administration  Student  End of Term  Grades Obtained  Evaluate a Doctoral Student* IS MU  Personal Administration Student  Start of Term  Ph.D. Individual Study Plan and its evaluation 4 Overall Study Plan Term Content In Overall Study Plan, describe the approach to your research and studies in their doctoral degree programme. You propose the plan in cooperation with your supervisor, who then approves of the plan. In addition, the plan must also be approved by the Doctoral Board of the programme. Both your supervisor and the Doctoral Board can comment on your plan. In the event of a major change in your studies, the plan can be further altered. However, such a change requires re-approval by both the supervisor and the board. In Term Content, you are expected to describe in detail what you are planning on pursuing during the given term. The Term Content that you propose for the ISP is approved by the supervisor, and they can also comment on your stated goals. Based on the complete data and your actual performance, your supervisor will evaluate each term of your studies. In addition, the Doctoral Board will review the current progress of your ISP at least once a year. Unsatisfactory progress of the ISP may lead to the withdrawal of the scholarship for full-time students in doctoral degree programmes. Failure to meet the ISP requirements may result in termination of studies. 5 Term Content Feedback Completed ISP and Its Evaluation At the end of the term, you can complete the Term Content feedback for the given semester. This way of communicating with your supervisor and Doctoral Board is usually used if the given term did not live up to your expectations. If you have deviated from the previously agreed-upon term content, state in detail the reasons for not meeting the ISP requirements. In addition, you can also suggest when and how are you planning on addressing the goals currently not met. The completed agenda Ph.D. Individual Study Plan and its evaluation currently contains:  the plan of your entire studies and its approval by your supervisor and the Doctoral Board,  the contents of each of your terms and their approval by your supervisor,  your feedback on each term,  the evaluation of each term by your supervisor,  the evaluation by the Doctoral Board at least once a year. In addition, this agenda also displays also an overview of all courses studied, publication information, and data on completed internships and studies abroad. 6 If You Unsure of How to Proceed  Get in touch with the department in charge of doctoral studies at your faculty.  Contact your supervisor.  Ask the faculty’s IS technician.  Review the Study and Examination Regulations.  Write or call the RMU Research Office, which guarantees doctoral studies at MU: Markéta Burešová, E: buresova@rect.muni.cz, T: 549 49 5365 Doctoral studies methodology, issuing diplomas and graduation, recognition of doctoral studies, etc. Ivana Jašková, E: jaskova@rect.muni.cz, T: 549 49 5541 Development activities within doctoral studies – FRESHERS, Seminar Series, Summer School, etc. Pavlína Škorňová, E: skornova@rect.muni.cz, T: 549 49 8511 Administration, issuing diplomas and graduation