! Studium v zámoří Programy ISEP Freemovers Partnerské univerzity Přihlášky se podávají online a výběrové řízení probíhá na Centru zahraniční spolupráce MU. ISEP Přihláška Online (systém ISOIS) do 15.12. Motivační dopis, doklad o znalosti jazyka, doporučení vyučujícího, výpis známek 1-10 univerzit podle vašich preferencí Vybírat pečlivě podle studijní nabídky Síť univerzit po celém světě – časté pobyty v USA, KANADĚ, AUSTRÁLII Databáze: www.isepstudyabroad.org Finance Podmínky Příspěvek na studenta tady za pokryté ubytování a stravu tam + stipendium 15.000 Kč měsíčně Prezenční student Bc./Mgr., 2.-4. ročník 1 až 2 semestry pobytu Získat min 20 kreditů za semestr Partnerské univerzity Přihláška Online (systém ISOIS) do 15.12. Motivační dopis, doklad o znalosti jazyka, doporučení vyučujícího, výpis známek 1-3 univerzity podle vašich preferencí Vybírat pečlivě podle studijní nabídky Partneři MUNI mimo Evropu Aktuální seznam: www.czs.muni.cz/student-mu/studijni-pobyty/partnerske-univerzity Finance Podmínky Stipendium 20.000 Kč měsíčně Aktivní studium 1 až dva semestry pobytu min 20 kreditů Freemovers Přihláška Online (systém ISOIS) do 15.1. Doklad o přijetí, motivační dopis, doklad o znalosti jazyka Důležitá kompatibilita se studiem zde Není vázán smlouvami - cokoliv si kdekoliv sami domluvíte www.czs.muni.cz/student-mu/studijni-pobyty/freemovers Finance Podmínky Stipendium 8.000 Kč měsíčně Aktivní studium 1 měsíc až celý semestr min 20 kreditů Uznávání předmětů Forma uznání je domluvena předem: • Za volitelné předměty • Za konkrétní předměty FSpS – nutný souhlas vyučujícího Obojí je součástí vašeho studia tady a budete to mít v diplomu. CANADA Faculty: Department of Health Sciences Field of Study: Sport Management How did you decide to go abroad? - I have some friends who studied abroad last year and heard how much fun that they had so I decided to try it out for myself! Why did you choose MUNI? - I chose MUNI because I heard what a fantastic sports program that they have here and also because I wanted to experience the European culture in a country known for that! Tyler Torrieri Population of thecity: 135,000 Main attractions/fun fact: - Located 20 minutes away from Niagara Falls - Fantastic night life Accommodation/dorms/price? - Great dormitories – moderate price St. Catharines Average price for a beer: - $2.00 or 36 crowns Brock University Courses: Accounting, Sport Management, Nursing, Teaching, Economics, Child and Youth Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics, etc. Style of teaching in comparison with MUNI: 5 Classes per semester (each class is worth .5 credits). Class sizes are much bigger, roughly 100 students per class. More independent. Class proportion (only international students/local students/mix): Mix between international and local students. Language of the lessons: Mainly English, some classes specialize in other languages. (ex. Germany/Spanish) How many school days/week: Monday - Friday Sport facilities We have fantastic sport facilities. A full gym on campus. Multiple courts for Basketball/Volleyball/other sports. Brand new turf football pitch. Loads more! Travelling/infrastructure Traveling within the area around Brock University is easy (we are only an hour drive from Toronto). Very cheap as well. If you wanted to travel around the country of Canada, that is when it becomes a bit more expensive. Must donear by Niagara Falls is absolutely stunning and a must see if you visit Canada. Toronto is the hub of Canada so there is a multitude of things to do there! (Ex. Sporting events, museams, bars, etc.) Study abroad experience There are a lot of clubs you can join, we welcome around 500 international students per year from a lot of different countries. The international department plans a lot of fun activities as well! Fun time 3 things to pack WINTER JACKET!!!!! (CANADA GET’S PRETTY COLD IN THE WINTER) A Toque (as well call it) really just a winter hat! A love for snow!! We get a lot of it! United States Jessie Briley University: Nebraska Wesleyan University Study Field: Health & Human Performance ☞ Exercise Science Major Why Go Abroad?: I love to travel & Wesleyan is known for their study abroad programs Why MUNI?: They offered classes that would transfer to my program back home Main attractions: Husker Sporting Events, Henry Doorly Zoo, Vala’s Pumpkin Patch & Others ☞ Memorial Stadium becomes the 3rd largest city in NE during games Dorm & Prices: Centennial Hall $3,100 per semester $2,200 per semester (meal plan) Lincoln, NE Average price for a beer: depends on location 25oz (0.75L) -$2.00 ➢ gas station 12 pack-$8.00-$12.00 ➢ gas station / liquor store 16oz (0.5L) $3.00-$5.00 ➢ restaurant 24oz (0.71L) $4.00-$7.00 ➢ restaurant Population of the city: 275,000 Nebraska Wesleyan University Courses: vary depending on area of focus within the department ➢basic sport classes, Health & human disease classes, nutrition classes, athletic training courses, exercise science courses & others Style of teaching in comparison with MUNI: majority of classes are taught in person and are graded. Class registration is more structured & classes are more “demanding”  every 2-3 weeks is a test with weekly homework Class proportion in HHP: 12-30 students depending on the class, majority are local students, but international students can join the class as well Language of the lessons: English How many school days/week: 5 school days ➢ 3x a week for 50 minutes each ➢ 2x a week for 1h30m each *Varies depending on credit hours of each course* Sport facilities All students get full access to the Wear y Center Includes: 2 gym s, cardio ro o m, w eight roo m , swimm ing po ol, r acquetball gym Travelling/infrastructure Traveling is very easy, best to travel by car. Certain states are more expensive than others. (Recommend traveling to Colorado and Chicago) Must donear by o 2 1 o r o l d e r g o d r i nk i n g o n O St re e t o S p o r t i n g E ve nt s i n O m ah a o r L i nc o l n o H a y m ar k et ( L i nc o l n) o T h e O l d M ar k et ( O m ah a) o D ur h am M us e um o O m a ha Z o o o L a ke M c C o n au g hy ( O g a l l al a) o E a t a t R u nz a & c o f f e e at S c o o te r s Study Abroad Experience Many student organizations on campus including International Student Organization (all clubs are open to all students), intermurals, NWU Theater free for students, NWU Sporting Events are free for students 3 things to pack Adapter Pack clothes for every season, especially warm winter clothes Food that you know you won’t find in the US Chile Benjamín and José Universidad Mayor, campus Estadio Mayor Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities Challenges and getting out of your comfort zone Partner Universities Agreement, English based Lessons, Czech Republic location within Europe photo Universidad Mayor Emphasis in Practical and Sports courses (Teaching is in spanish, spanish courses available) Courses demand more hours, attendance and work than MUNI // most teachers are flexible with exchange students Mix, chilean classmates, 95% local students, 5% exchange 2-3 days with classes during the week Tento obrázek nyní nelze zobrazit. - Population of the city: (2017) 6 257 516 people - San Cristobal hill, Skiing, Vineyard and Historical Centre - Accommodation/dorms/price? (airbnb) €250 - €650 per month Santiago (Stgo) - Average price for a beer: National Beer 0,5lt: $2300clp (€2,95) Imported Beer 0.33lt: $2800clp (€3,59) 7 metro lines (3 in construction) 40 comunes (26 urban, 14 province) Santiago Surface 837km2 Brno Surface 230km2 (comparison below) Tourist Destinations: Desierto de Atacama Tourist Destinations: San Pedro de Atacama Tourist Destinations: Valle del Elqui Tourist Destinations: Observatorios Astronómicos Tourist Destinations: Valparaíso Tourist Destinations: Rapa Nui Tourist Destinations: Santiago Tourist Destinations: Ski Centre (season is from june/october) Tourist Destinations: Ruta del Vino Tourist Destinations: Ruta de los Lagos Tourist Destinations: Chiloé Tourist Destinations: Carretera Austral Tourist Destinations: Torres del Paine Tourist Destinations: Antartica Chilena 3 things to pack Warm and fresh clothes Big hiking backpack Good Camera Benjamin Cañas: benjamin.canas@mayor.cl Jose Vargas: jose.vargasl@mayor.cl Contact and further information - thank you for your time :)