Adobe Systems Muscle hypertrophy: theory, application and periodization Výsledek obrázku pro bodybuilder powerlifter and Adobe Systems Something about me ̶Jan Cacek, PhD ̶my sports career: runner 800 a 1500 m, soccer player, ice hockey player 3 children (17 – 14 – 11 years old) ̶ ̶Vice dean for research and science FSpS MU ̶Chairman of the National Association of Strength and Conditioning Trainers of the Czech Republic ̶Head of division of Track and Field FSpS MU ̶Study program guarantor „Personal and Strength and Conditioning Trainer“ ̶Chief editor of the Journal Studia Sportiva ̶Member of the Methodological Committee of the Czech Athletic Federation and Rowing federation ̶Track and Field and Strength and Conditioning trainer Coach of many elite athletes from different sports disciplines Adobe Systems ̶ ̶total amount and composition of muscle fibers ̶muscular architecture ̶hormonal profile ̶polymorphism ̶neuromuscular factors ̶ Determinants of strength and power Testosterone_functions Výsledek obrázku pro testosterone hypertrophy training •stimulates GH secretion and increases the presence of neurotransmitters on muscle fibers • •helps activate muscle tissue growth • •leads to protein synthesis. Adobe Systems ̶ Muscle architecture Architektura2 Fusiform muscle (biceps) X Penniform muscles (vastus lateralis) Adobe Systems potential for muscle hypertrophy - limited by muscle length Adobe Systems Polymorphism ̶Interleukin 6 (IL-6) gene -174 G / C ̶studies demonstrate a pivotal role in post-exercise hypertrophy processes (Ruiz, 2010) ̶power athletes had a higher incidence of G. ̶Gene for hypoxia-induced factor 1α (HIF1A) - Pro582Ser ̶detection of HIF1A variant - Pro582Ser in Russian power athletes (weightlifters, wrestlers) at regional and national level vs control group ̶Gene for creatine kinase muscle isoform (CKM) - rs8111989 A / G ̶Alea G is associated with power output. Significant incidence was found in power-oriented athletes (Chen, 2017). ̶Angiotensinogen Gene (AGT) - Met235Thr ̶The AG2 polymorphism of the Met235Thr gene can be considered a genetic determinant of strength, as evidenced in several investigations, for example, in jumpers, sprinters, or weightlifters, where more significant Met235Thr was observed (Zarębska et al., 2016). ̶Nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3) -786 T / C ̶T allele is associated with power output (Drozdovska, 2013). Drozdovska (2013) ̶significantly higher T allele frequencies in 53 Spanish elite power athletes (jumpers, sprinters) Adobe Systems 1.Recruiting motor units 2.Rate coding 3.Intramuscular activation 4.Inter-muscle activation 5.Use elastic energy and reflexes 6.Neural inhibition 7.Type of motor units 8.Biomechanical and anthropometric factors 9.Hypertrophy Neuromuscular factors determining muscle strength (FRY a kol.1994) Adobe Systems The relationship of force and velocity shortening Adobe Systems ̶Cooper, 2018 ( nick curson Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Henneman's principle of size Adobe Systems Hypertrophy ̶Definition - increasing the cross-section of muscle fibers ̶Sarcoplasmic and Myofibrillary ̶Zatsiorsky (5 - 60s) ̶ ̶ Uddrag fra bogen "power to the people" ????? •hypertrophic progress over 100 % muscle fibers composed of: myofibrils - 85-90% residue extracellular connective tissue blood vessels mitochondria, glycogen 5-10% 15-20% membrane invagination - serves for propagation of electrical signals Sarkoplasma 0.5-2% (Macdougall et al., 1982) Výsledek obrázku pro sarcoplasmic vs myofibrillar Fares D. Alahmar, 2015 Sarkoplas. hypertrophy? Research shows TBW increase of about 3 l / 12 weeks (beginners) Intracelular = about 1 kg (in sarkoplasma) muscles increase only 4% in 12 weeks But in the body up to 3 liters of fluid outside the extra muscles - where are they? Ribeiro et al. 2014 Changes in body water in Ribeiro et al 2014 Effect of different forms of strength training on Fmax and RDF Hypertrophy or maximum strength 3RM vs 10RM Heavy loads for improving RFD Adobe Systems HYPERTROFICAL TRAINING Adobe Systems Manipulable Variables - Influence on Hypertrophic Processes ̶the weight of resistence - the load ̶ ̶number of repetitions ̶ ̶number of sets ̶ ̶rest time between sets ̶ ̶ exercise velocity ̶ ̶ type of rest ̶ Adobe Systems ̶ (2016) Vanderka (2016) Functional hypertrophy Adobe Systems by calculating the training volume calculating training intensity Intensity vs Effort Background 1 RM Assessment of exercise intensity Adobe Systems Intensity and velocity when exercise to failure Decrease in intensity decrease in repetition rate in series reducing the amount of resistance between sets at the same number of times reducing the number of repetitions between sets with the same resistance U6RnONzBlkKt72xL0O76l8XjlU U6RnONzBlkKt72xL0O76l8XjlU Concentric versus eccentric training Concentric and eccentric strength Do we develop both components? Do we know how to develop this types of strength? Absence of research! Eccentric specific Structural adaptation Eccentric training increases the amount of muscle mass causes an increase in the cross-section of muscle fibers - associated with the growth of the number and cross-section of myofibrils - the role of satellite cells It is not yet known what volume of work, exercise intensity and rest intervals are optimal for hypertrophy Wernbom et al., In. Brady 2012 Baroni, B. M. et al (2014) Adobe Systems Perodization of strength development Planning an annual training plan - basic principles continuity sequence adequacy individualization specificity (Andersen, přednáška) • ZVÝŠENÉ RIZIKO PORANĚNÍ • SNÍŽENÝ VÝKONNOSTNÍ POTENCIÁL Specificity Structure of strength performance Velocity Type of contraction Force vector Muscle group Power peak in relation to range of motion (angle) and speed Stability (groud) Range of motion Metabolic coverage One vs multi-joint exercise Strength is specific Fmax and speed Adobe Systems Type of periodization A Simple Guide to Periodization for Strength Training - Fitness, programming, strength training, progress, periodization, conjugate, linear, block A Simple Guide to Periodization for Strength Training - Fitness, programming, strength training, progress, periodization, conjugate, linear, block Adobe Systems Thank you for your attention