Timetable at FSS MU Study: Energy Security Studies Program: Master Semester: Autumn Year: 2016/2017 Hour Day 1 8.00 - 9.30 2 9.45 - 11.15 3 11.30 - 13.00 4 13.30 - 15.00 5 15.15 - 16.45 6 17.00 - 18.30 7 18.45 - 20.15 Monday ESS417 Energy Commodities II Osička 31 ESS420 US energy policy: development and challenges, Jirušek 35 MEB434 Social network analysis Ocelík, Lehotský 22 Tuesday ESS411 Environmental aspects of energy Černoch 23 ESS403 Exploring Energy Security Kodouskova, Osicka 44 Wednesday MEB433 Introduction to quantitative data analysis Ocelík, Lehotský 41 Thursday ESS404 Energy in the European Union, Černoch 43 Exc 29.09.216 ESS427 International Relations Theory and Energy Security Ocelík 41 Friday MEB436 Energy in International Law Jirušek, Polčák 36 Bloková výuka – přesná data budou zveřejněna později MEB435 Introduction to Economics (Hajko, Sebek) – block schedule – is going to be announced later MEB437 (Zapletalová) – Getting Employed in the Energy Sector – is going to be announced later