Timetable at FSS MU Study: International Relations and European Politics Program: Master Year: 2017/2018 Semestr: Spring Hour Day 1 8.00 - 9.30 2 9.45 - 11.15 3 11.30 - 13.00 4 13.30 - 15.00 5 15.15 - 16.45 6 17.00 - 18.30 7 18.45 - 20.15 Monday IRE204 Politics and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey Bízik P22 IRE106 Global Politics: Current Issues Chovančík, Osička, Urbanovská U42 Tuesday Wednes- day IRE104 Contemporary History of Europe Hloušek M117 IRE207 Contemporary Issues in the European Union Havlík, Sychra U35 IRE105 European Integration Kuchyňková, Havlík U32, 18.4. U42 (soutěž AI Bláhy) Thursday IRE206 National Security and Grand Strategy Walter PC54 IRE205 Humanitarian Intervention Fridrichová P51 IRE208 Afghanistan and Regional Security Dynamics Zrno Sudé týdny U36 Friday