Rituals with the „Other“: Dynamics in Czech Inclusive Classroom Jana Obrovská, Masaryk University in Brno, Department of Sociology Education of Roma in the Czech Republic š2007 - Discrimination of Roma pupils – they were categorized as mentally ill and put into „special“ schools, it remains widespread practice šIncreasing educational gap between Roma and majority pupils šNew experience for some non-segregated public schools - education of Roma pupils together witch majority children Developing Research Problem I. šPrevailing research interest in external factors (family, institutional) in the field of Roma education šMy ambition is to explore the life of inclusive classroom from the inside šEpistemological and theoretical perspectives: symbolic interactionism, cultural production, dramaturgical analysis šProblematic presumptions (?): Situation as reality sui generis, interation order as distinctive sphere of reality, as boundary maintaining system šTheoretical dilemma: how to successfully combine micro-interactionism with the established theories of social and structural reproduction? Developing Research Problem II. šMy main concern is on interaction rituals and the role of ethnicity šNarration of modernity by the classical sociological theories: modernity is intertwined with rationalization and growing dis-enchantment of the world šWhat are the subtle forms of re-enchatment in the school classroom? šSocial situations are ritually organized š What is Interaction Ritual? šGoffman: encounter is structural element of interaction order, it encompasses mutual cognitive and visual concentration, shared definition of the situation, sense of solidarity, ceremonial punctuations, rituals of deference and demeanor šWulf: ritualizations demonstrate positive or negative attitudes to the school, their transitional phases dramatize the differences, set the boundaries which produce different communities šCollins: rituals have double stratifying effects, his model of ritual is comprised by physical proximity, mutual focus, shared mood, group solidarity, emotional energy, moral sentiment, attachement to symbols Research Questions šKey characteristics of the interaction ritual models: PERFOMANCE OF THE DEFERENCE, SENSE OF SOLIDARITY, EMOTIONAL ENERGY, RITUAL PROFANATIONS šHow do the pupils display the respect to school institution? In what ways do they avoid the ritual confirmation of school order? š- Are the minority (Roma) children able to follow the rules of ritual politness? š- How does the school institution influence the ways minority (Roma) children can perform the deference and demanor? šWhat are the teacher’s reactions to ceremonial profanations? šWhat are the pupil’s reactions to ritual rupture in their mutual interactions? How is the interaction order re-established? šWhat are the repetitive moral frames that guide the behaviour of pupils? šIn what ways are the classroom interaction rituals stratified (along the axes of ethnicity, age, reputation and so forth)? šDo some groups of pupils have the flow-like experience and are there groups which are excluded from this kind of experience? š š š Analytical Dimensions of Rituals šVisual, aethetic, gestural, spacial, emotional as well as lingvistic aspects of ritual behaviour šBody language, facial expression, setting of the scene, atmosphere and its changes, conversational footing, ways of performing politness, praise, instructions šGoffman‘s typology: gestural events, spacial events, communication events, lingvistic events šCeremonial profanations: contempt, playful profanation, ritual punishment šFeelings of solidarity, ethusiasm, alienation, embarrassment, Discussion šWhere do the interaction orders come from? Do they fall from heaven? J Are they shaped by cultural structures (values, morality)? šIs it possible to combine the interactionist perspective with the theories of social and cultural reproduction (Bourdieu?)? šHow to unravel the symbols in everyday rituals? šHow to capture emotional energy, effervescence or flow-li experience? More broadly – how to study emotions in educational context?