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Barbados - Americas


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
African Charter (1981)
Am. Declaration (1948) 9-Oct-1967 14-Nov-1967
Am. Convention (1969) 20-Jun-1978 5-Nov-1981

In respect of 4(4) the criminal code of Barbados provides for death by hanging as a penalty for murder and treason. The Government is at present reviewing the whole matter of the death penalty which is only rarely inflicted but wishes to enter a reservation on this point inasmuch as treason in certain circumstances might be regarded as a political offence and falling within the terms of section 4(4).

In respect of 4(5) while the youth or old age of an offender may be matters which the Privy Council, the highest Court of Appeal, might take into account in considering whether the sentence of death should

be carried out, persons of 16 years and over or over 70 years of age may be executed under Barbadian law.

In respect of 8(2)(e) Barbadian law does not provide as a minimum guarantee in criminal proceeding any inalienable right to be assisted by counsel provided by the state. Legal aid is provided for certain scheduled offences such as homicide, and rape.

Arab Charter (2004)
ECHR (1950)
EU Charter [2000 (2009)]


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
ICERD (1966) 8-Oct-1972
ICESCR (1966) 5-Jan-1973

The Government of Barbados states that it reserves the right to postpone-

(a) The application of sub-paragraph (a) (1) of article 7 of the Covenant in so far as it concerns the provision of equal pay to men and women for equal work;

(b) The application of article 10 (2) in so far as it relates to the special protection to be accorded mothers during a reasonable period during and after childbirth; and

(c) The application of article 13 (2) (a) of the Covenant, in so far as it relates to primary education; since, while the Barbados Government fully accepts the principles embodied in the same articles and undertakes to take the necessary steps to apply them in their entirety, the problems of implementation are such that full application of the principles in question cannot be guaranteed at this stage.

ICCPR (1966) 5-Jan-1973 1

The Government of Barbados states that it reserves the right not to apply in full, the guarantee of free legal assistance in accordance with paragraph 3 (d) of Article 14 of the Covenant, since, while accepting the principles contained in the same paragraph, the problems of implementation are such that full application cannot be guaranteed at present.

CEDAW (1979) 24-Jul-1980 16-Oct-1980
CAT (1984)
CRC (1989) 19-Apr-1990 9-Oct-1990
CPRMW (1990)
CRPD (2006) 19-Jul-2007 27-Feb-2013
ICCPED (2006)

* or accession/succession

doc. JUDr. Mgr. Pavel Molek, Ph.D., LL.M. et al. |
KÚPP, Faculty of Law, Masaryk Univesity |
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