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Democratic Republic of the Congo - Africa


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
African Charter (1981) 23-Jul-1987 20-Jul-1987 signed 1; ratified 2
Am. Declaration (1948)
Am. Convention (1969)
Arab Charter (2004)
ECHR (1950)
EU Charter [2000 (2009)]


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
ICERD (1966) 21-Apr-1976
ICESCR (1966) 1-Nov-1976 signed 1
ICCPR (1966) 1-Nov-1976 1

Reservation: The Government of the People's Republic of Congo declares that it does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 11 [...] Article 11 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is quite incompatible with articles 386 et seq . of the Congolese Code of Civil, Commercial, Administrative and Financial Procedure, derived from Act 51/83 of 21 April 1983. Under those provisions, in matters of private law, decisions or orders emanating from conciliation proceedings may be enforced through imprisonment for debt when other means of enforcement have failed, when the amount due exceeds 20,000 CFA francs and when the debtor, between 18 and 60 years of age, makes himself insolvent in bad faith.

CEDAW (1979) 17-Jul-1980 17-Oct-1986
CAT (1984) 18-Mar-1996 1
CRC (1989) 20-Mar-1990 27-Sep-1990 1; 2
CPRMW (1990)
CRPD (2006)
ICCPED (2006)

* or accession/succession

doc. JUDr. Mgr. Pavel Molek, Ph.D., LL.M. et al. |
KÚPP, Faculty of Law, Masaryk Univesity |
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