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Federated states of Micronesia - Asia


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
African Charter (1981)
Am. Declaration (1948)
Am. Convention (1969)
Arab Charter (2004)
ECHR (1950)
EU Charter [2000 (2009)]


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
ICERD (1966)
ICESCR (1966)
ICCPR (1966)
CEDAW (1979) 1-Sep-2004

1. The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia advises that it is not at present in a position to take the measures either required by Article 11 (1) (d) of the Convention to enact comparable worth legislation, or by Article 11 (2) (b) to enact maternity leave with pay or with comparable social benefits throughout the nation;

2. The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, in its capacity as trustee of the heritage of diversity within its States under Article V of its Constitution, reserves the right not to apply the provisions of Articles 2 (f), 5, and 16 to the succession of certain well-established traditional titles, and to marital customs that divide tasks or decision-making in purely voluntary or consensual private conduct; and

3. The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Article 29 (1) of the Convention, and takes the position that any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of the Convention may only be submitted to arbitration or to the International Court of Justice with the agreement of all parties to the dispute.

CAT (1984)
CRC (1989) 5-May-1993 2
CPRMW (1990)
CRPD (2006) 23-Sep-2011
ICCPED (2006)

* or accession/succession

doc. JUDr. Mgr. Pavel Molek, Ph.D., LL.M. et al. |
KÚPP, Faculty of Law, Masaryk Univesity |
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