Treaty | Signed | Ratified* | Protocols | Reservations | Notes |
African Charter (1981) | – | – | – | – | – |
Am. Declaration (1948) | – | – | – | – | – |
Am. Convention (1969) | – | – | – | – | – |
Arab Charter (2004) | – | – | – | – | – |
ECHR (1950) | 4-Nov-1950 | 31-Aug-1954 | 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14 | – | – |
EU Charter [2000 (2009)] | 13-Dec-2007 | 10-Jul-2008 | – | – | – |
Treaty | Signed | Ratified* | Protocols | Reservations | Notes |
ICERD (1966) | 24-Oct-1966 | 10-Dec-1971 | – | – | – |
ICESCR (1966) | 25-Jun-1969 | 11-Dec-1978 | – | The Kingdom of the Netherlands does not accept this provision in the case of the Netherlands Antilles with regard to the latter's central and local government bodies. [The Kingdom of the Netherlands] clarify that although it is not certain whether the reservation [...] is necessary, [it] has preferred the form of a reservation to that of a declaration. In this way the Kingdom of the Netherlands wishes to ensure that the relevant obligation under the Covenant does not apply to the Kingdom as far as the Netherlands Antilles is concerned. |
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ICCPR (1966) | 25-Jun-1969 | 11-Dec-1978 | 1; 2 | Article 10 The Kingdom of the Netherlands subscribes to the principle set out in paragraph 1 of this article, but it takes the view that ideas about the treatment of prisoners are so liable to change that it does not wish to be bound by the obligations set out in paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 (second sentence) of this article. Article 12, paragraph 1 The Kingdom of the Netherlands regards the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles as separate territories of a State for the purpose of this provision. Article 12, paragraphs 2 and 4 The Kingdom of the Netherlands regards the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles as separate countries for the purpose of these provisions. Article 14, paragraph 3 (d) The Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the statutory option of removing a person charged with a criminal offence from the court room in the interests of the proper conduct of the proceedings. Article 14, paragraph 5 The Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the statutory power of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands to have sole jurisdiction to try certain categories of persons charged with serious offences committed in the discharge of a public office. Article 14, paragraph 7 The Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts this provision only insofar as no obligations arise from it further to those set out in article 68 of the Criminal Code of the Netherlands and article 70 of the Criminal Code of the Netherlands Antilles as they now apply. They read: 1. Except in cases where court decisions are eligible for review, no person may be prosecuted again for an offence in respect of which a court in the Netherlands or the Netherlands Antilles has delivered an irrevocable judgement. 2. If the judgement has been delivered by some other court, the same person may not be prosecuted for the same of fence in the case of (I) acquittal or withdrawal of proceeding or (II) conviction followed by complete execution, remission or lapse of the sentence. Article 19, paragraph 2 The Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts the provision with the proviso that it shall not prevent the Kingdom from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises. Article 20, paragraph 1 The Kingdom of the Netherlands does not accept the obligation set out in this provision in the case of the Netherlands. [The Kingdom of the Netherlands] clarify that although the reservations [...] are partly of an interpretational nature, [it] has preferred reservations to interpretational declarations in all cases, since if the latter form were used doubt might arise concerning whether the text of the Covenant allows for the interpretation put upon it. By using the reservation form the Kingdom of the Netherlands wishes to ensure in all cases that the relevant obligations arising out of the Covenant will not apply to the Kingdom, or will apply only in the way indicated. |
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CEDAW (1979) | 17-Jul-1980 | 23-Jul-1991 | 1 | – | – |
CAT (1984) | 4-Feb-1985 | 21-Dec-1988 | 1 | Interpretative declaration with respect to article 1: It is the understanding of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that the term “lawful sanctions” in article 1, paragraph 1, must be understood as referring to those sanctions which are lawful not only under national law but also under international law. |
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CRC (1989) | 26-Jan-1990 | 6-Feb-1995 | 1; 2 | Reservations: Article 26: The Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts the provisions of article 26 of the Convention with the reservation that these provisions shall not imply an independent entitlement of children to social security, including social insurance. Article 37: The Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts the provisions of article 37 (c) of the Convention with the reservation that these provisions shall not prevent the application of adult penal law to children of sixteen years and older, provided that certain criteria laid down by law have been met. Article 40: The Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts the provisions of article 40 of the Convention with the reservation that cases involving minor offences may be tried without the presence of legal assistance and that with respect to such offences the position remains that no provision is made in all cases for a review of the facts or of any measures imposed as a consequence. Declarations: Article 14: It is the understanding of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that article 14 of the Convention is in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 19 December 1966 and that this article shall include the freedom of a child to have or adopt a religion or belief of his or her choice as soon as the child is capable of making such choice in view of his or her age or maturity. Article 22: With regard to article 22 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares: a) that it understands the term "refugee" in paragraph 1 of this article as having the same meaning as in article 1 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951; and b) that it is of the opinion that the obligation imposed under the terms of this article does not prevent - the submission of a request for admission from being made subject to certain conditions, failure to meet such conditions resulting in inadmissibility; - the referral of a request for admission to a third State, in the event that such a State is considered to be primarily responsible for dealing with the request for asylum. Article 38 With regard to article 38 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that it is of the opinion that States would not be allowed to involve children directly or indirectly in hostilities and that the minimum age for the recruitment or incorporation of children in the armed forces should be above fifteen years. In times of armed conflict, provisions shall prevail that are most conducive to guaranteeing the protection of children under international law, as referred to in article 41 of the Convention. |
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CPRMW (1990) | – | – | – | – | – |
CRPD (2006) | 30-Mar-2007 | – | – | – | – |
ICCPED (2006) | 29-Apr-2008 | 23-Mar-2011 | – | – | – |
* or accession/succession
Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor pro inovaci výuky a efektivní učení | CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0041