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Kingdom of Norway - Europe


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
African Charter (1981)
Am. Declaration (1948)
Am. Convention (1969)
Arab Charter (2004)
ECHR (1950) 4-Nov-1950 15-Jan-1952 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 13; 14; 15
EU Charter [2000 (2009)]


Treaty Signed Ratified* Protocols Reservations Notes
ICERD (1966) 21-Nov-1966 6-Aug-1970
ICESCR (1966) 20-Mar-1968 13-Sep-1972

Subject to reservations to article 8, paragraph 1 (d) “to the effect that the current Norwegian practice of referring labour conflicts to the State Wages Board (a permanent tripartite arbitral commission in matters of wages) by Act of Parliament for the particular conflict, shall not be considered incompatible with the right to strike, this right being fully recognised in Norway.”

ICCPR (1966) 20-Mar-1968 13-Sep-1972 1; 2

Subject to reservations to article 10, paragraph 2 (b) and paragraph 3 “with regard to the obligation to keep accused juvenile persons and juvenile offenders segregated from adults” and to article 14, paragraphs 5 and 7 and to article 20, paragraph 1.

CEDAW (1979) 17-Jul-1980 21-May-1981 1
CAT (1984) 4-Feb-1985 9-Jul-1986 1
CRC (1989) 26-Jan-1990 8-Jan-1991 1; 2
CPRMW (1990)
CRPD (2006) 30-Mar-2007 3-Jun-2013
ICCPED (2006) 21-Dec-2007

* or accession/succession

doc. JUDr. Mgr. Pavel Molek, Ph.D., LL.M. et al. |
KÚPP, Faculty of Law, Masaryk Univesity |
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