1 Masaryk University Faculty of Law Instruction No. 3/2023 Operating limits for workplaces 2023 - rules of application (as amended with effect from 23 January 2023) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), I issue this instruction: Article 1 Academic departments 221100 - 222500 and non-academic departments are allocated a binding financial limit for the calendar year 2023 within the funds from contribution A activities of the university No. 1111 to cover specified costs: o materials (except for the acquisition of recorded assets valued at over CZK 3 thousand), o office supplies, o travel - domestic and foreign, o services (telephone, postage, transport, translation, copying, conference fees, etc.), o other costs (e.g. road tax, staff training), o Membership dues (payment for department members' membership in disciplinary organizations or faculty memberships in disciplines relevant to the department), o purchase of specialist books and textbooks for the staff of the Institute, o for remuneration of staff for securing significant tasks or objectives of the department, based on a justified proposal by the head of the department, up to a maximum of 40% of the above limit, including related deductions. Departments cannot draw on the established operating limit for representation costs. Article 2 The limits are set as follows: a) limit for operating costs of the academic department: 22 thousand. CZK 22.00/assessed academic time as of 15 January of the year/workplace b) limit on operating costs of non-academic workplace: 10 thousand. CZK 10 per full-time equivalent as of 15 January of the year/workplace 2 For the purpose of monitoring the drawdown, the Head of Unit has access to the INET system "Budget report for the department" https://inet.muni.cz/app/zakazky/rozpSestavaPrac, in which it can continuously monitor the use of the established limits. The head of the academic department is responsible for compliance. Article 3 On the basis of the MU guideline effective from 1 January 2013 entitled "Financing of the costs of the Language Learning Centre related to the activities at Masaryk University's economic centres", the CJV Department at the Faculty of Arts has been allocated a limit of CZK 90,000. Article 4 Purchases of selected commodities listed below can be made exclusively centrally, namely: a) computer technology - framework contracts (CIT) b) office supplies (EO) c) drugstore goods (EO) d) toners (EO) for specific items see catalogue https://inet.muni.cz/app/dns/predmety) Purchases and procurement of services in these commodities from the limits allocated to individual departments and their subsequent distribution is carried out at the faculty through the faculty's subject-matter department listed above in parentheses. Exceptions to centralised purchases are authorised by the Faculty Secretary. Article 5 The purchase of books and textbooks is made through a request to the PrF library, which provides central purchasing or cash purchase. Each publication purchased must be registered by the library. 3 Article 6 (1) Control of compliance with the established limits is carried out by the Secretary of the Faculty. (2) Instruction No 11/2022 of 1 July 2022 is repealed. In Brno, 20 January 2023 Ing. Blanka Přikrylová PrF secretary Annex 1: Operational financial limits for academic and non-academic departments for 2023 Annex 1. Operational financial limits for academic and non-academic departments for 2023 Academic Departments Locations operating limit 2023 of which for remuneration 221100 Department of Legal Theory 244 200 97 680 221200 Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science 246 400 98 560 221300 Department of History of State and Law 184 800 73 920 221400 Department of Administrative Science and Administrative Law 231 000 92 400 221500 Department of Civil Law 322 500 129 000 221600 Department of Criminal Law 160 600 64 240 221700 Department of International and European Law 253 000 101 200 221800 Department of Commercial Law 209 000 83 600 221900 Department of Financial Law and National Economy 350 000 140 000 222100 Department of Environmental and Land Law 134 200 53 680 222200 Institute of Law and Technology 125 400 50 160 222500 Department of Civil Procedural Law 129 800 38 940 229396 Department of CJV at PrF 90 000 TOTAL 2 680 900 1 023 380 Non-academic workplaces Locations operating limit 2023 of which for remuneration* 229720 Centre for Further Education 37 500 15 000 229740 External Relations and Marketing Department 30 000 12 000 229830 Information Technology Centre 40 000 16 000 229840 Central Library 110 000 44 000 229880 Building Operation and Maintenance Department 65 000 26 000 229911 Secretariat 25 000 10 000 229912 Personnel and Payroll Department 36 250 14 500 229913 Study Department 71 250 28 500 229914 Economic Department 60 000 24 000 229916 Department for External Relations 17 500 7 000 229917 Department for Science Research and Project Support 48 000 19 200 229918 Department for Doctoral Studies 20 000 8 000 TOTAL 560 500 224 200 5 * the amount includes social and health insurance contributions and the compulsory social fund contribution Translated by DeepL machine translation service.