var editors = [ ["Ondřej Zendulka", 167123, "" ], ["Jan Juřica", 14537, ""], ["Leoš Landa", 70449, ""], ["Alena Máchalová", 59956, ""], ["Gabriela Dovrtělová", 416809, ""], ["Hana Kostková", 235124, ""], ["Jana Merhautová", 222905, ""], ["Kristýna Nosková", 342767, ""] ] var i18n = { cs: { casuistry: "Případová studie", part_title: "Část", next_part: "Pokračovat na další část kazuistiky", answer: "Odpověď", answer_show: "Zobrazit odpověď", answer_hide: "Skrýt odpověď", cath: "Kategorie", orig_papers: "Zobrazit původní práce", orig_papers_title: "Původní práce", questions: "Otázky k zamyšlení", keyword_search_title: "Kazuistiky s klíčovým slovem", fulltext_search_title: "Kazuistiky obsahující frázi", send_mail: "Poslat zprávu autorům", mail_subject: "Moje postřehy ke kazuistice" }, en: { casuistry: "Case report", part_title: "Part", next_part: "Continue to the next part", answer: "Answer", answer_show: "Show the answer", answer_hide: "Hide the answer", cath: "Cathegory", orig_papers: "Show original papers", orig_papers_title: "Original papers", questions: "Questions", keyword_search_title: "Case reports containing keyword", fulltext_search_title: "Case reports containing phrase", send_mail: "Send mail to the authors", mail_subject: "My comments to case report" } } if (this["actLang"] == undefined) { var meta = document.querySelector("html[lang]"); 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