Minutes Meeting 6 April 28th 2010 Meeting called by Dale Kalina and Vasco Neves Attendees: Dale Kalina, Vasco Neves, Stuart Hopkinson, Jon Phillips, Shan Keshri, Roshan Photay, Adriano Mendes, Luis Cyrillo, Roye Mauthner Additions: Introduction  Prague Medsoc: Sophie Laverack has proposed the idea of a MIMSA type of organisation in Prague first faculty i.e. she is stealing the MIMSA idea. We as a board are aware that this is happening and only ask to be given due credit for the idea and layout of the future organization.  Dale and Cyrillo have had a meeting with Helena and had the poster approved in full colour  Helena is looking into what form of identification we are required to carry and will let us know.  The faculty offered to make our business cards when having their own ones made Jon would like proposal for orientation week by May 5th i.e. list of places to hold events.  IFMSA- smoke free party will be held 12th or 15th of May, we will be helping We have been offered places on a regional training program on 18th of May for 2 days- Shan, Vasco, Jon and Cyrillo are possibly available. Constitution change  From the general meeting Article 23 to be updated so that the president and vice president are renewable for a single term.  Article 61 – it is believed to be a conflict of interest to have a board member on the election committee. It has been approved for the student reps to instead run the election and be the election committee with an observer from the previous board able to advise.  Also we have decided that a person who is no longer a student at our University is no longer a member of MIMSA and as such should give back card.  The revised constitution needs to be given to Roye to put on the new website. Public Relations  Orientation poster  Send Roye a copy of picture  Handbook- still working with IFMSA, welcome message and rules, points of interest and suggestions  ISC proposal – Lenka interested in June 5th going to English Primary School – Talk to the kids and help them overcome fears of doctors.  Phone project- Vasco is responsible for it MIMSA Cup  2 barbecues have been bough  2 speakers  Canapé – we will ask IFMSA about the possibility  We need to find tables and covers  1st place to receive MIMSA Cup and Medals  2nd place to receive Diploma  Roye to make Diploma and print it at copy centre Education Biology  The issue of biology exam changes in the first year has been sorted, we had a meeting and it was decided that by the majority of the people present in the meeting that it would be in the best interest of the first year students to keep the changes. Therefore, MIMSA will not present anything to the other students.  Education committee is being sought  Applications have come in so far the people are: Joana Duarte, Vegard Nordheim, Sebine Blenn, Sara Hanoodi Elective Courses  Feedback forms are being send out this week  The electives are for the 5th years and the 4th years not for the 3rd years so, we need to email them telling them about the mistake. Book sale  Students have the ability to buy/sell books- they say the price that they want and we will take 10% of the profit from it. Nikos Talk  7 people came and it was successful Moms and Dads  Poster is being made for advertising purposes, MIMSA is to chose the pairings.  People are to be here for the 18th if they volunteer and group leaders the 11th of September 2010  All board members are group leaders Treasurer  Refunding- we must ok any transactions with Jon and give him the receipts or there will be no refunds given out.  Please can the T-shirt competition posters be sorted to advertise  MIMSA music- each week board members to send Roye a Youtube link to post onto the website Food budget has been sorted and things will be bought in good time for the MIMSA Cup IT Later added points Wrap-up