Minutes Meeting 8 November 11th 2010 6:30pm Meeting called by Dale Kalina and Vasco Neves Attendees: Dale Kalina, Vasco Neves, Stuart Hopkinson, Jon Phillips, Bhavin Doshi, Shan Keshri, Roshan Photay, Adriano Mendes, Luis Cyrillo, Roye Mauthner Additions: President  GE Money bank account has been opened successfully.  Elections- President and Vice-President applications are received on Monday as well as applications for Board members- The deadline for applications is 28th November 2010- there will be an email to go through Helena to all of our students informing them of this.  Transition reports with an explanation of all of our workings of mimsa in our respective positions to be completed.  Dale had a meeting with Prof. Taborska, she is very happy with how things in O.W went and even happier at the effect we seem to be having on the students in first year, they are attending all of their lectures and seem to be working very hard. She suggested that there might be a way of having tutors for chemistry and that the university would be willing to pay the students for their services. We believe that this might result in a bad situation whereby people ill prepared to teach would do so for the sake of money. We will proceed with caution.  Prof. Taborska is willing to supply us with venues and supplies for educational seminars in the future and to assist in clinical sessions.  Prague pics- Helena would like some pics for advertisement to Norweigan students. Social  Posters for the Futsal tournament are in campus  A first aid kit will be put together  Pub quiz problems with venue, likely that it will be delayed until next semester.  Cocktail party venues are still being sought out, a raffle for charity has also being proposed Education  Clinical sessions will be split into pre-clinical and clinical sessions this time in order for students to get the maximum benefit out of them.  There will be a more involved survey program happening for each course of the clinical years.  The proposal of having a check list of tasks a student must be able to fulfil by the end of specific years to ensure they are well prepared clinically.  Language program in conjunction with Czech students may occur. This is with the primary purpose of making Czech and English students interact.  The Physiology Dept. has suggested that the lectures will become compulsory. This will be challenged as we feel it is our students right to decide whether or not to go to lectures and will require the dept. to change the credits for the course which has to happen one semester in advance.  There was a proposal made by a 4th year student this week with regards to the fact that Helena (to help students with repeated subjects) bends slightly the rules to give them subjects that they do not fulfil entirely the prerequisites for (for instance having patho-physiology without having anatomy III completed). This student is complaining that a student who had one subject given to him that, he, himself did not receive should have it removed from his list. His gripe is not that he doesn’t have the subject himself, he realises he does not have the prerequisites for the subject and accepts this. His only point and request is that the other students have the subjects removed from their list.  We the mimsa board find this request somewhat distasteful and selfish given the fact that we are not directly in competition with each other. We however, will hold a general meeting if he can get the number of students required as stated in our constitution.