Minutes Meeting 2 September 30st 2010 6:30pm Meeting called by Dale Kalina and Vasco Neves Attendees: Dale Kalina, Vasco Neves, Stuart Hopkinson, Jon Phillips, Bhavin Doshi, Shan Keshri, Roshan Photay, Adriano Mendes, Luis Cyrillo, Roye Mauthner Additions: Introduction Office Hours: Monday – Cyrillo, Stew, Dale Tuesday – Bhav, Vasco Wednesday – Adriano, Shan Thursday – Rosh, Jon Friday – Roye, Bhav, Dale General  Students who reapply to the Uni should pay a fee representative of how many years they have left according to the IS system.  Office will be organised on Monday- From then onwards there will be a punishment of death for messing up the office Elections for student reps is happening from 4-5th of October Education  Education and IT seminar happening on Friday to explain to the students how to use the IS and SUPO and also to outline basically what is expected of each examination.  Anatomy seminars- to help the students with the bones exam, not to teach them but to supplement and to inform how to study anatomyGoing to be held on Wednesdays from 4pm onwards Pat a Mat- Emails are going to be sent out at the weekend stating what should happen The issue of whether to mix the nationalities of not was put to a vote and the vote was won to mix the nationalities 7-4  A form of clinical sessions will be run again next semester and the Uni are being contacted to see about helping us with resources. This will be aimed at 4-6th years  Czech conversational lessons are to be organised in co-ordination with our partner organisations with the 2nd and 3rd years primarily targeted- Social  PES  Halloween party  Pub Quiz  Indoor sports tournament  End of year Cocktail party  Details to be confirmed at a later date MIMSA music- provide Roye with 5 songs each Smoke Free Party  We need to email the students about the day and party  Tickets are 70Kc we have been given tickets to sell- all remaining tickets need to be given back  We need some volunteers to help exchange cigarettes for condoms in the street during Tuesday 4th October Treasurer  Budget to be constructed and presented next week IT  Tech problems with the website that caused both it, and the email accounts to be frozen  We need control of the domain and account otherwise we will not pay George or Iraklis  Legal issues with MIMSA have been authorized and Regner has reinstated the website so that it is working again-