Event Report Name and basic description of event Boat Trip - Orientation Week 2011 Date of event (day, month, year): 18/9/11 Venue: Brno Prehrada (Dam) - Lake Number of participants: 70-80 people Reason for event: Orientation Week Important contacts: www.dpmb.cz; 546 210 045 (the guy only speaks cz) Financial budget: People paid for their own ride. 85kc with a bus pass or 170kc without one. The guy only charged us for 70 people. Evaluation of events: People who came along, said they had a good time. It was a great way to end Orientation Week, just before lessons began the next day. There wasn’t any problem with organising the people and taking them to the lake. Pros: Relaxing boat ride and people had a great time. Cons: We should have included students from the upper years. What to do differently in the future: Maybe get some music on the boat and other forms of entertainment. Also, include students from the older years. Conclusion: Overall, it was a successful event, with good attendance from the freshers. Please have the report handed to the Secretary a maximum of 7 days after the event occurred- Signed Date: