Event Report Name and basic description of event MIMSA Tie Party, last party of the semester-themed MIMSA invites you to its first Tie Party! Pick the best tie and bring the sexyness in you and let’s have a wonderful night with awesome music, great people and cheap drinks in a incredible fancy atmosphere. What a better way to start the examination period with one last party Don’t forget, the sexiest tie wins an ipod shuffle! Entry fee: 50 kc non member (w/ tie 30 kc) 30 kc member (w/ tie 20 kc) Drink prices: Starobrno – 25, -tequila – 35, Date of event (day, month, year): Friday 06.05.2011 Venue: Abajo Number of participants: Approximately 130 people Reason for event: To have one last party for MIMSA members for the semester Important contacts: Radek Klima 604 648 273 DJ: Bruno Rocha, Diogo Forjaz Financial budget: - 210 kc for vodka shots at the door - 500 kc for drinks for the DJs and the social committee + 4800 kc from entry Evaluation of events: The event was well organized and advertised in time, but the attendance and interest was low due to upcoming finals and a party on Saturday that also targeted a large portion of MIMSA members. Due to this the party was almost cancelled. We had an ipod shuffle donated and decided to go on with the party and give it to the person with the most creative tie. The theme was good, almost everyone who came had a tie. Pros: Donated Ipod shuffle to give to the best tie, the tie theme worked well, the event was well organized and there were no conflicts Cons: The attendance was low and also the social committee wasn’t as willing to help this time around and therefore were offered a free beer for compensation. What to do differently in the future: Advertising the ipod shuffle sooner may have helped, try to not have a party on the same weekend as someone else targeting the same group of people (which is hard to know ahead of time). With this event there wasn’t much that could have been done differently because the planning was good but people just did not show an interest. Conclusion: Theme worked well, but need to have more people attend in the future Please have the report handed to the Secretary a maximum of 7 days after the event occurred- Signed Date: