Minutes Meeting 2 December 13^th 2010 6:30pm Meeting called by Jonathan Phillips and Rita Matos Attendees: Jonathan Phillips, Rita Matos, Stuart Hopkinson, Maria Margarida Gil Conde, Bhavin Doshi, Devangna Bhatia, Veronika Sykorova, Adriano Mendes, Luis Cyrillo, Roye Mauthner Additions: President/Vice President · Rita late again · Went to Helena, she is awesome- think that we should all meet the Dean- Jon will introduce us all and let us approach him more and show that we are more prepared- · New facepage for MIMSA really good- · Emailing list- ask her to make it as a database- (by year, group number and Uco and program) · Adriano- sports facility, if we can use them- there is no futsal, there is basketball, volleyball- unknown if they can be rented for MIMSA- · Sports fac facilities will be cheaper- badminton facilities in the hall next to komenskeho nam. · G.M constitution 14 days after we can change the constitution. · Get everybody to sign the new contract so that the uni don’t have to pay tax on the fee if we pay school fees in 2 instalments · Trying to mix with other universities in the Czech rep- joining with them to help our education and social events, talking to taborska- · Help to collaborate to make a group to upload lectures etc. · Music room- initially they said no as we wanted a permanent room- help to develop talents · Subjective teachers- Helena didn’t know that the teachers use the same syllabus every year- · Asking the study dept to have multiple examiners to attend an exam so that they can challenge the examiner- · Adriano please confirm in future with the board before starting to publicize · Where is my class- to show where classes are- (Devangna and Bhavin) General · CC: pres, VP and Secretary in emails · Add our emails to med.muni.cz document for the incoming student along with MIMSA.CZ email and fb page- Public Relations · Charity events for children and animals · Clothing collection · Help ISC first and then see how it works Social · Paintballing · Badminton · Go Karting · Tennis · Dodgeball tournament · Mimsa cup · Themed dinners in which we are the ones that cook and organise everything- (diet) – catering licence · Movie nights · Karaoke · Poker · Snow trip Education · Blocks- quality of teaching- cheating- Improve relations between students and the depts. And it needs to be reported to Helena immediately so that it can improve year on year- it’s a problem with a great deal of departments. · Have a schedule on the signup sheets for blocks to allow it to change for the better- Helena would like to know about past problems with blocks- Generally sorted after the first day of lessons of the blocks- · Clinical session – 10 sessions 2 hours per week- a lot more interactive than before- · Committee – thought about what we want them to do, we need to get the word out via the student reps- Awareness for each subject with problems- going to have the completed syllabi in the MIMSA office – have a person responsible for each subject- each person on the committee is responsible for the specific subject- an email has been written up (draft email) Treasurer · 68000 Kc in the account – · No relationship with the bank- business account- · Approach radio station – for sponsorship · Problems with English language for getting sponsors, Czech language is important. · Non-profitable events- social events should be profitable- cocktail party- · Have more professors come to the event and then have them speak to the students more- · Flight school- an email has been sent- IT · Write biography · Change email password Later added points Wrap-up