Minutes Meeting 5 March 14^th 2011 7pm Meeting called by Jonathan Phillips and Rita Matos Attendees: Jonathan Phillips, Rita Matos, Stuart Hopkinson, Maria Margarida Gil Conde, Bhavin Doshi, Devangna Bhatia, Veronika Sykorova , Adriano Mendes, Luis Cyrillo, Roye Mauthner Additions: President/Vice President * There was a communication problem with regards to the General meeting meaning that the e-mail notification to students did not go out in appropriate time. * We need to increase the awareness of the G.M to the student population * For the team-building we need to make a presentation about first aid- Cyrillo, Bhavin, Jon and Rita have volunteered to create this * There has in the last week been a meeting with the lawyers to finalise the constitution * Due to discrepancies and organisational problems all dates on the MIMSA Calendar will be TBC until further notice * MIMSA/ISC ball, the ISC has sold all of their tickets, MIMSA needs to step up advertisement for this event * Doctors List needs to be updated on the website ASAP * Communication between people has been an issue in the last week, all communication and problems need to go through Jon and Rita in future. General Public Relations * Would like a budget for posters in a semester to avoid having to ask for money countless times * Social · Problems with interference from the President in the running of the Social dept. · Last year were allowed to independently run things and it worked well, at the moment there are too many people doing the same things which makes it difficult to work · We have an issue with the up and coming snow trip due to the changing weather meaning that the snow is melting- Education · Anatomy sessions to be run alongside clinical sessions for the upper year students if interest persists Treasurer · City real estate deal has been done for the logo to be posted on the website for 3 months and 4 days · Looking into a car rental company sponsorship · I-style discount week to be planned along with a prize from them for a specific event when we know about it- IT Later added points Wrap-up