AGENDA Meeting 7 May 5th 2010 6:30pm Meeting called by Dale Kalina and Vasco Neves Attendees: Dale Kalina, Vasco Neves, Stuart Hopkinson, Jon Phillips, Shan Keshri, Roshan Photay, Adriano Mendes, Luis Cyrillo, Roye Mauthner Additions: President  Updates General  Limit emails going out to the students- Some people have put us into Spam as, last week 10 emails went out in a week- IT 1-MIMSA Cup- a success and a failure! 2-I'm waiting for the amended constitution to upload to the website. 3-Query: what about the cell project? (i think it's 1st priority destination on mimsa now...) 4- Stores (discount) project- i talked to copy center 5-IT UPDATE: IT video tutorials project web site progress Public Relations  Majales  Handbook  T-shirt competition Social  MIMSA CUP report  Orientation week  World Cup Games at Baracuda Education  Update about Irakilis Talk  Sending out emails to 3rd year students informing about the mix up with next years elective courses Treasurer  Profit/loss from MIMSA cup  Vodafone  MIMSA products Later added points Wrap-up “O Fim, ‫סוף‬, The end