APPLICATION 2012 MIMSA Board member Full Name(Name and UCO): ______________________________________________ Position/s (Circle the relevant alternative/s): SOCIAL and SPORTS – Social: includes organising parties, trips, events, gatherings. Sports: sports events (MIMSA Cup, futsal etc.), helps with enrolment in sports education. EDUCATION – in charge of seminars, provides any support and advice for other students. TREASURER – manages finances, balances, responsible for incoming/outgoing funds, funds raising and sponsorships. PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR) – publish posters, contact with ISC , IFMSA and other co-operations. SECRETARY – responsible for emails, bureaucratic papers, connection between all board member. Information Technology (IT) – website development and administration, graphics, Facebook, general technical support. As per Title IV of the MIMSA Constitution, applications for MIMSA Board positions will be available until November 20th, 2011, 8 days prior to the election for MIMSA President and Vice President. The election for 2012 President and Vice President will occur on Monday, November 28th from 10:00‐19:00. Please affix any documents that may aid in the selection process (such as a CV, cover letter, and/or future ideas to bring to the position) to this application form. Upon election, MIMSA Board applications will be delivered to the President Elect. Selection process is at the discretion of the President Elect. Any questions with regards to the electoral process can be directed to the Election Committee at mimsa‐ Please note “ELECTION COMMITTEE:” in subject line. _____________________________________ ______________________________________ Applicant Date _____________________________________ ______________________________________ Telephone number E‐mail address Application Received by: _______________________________ _________________________ Name Date