Roye Mauthner (uþo 365444) Name of e-vote/e-survey: MIMSA President and Vice-President Election 2012 The e-vote has been initiated by: Roye Mauthner, uþo 365444, e-mail: Degree of importance: e-vote of medium importance (2 or 3) for 1411 LF Description: Elections for the position of president and Vice-President of MIMSA (Masaryk International Medical Students Association) If from any reason, you are having technical difficulties voting, it is possible to arrive to the MIMSA office and present your issue to the Elections committee during the elections, on Monday 28th November, 18:00-19:00. Dates of beginning and end of the e-vote: 28. 11. 2011 10:00 -- 28. 11. 2011 19:00 Details: Voting is by ballot. The e-vote results are accessible to everyone. Number of alternatives the voter is required to select: minimum number of alternatives to select: 1 maximum number of alternatives to select: 1 The following are allowed to participate: study group: 1411 Foreign students of General medicine (MIMSA) study group: 1411 Foreign Students of Dentistry (MIMSA) study group: 1411 Test (MIMSA) Alternatives: 1. Veronika Sykorova and Barbara C. Raimundo Veronika Sykorova as President Barbara C. Raimundo as Vice-President Number of potential voters and time they were last counted: 426 users, 28. 11. 2011 00:56 Number of users who have cast their votes and participation rate: 71 voters, i.e. 17 % E-vote/e-survey settings last changed: 25. 11. 2011 10:28, Roye Mauthner Voters' votes: Veronika Sykorova and Barbara C. Raimundo Information System of Masaryk University E-vote and E-survey IS MU > Personal Administration E-vote and E-survey;akce=sezmych;volba=10144;vcvys... 1 of 7 11/28/2011 19:10 amctpagifz1. a1531upbb22. bxzhlr6qd53. etypbneki94. gd6eiafdsb5. iemc327i586. ix0kgajug87. i7blatb48q8. joniii092m9. kvqjfq42qo10. ln0qcv8s5j11. n49kmtbyyh12. ozh7oh399113. ptlxfbb1cz14. pu0owcv2y415. ui5ccn9e8916. v7mz27qoy117. wgunt5iw7i18. w7nry1rzqb19. y5jtkso4wq20. 3f7vqj9zd421. 3lv4rxxkti22. 3rxco968oq23. 4pt4k19ftp24. 46ummazh5z25. 47c1njj34q26. 5b6othsdlq27. 6ednoo03l428. 6i97k6i7un29. 7a2jqzuu6630. 704ljlrdcl31. 75gnzhdwcb32. 8pj6enc9k333. 9b13d81r1i34. 9tbkoxnl3u35. Abstained: bhcaej4lbm1. c49dl04fcj2. hbh8qkf0ee3. izpt1v3ilj4. E-vote and E-survey;akce=sezmych;volba=10144;vcvys... 2 of 7 11/28/2011 19:10 jf59159ff05. jldvxdeucw6. jvfb6tote77. kf6bacjqzq8. krs1are8n89. mgqkgzd17310. plpcxd86qx11. pmo9xqoif412. tl9y77eu3513. tqpigamoqj14. uiwgt1mzbb15. vy9thugwx216. wc7ilq53u417. wvyvykbazp18. xf3ob4vhg919. xpo15ivhdj20. zm8x5h0rl621. 0eonuvpw0y22. 1ki8c3jeks23. 1tx3tuxw6a24. 11n8cx5kcm25. 165cyxmnr526. 2k7qsx58d227. 2mjn2lsmfc28. 297jglb75k29. 3m9hfbkgwq30. 4kkdvwcihe31. 4v76hfj9co32. 4167uap5fx33. 6hji9crrt134. 8d1o0ibbuu35. 9lz4b06fgy36. E-vote results: abstained (number of votes: 36)1. Veronika Sykorova and Barbara C. Raimundo (number of votes: 35)2. E-vote of High Importance (1) Volby do studentské komory AS MU e-vote of high importance (1), initiated by: Mgr. BĜetislav Regner, uþo 2941 E-vote and E-survey;akce=sezmych;volba=10144;vcvys... 3 of 7 11/28/2011 19:10