Forms of Communication and Their Division Communication and Self-experience, Dental Medicine and General Medicine, 2nd year, autumn 2009 Basic Division of Communication nVerbal/Non-verbal n nInterpersonal/Group/Mass n nIntentional/Unintentional Non-verbal Communication nFunctions of an organism are communication tools nThe purpose is usually expressing of one‘s emotional condition n Types nGestures (Gestic) nMovements, Postures (kinesics, posturology) nSpatial positioning (proxemics, 4 basic distance zones) nTouches (Haptic) nFacial expressions (mimic) nEye gazes nParalanguage expressions: tone of voice, speed of speech, etc. n n Commmunication Barriers nBodily position as an expression of psychological inhibitions nOften referred to as "Metacommunication" nTypical non-verbal defensive postures nArms folded on chest nCrossed legs, ankles nArms folded on chest with clenched fists nBody turned away, looking away nFinger intertwining nHalf barrier posture (L posture) n n n n Verbal Communication nIntermediated through a language sign and meaning connected to it nDialogue as a communication tool n nGeneral theory of signs (semiotics) nGeneral theory of language(lingvistics) n Forms of Communication from the Point of View of Authenticity nCongruent communication nExpression of authenticity of the participant of communication nCompliance of verbal and non-verbal expression of the participant of communication nIncongruent n communication nExpression of contradiction between verbal and non-verbal performance of the participant, not authentic performance of the participant nIn the form of "double bind „, factor co-determinig negative psychological development of man (Palo Alto school) n Forms of Communication from the Point of View of Result nEfficient nClear, transparent communication n nFrom the point of view of the participants of the communication process the defined goal and needs are fulfilled nInefficient nUnclear, confused communication n n nThe goal of the communication process and the needs of participants are not fulfilled Forms of Communication from the Point of View of Pathology nSymetric/Asymetric nCircular communication nE.g. In families of alcohol addicts nRivalry communication nForm of a power struggle and enforcing one‘s own needs regardless of the others n n n n n n Sources nVybíral Z. Psychologie komunikace. Praha Portál, 2005. nWatzlawick, P, Bavelasová, J.B., Jackson D.D. Pragmatika lidské komunikace. Konfrontace, 1999. nHonzák R. Komunikační pasti v medicíně. Praha, Galén, 1997.