Medical / health / Psychology Applied psychology Psychological knowledge necessary for all physicians in their practice Psychology •Science of human mind, study of behavior and mental processes. •Goals : • to describe behavior and mental processes • to explain them • to predict their characteristics in specific circumstances • •Applied science / tries to help solve a variety of human problems/= experimental ps. •Basic science / research that increases knowledge/ = general ps. •Wilhelm Wundt – the founder of modern ps., late nineteenth century •5 main perspectives – provide valuable insight and are complementary • Behaviorist perspective •Psychology focus on data, that can be objectively measured and observed •Early twentieth century / Pavlov, Watson../ •How learned associations give rise to specific responses / how rewards and punishments control behavior/ • Psychoanalytic perspective •Sigmund Freud •Unconscious drives and feelings stemming from unresolved childhood conflicts, they can be deprived of their power to dominate a person`s life if they are brought into awareness through psychoanalysis • Humanistic perspective •People are free to become whatever they are capable of being •Human potential for self-actualization and fulfillment •Maslow, Rogers Cognitive perspective •Consider how people interpret events and stimuli around them, actions are based on understandings •Cognitions = understandings, thoughts, expectations, perceptions •Learning, memory, concept formulation, problem solving, decision making, language Neurobiological perspective •All human thoughts, feelings, actions are ultimately controlled by the nervous system •Rely on laboratory experiments to investigate basic behavior processes / sensation, perception, memory, learning/ • •Personality psychologists measure and explain individual differences in behavior •Developmental ps. Explore changes in thought and behavior through the life cycle •Social ps. Look at the influence of social situations on human thought and actions •Educational and school ps. are concerned with the processes of formal education •Industrial and organizational ps. Focus on the relationship between people and their work •Clinical psychologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders •Health ps. Focus on psychological factors involved in physical illness and recovery from it •Artificial intelligence, environmental, peace ps Psychology •Can help you answer many questions you have asked about yourself and others •At the same time it can help you be more perceptive in evaluating psychological information you read and hear about