Clinical Findings in Hepatitis: Feature Viral Hepatitis Type A Viral Hepatitis Type B Viral Hepatitis Type C Incubation period 10–50 days (avg, 25–30) 50–180 days (avg, 60–90) 15–160 days (avg, 50) Principal age distribution Children, young adults 15–29 years, babies Adults Seasonal incidence Throughout the year but tends to peak in autumn Throughout the year Throughout the year Route of infection Predominantly fecal-oral Predominantly parenteral Predominantly parenteral Occurrence of virus Blood 2 weeks before to 1 week after jaundice Months to years Months to years Stool 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after jaundice Absent Probably absent Urine Rare Absent Probably absent Saliva, semen Rare (saliva) Frequently present Present (saliva) Clinical and laboratory features Onset Abrupt Insidious Insidious Fever > 38 °C (100.4 °F) Common Less common Less common Duration of aminotransferase elevation 1–3 weeks 1–6+ months 1–6+ months Immunoglobulins (IgM levels) Elevated Normal to slightly elevated Normal to slightly elevated Complications Uncommon, no chronicity Chronicity in 5–10% (95% of neonates) Chronicity in 70– 90% Mortality rate (icteric cases) < 0.5% < 1–2% 0.5–1% HBsAg Absent Present Absent Immunity Homologous Yes Yes Probably no Heterologous No No No Duration Probably lifetime Probably lifetime ? Immune globulin intramuscular (IG, gamma globulin, ISG) Regularly prevents jaundice Prevents jaundice only if immune globulin is of sufficient potency against HBV ? Interpretation HAV, HCV and HDV Serologic Markers in patients with Hepatitis: Assay Results Interpretation Anti-HAV IgM-positive Acute infection with HAV Anti-HAV IgG-positive Past infection with HAV Anti-HCV-positive Current or past infection with HCV Anti-HDV-positive, HBsAg-positive Infection with HDV Anti-HDV-positive, anti-HBc IgM-positive Coinfection with HDV and HBV Anti-HDV-positive, anti-HBc IgM-negative Superinfection of chronic HBV infection with HDV